Mer som dette
Type in the name or subject of your brainstorming
Once you have completed mind map, you can use it to:
Share your mind map with other team members to keep them informed about the following actions to be taken.
Sistema nacional de control
Contraloria general
Entidad pública
como pensiones y jubilaciones
Por medio de juzgados, cortes y tribunales
a través de universidades públicas
Organizar la conducta social
Generar expectativas reales
Dar certidumbre a los ciudadanos
Brindar beneficios colectivos
Conducen al dessarro de los paises y que la vida en sociedad se regule por medio de ellas
Las instituciones son un compuesto de reglas ,restricciones informales, normas de comportamiento y convecciones así mismo la capacidad de hacer cumplir las normas y las pautas de conducta que estructuran, organizan y formalizan las interacciones humanas
Give participants some time to come up with individual ideas. These can often get lost in group discussions.
Type in their ideas.
El estado es un leviatán que el hombre creó para preservar la paz y someterse voluntariamente al control de la naturaleza autodestructiva, las instituciones publicas han evitado guerras civiles, enfrentamientos y problemas mayores en toda la sociedad
Give participants some time to think about the problem. Initial reactions can often change after some incubation time.
Type in their feedback.
Unos de sus logros mas importante de homo sapies es haber edificado un sistema político que administra la coexistencia de los seres humanos a través de las instituciones de orden
Brief the team on:
1. The objective for this session
2. The time constraints
3. The scenario
4. The contingency plan
5. The process that you will be following, and the rules at each stage.
Add a team member for this brainstorming session.
Add a line describing the scenario
Some of your participants may already understand it, and some may not. Both positions are useful.
Explain the special features of the situation that need inventive ideas. Challenge your participants.
Time allowance
How many sessions will there be and how much time do you allow per session?
State a specific objective for your session. Make sure your objective includes follow-through and actions.
Common objectives include: