The Decline of Feudalism in Europe
Political changes

King Henry II of England insisted that people should have a fair trial by a judge or jury. This eliminated Trial by Ordeal and Trial by combat.

Because of this change less innocent people were wrongly punished. This provided more rights to the common man.
The Magna Carta was a contract the nobles forced King John to sign because he was abusing his power. The Magna Carta took power away from the king and empowered nobles and commoners.
The Magna Carta introduced the idea that the monarch was not above the law. It also introduced the idea of "harbeas corpus" which said that an accused person cannot be jailed without being a charged with a crime.

King Edward decided that England needed to include more people in the government. He created the Model Parliament.

The Model Parliament was a governing body that included commoners in government. This allowed the common people to have a voice in making decisions for the country

The Plague
The disease of Bubonic plague AKA black death was a disease that killed many people of Europe. This was commonly carried by rats and fleas.

1/3 to 1/2 of the population was killed because of the plague. Peasants had more privileges. They got more privileges because many of the peasants were dying and so they can demand for privileges.
The plague was caused because of the bacteria. This disease is believed that it originally came from China and it started making it's way to the Arabian Peninsula and throughout many other countries. Then this disease reached Europe.

One of the reasons for this disease is because of trading. The disease was carried and it came from China and when trading it came or reached Italy and killed 1/3 or 1/2 of the people. Germany came next and killed 1/3 or 1/2 more, and many other countries. Then this reached Europe and this killed and wiped out 1/3 or 1/2 of the population.

This disease killed many people because it had bacteria. The bacteria is spread by the bite of an infected flea. The flea wold get on a human and eventually bite them and they would have the disease.

Then the flea would get on a rat or a rodent and this eventually bit them and it infected the animal. The rats put their mouth in food and got on clothes and this affected the people and made them get the disease.
100 Years War

This war was all started because the king of France died and he did not have another king or a successor to pass this on. So the England king wanted to take over and conquer this land for himself and then France said no and started fighting for who would gain the land.
This war was fought in the French land and this changed the medieval society and the style of the European warfare. It also changed the European warfare because of the weapons the European's had.

The English people were able to defeat the France people at the beginning because the English had archers and they were armed with longbows and crossbows. They flew further, faster, and accurate.
The English longbow arrowed archers to piece medieval armor reducing the impact of mounted cavarly and custom plate armor. The cannon was introduced at the end of the war and this allowed the French to lay sierge to and capture most of the English strongholds.
Joan of arc was a peasant who claimed she heard of voices of saints urging to save France. She lead the French army to victory in battle. A feeling of nationalism emerged in England and France. People saw the king as a national leader and fought for their country not simply their feudal lord.

Her actions inspired many of the French people to feel more strongly about their king and their nation. She got captured by the English and said that she is a witch or a heretic. Heretic does not follow the church. Killed her because they thought she was a witch.