Kategorier: Alle - division - prime - decimals - subtraction

av Madison Cassady 11 måneder siden


Elementary Mathematics By Madison Cassady

The material covers various fundamental concepts in elementary mathematics, focusing on multiplication, addition, subtraction, division, decimals, and prime factorization. It explains multiplication as repeated addition, highlighting properties like identity, zero, commutative, associative, and distributive.

Elementary Mathematics By Madison Cassady

Elementary Mathematics By Madison Cassady

Autos = Self
Bios = Life

An autobiography is the author's retelling of their life. This is written in first person and the author is the main character.

Week 6

Number Theory


Number theory:

types of numbers

divisibility rules


example: 10 is divisible by 5 because 2 x 5 = 10

Divisibility Rules


Sum of the Digits

Last Digits

By 6

Prime Numbers: only two factors ( one and itself)

Week 7

Add both your personal and professional accomplishments.

Homework #5

1) If a number is not divisible by 5, can it be divisible by 10?

No, because it may have a zero at the end.

2) If a number is not divisible by 10, can it be divisible by 5?

Yes, because the number may end in 5.

3) Can two numbers have a GCM?

No, because numbers are infinite.

4) Mary says that her factor tree for 72 begins with 3 and 24 so her prime factors will be different than Tom's because he starts with 8 and 9. What do you say to Mary?

Her method still works because she started with the greatest factor that will just need to be broken down or simplified.

5) The radio station gave away a discount coupon for every 12th and 13th caller. Every 12th caller received a free concert ticket. Which caller was first to get both a coupon and a concert ticket?

LCM: (12,13)

12: 12, 24,36,48,60,72



Answer: 60th caller

Prime Factorization

Prime Factorization

the fingerprint or DNA of every composite number. always the same


25: 1, 5, 25

100: 1, 2, 4, 5, 20, 25, 30, 36

List Method

24: 1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24

36: 1,2,3,4,6,9,12,18,36

Prime Factorization Method

24: 2 x 2 x 2 x3

36: 2 x 2 x 3 x 3

2 x 2 x 3 = 12

Week 8


Add the things you like and make you a happy person!


example: 3 divided by 5 = 3/5



20 students

12 girls

8 boys

example: 12/20 girls to the whole ratio

8/20 boys to a whole ratio

Sets (groups of things)

3/3 = 1 and 4/4 = 1

denominator and numerator are the same meaning its one whole.

Fractional parts are equivalent parts.

Example: 25/100 divided by 5 to both parts = 1/4

Week 9

If there is something that you definitely don't like, add it here!

Homework #7

1) If 1/3 cup of sugar is needed to make two loaves of bread, how many cups of sugar are needed for 3 loaves?

*multiple diagrams divided into 6 equal parts to represent the amount of serving

It will take 2 1/6 of sugar

2) When the LCD is used in adding or subtracting fractions, is the result always a fraction in its simplest form? Explain.

Even though its the LCF, it doesn't mean it's simplified. LCF is still important because you are dealing with smaller numbers and are less likely to make a mistake.

1/2 + 1/6 = 4/6

Homework #6

1) A set of marbles can be divided into equal shares among 2,3,4,5 or 6 children w/ no marbles left over. What is the least number of marbles this set could have?

2: .... (2x30)

3: .... (3x20)

4: .....( 4x15)

5: .....(5x12)

6: .......(6x10)

Answer 60

2) Mary spent 2/3 of her money. She lost 2/3 of the remaining amount then she had $8 left. How much money did she start with?

*diagram split up into 9 equal parts representing the given values

9 x $8 =$72

Addition & Subtraction

1/4 + 2/4 = 3/4

Adding fractions with the same common denominator.

1/2 + 1/6

3/6 + 1/6 = 4/6

Even though its LCF, doesn't mean its simplified.

LCF is important because you are dealing with smaller numbers, less likely to error.

7/6 improper fraction = 1 1/6 which is a mixed number


1/2 of 1/2 is 1/2 x 1/2 which is 1/4

1/2 of 1/4 is 1/2 x 1/4 which is 1/8

The product gets smaller because you are losing a part of a part.


2/3 divided by 4/5

2/3 x 5/4 (the reciprocal)

6 divided by 3

means how many times does 6 go into 3?

Week 10

Add your vision for your future! You can choose to add your short term goal or long term goal!

Problems Solving with Fractions

1) *three diagrams divided into 4 equal parts

3/4 + 3/4 = 1 1/2

2/4 + 6/4 = 8/4 = 2

2) *pie graph divided into 8 equal parts

1/2 of 3/4

3/4 = 6/8 = 3/8

3) *4 stars = 2/7

2 stars = 1/7

14 stars are a whole

Did in-class examples representing math problems of taking part of a whole and taking part of a part.

Went over Exam #2 study guide

Week 11 and 12


$111.11 = the decimal place can be represented with 1/10 and 1/100.

7 dimes is $0.70 and could also be 70%.

We practiced placing decimal numbers from smallest to greatest.


round to the nearest 10's

37 : 40

0.7 : 1

0.37 : 0.40

pi 3.14 is an irrational number.

Week 13

Homework #9

1) Using + for a positive and - for negative.

a) 4 - (-2) =+6

drew a picture representing the chips

b) 9+ (-2) = +7

drew a picture demonstrating a zero-pair

2) Write and solve using equations.

a) -17 + 10 = -7

b) -10 + +8 = -2

c) -4 x +3 =- 12

Homework #8

1) Change the following fractions to terminating or repeating decimals.

7/8 = 0.875

5/3 = 1.66 repeating

2) Express the following fractions as a decimal and a percent.

5/6 = 0.83 =83%

5/9 = 56%


a) 24 is what percent of 180?

24 = n x 180


b) 30% of what number is 21?

0.30 x n = 21

n= 70

Percentage of a Number

a) 8 is what percent of 22?

8= n x 22

n= 8/22

b) 8% of 22 is what number?

0.08 x 22 = n


c) 8% of what number is 22?

0.08 x n = 22

n= 275

We did other practice problems following the same method.

1) A student takes a test w/ 45 questions and gets 37 questions right. What is their percentage on the test?

45 divided by 37 is 82%

We practiced many in-class problems relating to what percentage of a given amount.

Week 5

Add the institutes where you got your degrees.

Subtraction Algorithm

1) American Standard (last step)

2) European/Mexican (R-L)

8 from 16 is the same as 9 from 17.

3) Reverse Indian (L-R)

Starting from the hundreds and decreasing values if you need to borrow.

4) Left to Right

approaching the problem left to right starting with the hundreds place. this requires you to subtract the problems using full values with zero representing what place.

5) Expanded Notation

breaking down the problem by separating it by hundreds, tens, and ones and adding it by grouping the values.

6) Integer Subtraction

allows you to not borrow numbers but instead write the number as a negative if necessary.

Addition Algorithm

1) American Standard (last step)

2) Partial Sums

using lines to correspond the the place value of the ones, tens, and hundreds.

3) Partial Sums w/ Place Value

similar to partial sums except you are writing in zero values.

4) Left to Right

approaching the problem left to right starting with the hundreds place.

5) Expanded Notation

breaking down the problem by separating it by hundreds, tens, and ones and adding it by grouping the values.

6) Lattice

using a structure to demonstrate the ones and tens values.

Week 3 & 4

What and who made you who you are today?


8/2 : division or fraction bar

quotient, divisor, and dividend

the rinculum

We practiced the Standard Algorithm of division using long division.

Then we practiced a different long division method where it demonstrated place value.

Multiplication (repeated addition)

Array: 3x2 means 3 groups of 2

Identity Property: ax1=a

Zero Property of mult: ax0=0

Commutative Property: axb=bxa

Associative Property: (axb)xc=ax(bxc)

Distributive Property: ax(b+c)=(axb)+(axc)

When I multiply the number by each of the parts


Subtraction (the difference)


  1. take away
  2. comparison
  3. missing addend ex: (3+ ?=7)

It's an addition problem, so subtraction would confuse a student as to why you are losing an object.

Comparison doesn't add or subtract


Addition (put together/join)

1) Identity Property: a+0=a

when I add zero to any number the property doesn't change.

2) Commutative Property (order): a+b=b+a

3) Associative Property (grouping): (a+b)+c=a(b+c)

Week Two

Add information about your family. Usually, the mother's maiden name is written.
Additionally, you can add their age.

Homework #3

1. Write each of these numbers:

a) 29 in base 3= 1002 3

b) 69 in base 2= 1000101 2

c) 115 in base 5= 430 5

2. How do you know there is an error in each statement?

a) 10=243 and b) 13 3/4=25.34

You can't have a number bigger than the base

Homework #2

1. Give the Base-10 numeral for each given number. Use expanded notation to explain your answer:

a) 41.58= (4x8 1) + 1x8 0) +(5x1/8)

33 5/8

b) 13415= (1x5 3)+(3x5 2) +(4x5 1)+ (1x5 0)


2. Write the number 12 in each given base:

a) Base 9 =13 9

b) Base 8= 14 8

c) Base 7= 15 7

Number System

The number system we use in our schools and society is the Base-10 system. There is a consistent one-to-ten relationship between the digits of any number in the Base-10 system.





0.35 is an example of parts of a whole

the decimal represents what percent of the unit applied.

Expanded Notation

375= 300+70+5






Base 5: 0,1,2,3,4, 105, 115 , 125 ,135 ,145 ,155


•A tenth of a unit is a tenth

•A tenth of a tenth is a hundredth

•A tenth of a hundredth is a thousandth, etc.

Week One

Add your personal information.

Homework #1

1. There are 12 basketball teams in a league. If each of the teams plays each of the other teams once and only once, how many games take place?

12 x 11 = 132 x 1/2 = 66 games

number of teams, number of other teams, the numerator is how many times each other, denominator is number of teams playing in one game.

2. I have four 3-cent stamps and three 7-cent stamps. Using one or more of these stamps, how many different amounts of postage can I make?

4 3-cent

3 7-cent

19 postage amounts

I wrote out all variations from the quantity of stamps and got 19.

Problem Solving

Problem Solving

R1: 4A =5G

R2: I= 2G+A

A3: I +3G ? 4A

2G+A+3G? 4A

5G+A > 4A

1) Understanding the problem (using your own words)

2) plan to strategy

3) Implement

4) Look back, is it a reasonable answer?

George Polya

• believes in the 4 steps above

Discard the Old Books Problem

first class- 1/6

second class - 1/5

third class - 1/4

fourth class - 1/3

fifth class- 1/2

This left 14 books for the 6th period to take.

TOTAL: 84 books

There are seven people in a room. If each person shakes every other person’s hand, how many handshakes will take place? One way to solve this problem is to make a chart.

Person 1 shakes hands with: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. 6 handshakes

Person 2 shakes hands with: 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.

5 handshakes

Person 3 shakes hands with: 4, 5, 6, and 7.

4 handshakes

Person 4 shakes hands with: 5, 6, and 7.

3 handshakes

Person 5 shakes hands with: 6, and 7.

2 handshakes

Person 6 shakes hands with: 7.

1 handshake

Person 7 has already shaken hands with everyone.

0 handshakes

21 handshakes in total

Week 15

Multiplying and Dividing Positive/Negative Numbers

Worked on Mind Map.

Final on Thursday.

Went over what topics are going to be on the final.

Week 14

Positive and Negative Numbers

"The Chip Method"



zero pair (+)(-)


+5 + (-1) = +6

(used the chip method to show a circle with the values)


+5 - +2 =+3

(used the chip method to show a circle with the values)


+3 x +2 = +6

3 groups of positive 2

3 circles of 2

EX: -3 x +2

Since you can't have negative groups you can change the order using the commutative property.


+3 x +2 = +6

+6 divided by +2 = +3 OR +6 divided by 3 = +2