Kategorier: Alle - education - civil rights - voting - leaders

av Jeffrey Briggs 4 år siden


Civil Rights Movement

Civil Rights Movement

Civil Rights Movement

Federal Policy Advancement

1968 Fair Housing Act
Housing and Urban Development Act
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Right to Vote
Voting Rights Act of 1965

Lyndon B Johnson

Civil Rights Act of 1957

Dwight Eisenhower

Activism and Activist

Malcolm X
Nation of Islam

Leader of chapters

Black Power Movement

Identity, Integrity and Independence

Martin Luther King Jr.
"I Have A Dream"
Nobel Peace Prize
Time Magazine, Man of the Year 1963
Arrest and Abuse
Civil Rights Act 1964
W.E.B DuBois

The Crisis

Mission Statement

Schools During Civil Rights

Ruby Ridges
Little Rock Nine
Brown v Board of Education