Understanding the Setting

Now read the description with the adjectives.

Again get the children to close their eyes imagining what the workshop is like now.

Do the adjectives provide them with a clearer insight to what the setting is like?

How does it sound different?

Is it as effective/interesting?

Do the adjectives link to the setting being a Firework-Maker’s workshop?

Begin by reading the description without the adjectives.

“…Chulak called at the Firework-Maker’s workshop. It lay down a alley full of smells and noises, between the stall and the batik-painter’s. He found Lalchand in the courtyard under the stars, mixing up some paste.”

Get the children to close their eyes imagining what the workshop is like.

Then get them to draw their ideas using coloured pencils.

Have the children drawn similar settings or do they have different opinions? Discuss this as a class.

On page 12 there is a description of the Firework Maker’s workshop.

“…Chulak called at the Firework-Maker’s workshop. It lay down a little winding alley full of crackling smells and pungent noises, between the fried-prawn stall and the batik-painter’s. He found Lalchand in the courtyard under the warm stars, mixing up some red glow-paste.”