The Salem Witch Trials

Abigail Williams

Manipulative, vicious.

Practices witchcraft in the woods with Tituba, Mary Warren, Betty Parris, and Mercy Lewis; drinks blood to cast a charm to kill Elizabeth Proctor.

Threatens the girls to not fess up their acts.

Had an affair with John Proctor, that she tries to

Pretends to have been stabbed by a needle,
for which she accuses Elizabeth Proctor.


Tries to communicate with the spirits of the dead children of Ann Putnam, at her request, along with the girls.

Mary Warren

Was with the dancing girls,
but did not dance.

Sews the doll that plays a minor role
in the arrest of Elizabeth Proctor

Betty Parris

Was one of the dancing girls, fell sick right
after scared by her father, who walked in on
them dancing in the forest.

Mercy Lewis

Was another witness of the dancing girls.
Merciless, and beat Ruth to wake her up,
suggested beating Betty.

Ruth Putnam

The one living offspring of seven
other dead ones of Ann Putnam;
currently also sick.

Reverend Parris

Is a minister, and a Harvard graduate. Is underpaid.
Worked hard to gain respect in the village, afraid of losing it,
now that members of his home were involved with witchcraft.

Replaced pewter candlesticks with golden ones,
seems to be money-loving.

John Proctor

Is a farmer. Had an affair with Abigail Williams.
Is rational with his thoughts, and doesn't share
the village's witchhunting traits, and hates that
the courts accept hearsay as prof.

Confesses to having though of Abigail once in
a while, but also seems to be regretting the affair.

Elizabeth Proctor

Calm and composed. Suspects John of still having
an affair with Abigail, yet is very loving.

Reverend Hale

Is a minister, and is an expert in witchcraft.
He makes Tituba, Abigail, and Betty confess,
and also accuse others.

Thomas Putnam

He is a rich person that is vile, and cunning.
He uses the law to mis-convict his enemies.

Ann Putnam

She had seven children that all died on the night of birth,
except for Ruth, who is now also sick. Ruth's sickness
pushes her to ask Tituba to contact her dead childrens' spirits.

Other Characters

Rebecca Nurse

Villagers have a very pure
opinion of her, and yet they convict her,
after she is named.

Giles Corey

He was a farmer, and helps John Proctor.
His wife, Martha, is accused of witchcraft.

Ezekiel Cheever

He was a clerk of the court, and arrests Elizabeth
Proctor. Is a friend of John Proctor, who even
considers talking to Cheever of how Abigail revealed
that the dancing was just for sport, and not actual witchcraft.