Kategorier: Alle - sea - religion

av MARCO FINUCCI 4 år siden


Watching for dolphins

The narrative unfolds in the Aegean Sea, a body of water historically bustling with human activity, which has led to its current state of degradation. The literary piece employs poetic devices like enjambment, creating a sense of turbulence that mirrors the sea'

Watching for dolphins

Watching for dolphins


-”Prepared to land in the city.”
It represents the sadness of the people, as they haven’t seen the dolphins and now they are going again to their ordinary lives in the city .
-”All, unaccustomed, wanted epiphany,”
The passengers in the ferry were waiting epiphany, that is to say the revelation or manifestation of the admirable dolphins among the people.

Poetic devices

Movements in the sea (s). “smiling, snub-nosed” “Sat in a silent school”.
It makes the poem fell violent, which could represent the rough of the sea.
The continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line or a stanza.


Pointedly the word epiphany means a manifestation of the Divine or supernatural.
People on the ferry were waiting epiphany, that is to say the revelation or manifestation of the dolphins
Praying is repeated as prayed, and the cymbal, gong and drum are instruments used in religious ceremonies.
There’s a religious point of view in stanzas four and five.


It takes place in the Aegean sea.
It has always been a busy sea, human activity such as war, commerce and tourism have caused a bad impact on it.

That's why the author describes this sea as abused.


Finally, the passengers felt disappointed of not seeing dolphins and returning to their normal lives.
People had had great expectations on the appearance of the admirable dolphins.
The entire poem goes around the passengers desire to see dolphins.