Reproduction - Mind Map


Types of Asexual reproduction

Binary Fission

It is called binary fusion because it duplicates your DNA to split in two with the same DNA


The spores are like a powder that the ferns generate to reproduce so that the powder hangs below the fern leaves, so when their time to leave they become many because in reality there were millions of cells in a heap, then they are propelled with the air or if they fall into the water they help each other to reach the ground to plant themselves there


What happens is very simple, the offspring grow on top of the adults so that the adults remain below and the offspring remain above


They are divided into three: the head, the tail and the trunk.
From there other worms will come out that also split between three


What happens is that female organisms produce an egg without their egg being fertilized

How is it ?

What is needed for this is the following is a parental cell, to be able to divide and thus become two

Asexual Reproduction

Identical offspring to his mother

One parental cell

Fertilization and gametes are not included

All the offspring will be totally the same


Sexual Reproduction

Genetically different from their parents

Two parental cells

Fertilization and gametes if included

No offspring is identical to parents

How is it ?

In sexual reproduction, a female egg and a seed that comes from the father is needed so that the offspring are formed in their mother's womb.

Fertilization process in vertebrates


Zygote (fertilized egg)

Zygote Division

Fetal development

Plants sexual reproduction

It is almost the same only that some things change like the sperm because it changes for pollen, but the rest everything happens as in vertebrates

Every individual organism is the offspring of a reproduction

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