Kategorier: Alle - plastic - ecosystems - oceans - wildfires

av BLAKE BENOIT 4 måneder siden


forces of nature: physical processes and disasters Blake 2024

Natural and human-induced changes are causing significant environmental and economic impacts worldwide. Texas is experiencing its largest wildfire in history, consuming over a million acres, while wildfires in British Columbia and Alberta are spreading rapidly, creating dense smoke that affects visibility and air quality even in distant provinces.

forces of nature: physical processes and disasters Blake 2024

forces of nature: physical processes and disasters Blake 2024

systems: interaction and indirdependence

floods in kenya

floods in kenya are rising causing cars to get turned over. and people are getting swept up.

firts responders are till looking for people. hoping they are still alive.

flash flood destroyed homes and killed people.

flooding the streats.

can't get food so they have to ration.

can't sleep at night incase there is flooding.

more then 40 people were killed in the last flooding.

spatial organization: spheres of the earth

physical charicteristics of the earth

powerful natural processes formed the earth and continue to change the mound the outer spheres of the earth

Ex. the movement of the water cycle casuses erosion. that changes the moulds the lithosphere.

lithosphere is the sphere of the earth that contains rock. anywhere there is rock is the lithospere.

worlds largest iceberg is on the move

larger then road island. been siting on thr ocean floor for many years.

ice is blue and white with ice air bubbles in it.

souther oceacen takes most of the heat producced by humans.

the water cycle

water evaporates from land and the sea. the dome was growing 6 feet a day.

230 square miles in between 5 and 9 mins. killed evry living thing around it

solar storms

this will look like a more visable northern lights.

the sun will be very active during these times.

peek activity.

sun will be rotating mening it will have the most sun spots/ eruptions.

sun activity can be more active some teara more then others .

they have sun activity recorded back to 1755.

Iceland volcano: Mesmerizing drone video shows bubbling lava swallow road near Blue Lagoon
the 4 spheres

atmosphere (air) biosphere (living things) lithosphere (rocks) hydrosphere (water)

lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere are all non living things

el nino
fkash flood

a flash flood is a flood that comes in very fast. mostly in the desert where it is not very commone for rain. mostly muddy water that leakes into other lakes and rivers.

spatial connections

the earths physical chararcteristics have been created and are changed by physical processes. ex moutines being created by volcanic activity or by techtonic plates crashing into each other

mt. st. helens became a catalyst for change.
physical processes and natural hazards

natural hazazrds are a result of the earths natrual processes and phenomena.

mt. st. helen's

hundreds of millions dollars were lost. and 57 lives were lost.

what if vesuvius erupted today.

would destroy everything around the volcano. this is the one of the most dangrous volacnos to ever exsists.

multipul earthquackes rattle callifornia and hawaii

was largest of series of a magnitude of 2.5 or stronger.

no major damage was resaulted. might have after shocked with in the next week with a magnitude of more then 3.

Main topic

impacts of change

impacts of processes and disasters
texas wildfires

biggest in state history more thans a million acors.

wild fires in b.c and alberta

wild fires spredding in albert rapidly. causing massve groups of smoke. causing it hard to see in alberta. the smoke is spredding to other provinces around. even ontario.

Where 6 Metals Used For Electric Cars Come From
Germany’s hidden leaking nuclear waste dump

nuclear gasses leaking into germanys nuclear waste dump. causing nuclear damege all in the wast.

How deadly heat waves will impact economies and ecosystems

deadly heat waves will impact the ecosystems as we kniw them today.

water systems will dry out csausing extiction on water animals.

this will effect us as we eat animals in the water system and we use fresh water lakes/rivers for drinking water.

flood surge in brazil

big flood in brazil left many things dameged and hurt many people.

this stopped people from getting to work

the worlds coral reefs are facing another mass bleaching event

The world's oceans are experiencing another global mass coral bleaching event because of unprecedented heat, scientists at the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration confirmed. 

2023 was the warmest year ever.

upper ocean heat record- high

antarctic sea ice record- low

why it so hard to stop plastic pollution.

plastic in gadamalla id going to triple in the next 15 years.

only 9% of plastic has ever been recycled.

its starting to rain micro plastics. from all the pollution around the world.

canada wants to put limits and stop with the harmful cemicals.

wild fires
Wildfires prompt evacuation alerts in northern B.C., Alberta

eveauation alert.

all of the fires are human caused. most of the fires are under control.

residants need to be ready to leave at any moument

fire ban in place.

most of these fires are preventibal.

66 fires active in alberta.

the physical evironments: sustainabillity and stewardship

citesins and ngos

Problem with the platic......

the river is polluted with so much plastic.

plastic is starting to reach the caribean sea.

people of the poorer cities dumb their garbag in the river as well.

finding plastic toys.

lots of shoes.

plastics- a short film to end plastic pollution in south east asia
industris and corperations
the plastic industris

4 million plastic tons in the usa in a year alone.

we are commitid to the activitys but not towards the reasault.

new technolagy trying to fix the plastic crisis.

can only reuse plastics so many times before you cant reuse them anymore.

around the world 1 million plastic bottals are purched every miniute

the living planet report 2022
the planet report 2020
aruba embraces the rights of nature

Aruba’s government is moving to enshrine twin environmental rights in its constitution that would recognize that nature has inherent rights and also affirm a human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment, aligning the country’s government with a growing environmental movement that recognizes humans are interdependent with the natural world. 

protest. in ottawa about plastic

finding a lot of plastics in the envornment.

and tryng to find diffrent ways to keep plastics out of our enviornment.

this video also shows all the -lastics in ottawa when waling doen the street