Categorias: Todos - adhd - strategies - heredity

por Boikanyo Leso 5 anos atrás


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral syndrome predominantly affecting children and adolescents. It is characterized by symptoms such as inattention, impulsivity, restlessness, and difficulty maintaining focus on tasks.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD.

Inclusive Strategies for learners experiencing ADHD

Accommodations, Make earning easier for learners with ADHD.
Encourage hands on learning. Create a learning environment where learners experience things first hand.
Increase active class participation.
Provide visual reminders. Learners with ADHD respond better to visual cues because they mind is stimulated.
Assign learner tasks that on skill level. Learners with ADHD are likely to avoid classwork to to involve them in the lesson rather assign then task such as handing out the books.


Heredity as a cause. Heredity is the most common cause of ADHD. Most of our information about the heritability of ADHD comes from family studies, adoption studies, twin studies and molecular genetic research (Mayo clinic staff 2019).
Brian functioning in ADHD. ADHD is a medical disorder, and it can be caused by a number of factors that affect how the brain develops and functions (Carpenter, Ellision and Williams 2019).

Classroom management to minimise the impact of ADHD.

Reduce potential distraction, Learners with ADHD must be seated near the source of instruction to help reduce the barriers between these learners and the content taught.
Give more supervision to learners with ADHD, while ensuring that all learners in the classroom are attend to.
Estabilsh classroom routines, jut to ensure the ADHD learners stay on track.
Establish rules and routines for ADHD, by developing simple rules that then learners follow on a daily basis just to help them remember, what they need to do when and how to behave.


-EXaggerated emotions.
-Hyperfocus (Deny 2019).
-Poor time management (Deny 2019).
-Lack of focus (Deny 2019).
Impulsivity. These are the learners that have trouble waiting for his or her turn, they blurt out answers and the interrupts others.
- Inattention, Learners with ADHD are easily distracted, they don't easily follow direction or finish the task, easily forget about daily activity, doesn't appear to be listening and makes a careless mistake. These learners can easily be mistaken for disruptive learners in the classroom

What is ADHD

- ADHD occurs mostly in adolescents and children (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica 2019).
-A behavioral syndrome characterized by inattention and destructibility, restlessness,inability to sit still and difficulty concentrating on one thing for any period of time (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica 2019)