Digital Citizenship - Mind Map

Digital Citizenship


Digital Access


Tell an adult

Turn off your computer

Buy a new device

Restart everything

Wait until it gets back on



Tell an adult

Cover everything that has
Information about you

Don't give away your

Make sure you don't type stuff
about you

Be aware of where you take
a selfie


Tell an adult

Only say nice words to people

Stay on something that for
your age

Don't copy peoples work because
they that will start problem

Block the person who is bulling you
and go to a different website

Digital commerce

problem 1

use e-commerce fraud protecion services

Look for fraud protection

Use verification technology

take advantage of email authentication

Ensure software systems are up-to-date

problem 2

Identify the origins of transactions

Don't Give out Personal Information to Just Anyone

Avoid Clicking on the Links You Are Unsure About

Don't Carry Your Social Security Card

Only Carry Credit Cards You Actually Need Daily

problem 3

Protect Your Mailbox

Monitor Your Online Accounts

Create Strong Passwords

Always Back Up Your Data

Digital Health


In 2014 2.3 million US dollars raised for digital health start-ups

1.9 US dollars were raised for companies to use predict

digital Improves Access

digital health is a multi-disciplinary domain involving many stakeholders

Digital health is a mobile health

How does it help us

Digital health helps reduce cost

Digital health helps increase the quality

Digital health helps Make medicine more personalized for patients.

Digital health helps Reduce inefficiencies

Digital Health helps hospitals analyze their patient data

Why is it important

The average American should use digital health to help they’re well being

The average American spends 10-15 hours a day on their phone so if they’re on there phone most of the time it will hurt your eyes that’s why its import

If you look at your phone all the time you get a headache and if you do the same routine every day you would get hurt that’s why it’s important

digital health helps patients monitor and manage chronic conditions

digital health is important because it helps make medicine more tailored to individual needs.


Don't Store Credit Card Numbers

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