Active participation and communication are essential for fostering a diverse and engaging learning environment in an online class. Students are encouraged to spend at least one hour online daily and submit assignments promptly to uphold their responsibilities.
Usually I'd say snacks but since we're online, I'll provide brain food. Ideas and questions with underlying concepts that hopefully give you something to chew on! - TORI
To do things accordingly, and sharing my responsibilities with others as they share theirs. - Yuna
Regular and constant interaction through emails, pagers and discussion boards will reduce any miscommunication or communication gaps while ensuring that everyone is on the same page and understands what to do -Malvika-
Communication plays a huge role on contributing as a team member! Especially considering that we're online; it makes communication that much more important. - Yuna
Usually I'd say snacks, but since we're online I'll provide something else to chew on... ipensive and insightful ideas and questions for your brain to digest:) - Tori
Bringing positivity to the group in order to achienve positive working environment. -Leo-
Doing my given duties responsibly and correctly -Leo-
To be an effective member of this class, I will complete the tasks that are assigned to me as well as actively participate in discussions. -Salome
Responsibilities and Rights as a member of a team
The best practices for working in a team are keeping an open mind to all new ideas, being respectful of others, managing and delegating tasks, and keeping communication between members. -Salome
The responsibility of an effective team member is to complete the task that is given to them, while also ensuring that other members of the team know what to do and how to do it for the benefit of the team as a whole. -Salome
A responsibility for participation in this class is promoting and contributing to a safe, healthy classroom environment. Everyone should feel that they can share their thoughts. - Beth
Listen to other people and know that their perspective is unique. It may not necessarily be the only view, but make sure their voices are heard. - Yuna
Everyone will be able to voice their own opinions along with any constructive criticism that will be able to benefit the final outcome
It is important that everyone feels belonged and is able to ask for help from peers and the teacher without hesitation whenever required. -Malvika-
CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO (click the youtube symbol to the left of this text box to play) - TORI
RIGHTS- Everyone should be listened to. Great ideas come from all sorts of sources;)
RESPONSIBILITIES- participate. That's it. Just be involved and in the moment
I think it's super important for every one to be excited and engaged in a team! Electric vibes can light up the bulb of team work, and from there it can grow into a wonderful collaberation.
CIA4UE Working Online
It is important for students to actively participate in discussion and voice their opinions and concerns to create the best, most diverse learning environment
The rights and responsibilities for participation in this class would be going online for at least one hour each day and handing in all of the assignment on time -Anna