av Sofia Fernandez 3 år siden
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This mind map comes in handy if you are in the middle of job searching. Gather all the possibilities, then with the help of the mind map choose whichever fits your needs best.
List here the people you have been in contact with, in case you would need to follow up with them later on.
Add your appointments here!
You might get offers at first or you might need to negotiate; either way, list here all of your offers so you can easily compare them and choose.
Otros =
Accidentes Vasculares ↑
Crisis Aplásicas =
Síndrome torácico ↓
Antes 45
Después 41
Crisis Epiléptica =
Infecciones ↑
Crisis Vasooculares ↓
4,1 a 3,3
If you plan to attend any networking events, you should note them down here.
La hidroxiurea se administró en cápsulas de 500mg a dosis de 15mg/kg/día.
Add here the agencies or the recruiters you are working with.
índice de masa corporal (IMC)
de acuerdo a la fórmula; IMC: Peso (Kg)/Talla (cm).
talla/edad (T/E
peso/edad (P/E
peso/talla (P/T)
tratamiento con hidroxiurea
la S/β talasemia (S/βtal) 10 %
combinada con otras alteraciones de la hemoglobina (Hb) como la hemoglobinopatía SC(HSC) 30 %
hemoglobinopatía SS o anemiadrepanocítica (AD) 60 %
Type in here your dream job, or the next best thing you would do for a living.
You can also write down those companies who you would gladly work for.