altermatvely referred hoas digit5al storage storage sorage media or storage medium , a storage device is any hardware capable of holding information eiher.
there are two types of torage devies used with computers a primary storage device, such as ram , and a secondary storage devices.
Magnetic storage devices
a) floppy dishette b) hard drive c)nagnetic stip d)superdisk e)zip diskette
optical storage devices
sony first introduced the dvd - video format to japan in noviember 1996 you primary use a dvd rom (digital versatile disc)as a storage device to which you can burn videos and movies
flas memory devices
has stared to replace magnetic media as it becomes cheaper as ir is the more efficientand reliable solution . ibm ,usb flash drive first become a viable on dec 15 , 2000.
online and cloud
a)cloud storage and network mcd b) google drive c)sprideroan one
Many cloud storage services have a free account that usually comes with some limitations, such as the amount of storage they provide or a zise limit on files you can upload.
why store data online?
since the advent of the internet , the technology industry has been steadily moving away from local storage , serbased storage and processing what is known as the cloud.