Kategorier: Alle - literacy - security - precautions - wellness

av Kristin Dattoo 6 år siden


9 Elements of Digital Citizenship!

Safeguarding oneself in the digital world is essential to prevent threats like viruses, malware, theft, and identity fraud. Just as physical locks protect our homes, digital security measures such as virus protection and data backup defend against hackers.

9 Elements of Digital Citizenship!


Digital Health & Wellness

Being aware of one's own physical and psychological health while interacting in the digital web is important. As a digital citizenship we must know when to take a break from the screen and how we feel when going online.
Example of Bad Digital Health & Wellness

Continuing to stare at a screen even if you have an eyestrain and staying up late on your phone instead of sleeping.

Example of Good Digital Health & Wellness

Taking breaks to rest your eyes and having some time to think without the bombardment of the online world. Knowing when to stop and realizing if you have a phone addiction is important.

Digital Etiquette

Just because you are behind a screen when you are online does not give you the right to act uncivilized and improper. There are standards for everything, including online behaviour. Knowing what is okay and not okay to say or do is important.
An Example of Bad Digital Etiquette:

Cursing, saying racist things when commenting, belittling others opinions, and cyber-bullying.

An Example of Good Digital Etiquette:

Always respecting others and their opinions, helping to stop cyber-bullying,and thinking before commenting or doing anything online.

Digital Communication

Digital communication consists of emailing and texting. While digital communication continues to expand, it is important to not forget how to communicate face-to-face.
An Example of Bad Digital Communication

Allowing most of your communication with people be via text messages or photos causing your speaking skills and social interaction in person to suffer.

An Example of Good Digital Communication

Being able to effectively communicate both online and offline when talking to someone whether it be in person or not.

Digital Law

As a digital citizen there are laws and rules that apply to our behaviour online in a similar way our country has rules and laws. We need to follow these rules to ensure online stays a friendly place.
An Example of Not Following Digital Law

Downloading music or any type of content that is meant to be purchased, pirating software, and not giving credit to copyrighted content.

An Example of Following Digital Law

Giving credit to content creators where needed, supporting artists and creators by purchasing their products or works. Not hacking or stealing from anyone.

Digital Security

Having precautions in place to protect oneself from viruses, malware, theft, and stolen identity. Much like we put locks on our front doors, we have virus protection & data backup to defend ourselves from hackers and those who wish to cause harm.
Example Of Bad Digital Security:

Going onto sites that are not secure or sites that only work if you take down your virus protection.

Example of Good Digital Security:

Regulary checking for malware and only going on secure sites especially when buying things.

Digital Access

Technology users need to be aware that not everyone has the same opportunities when it comes to accessing technology. In today's age, having full electronic participation is important.
Example of Bad Digital Access

Not having access to the internet or the digital web due to restrictions, or being plain ignorant and refusing to adapt.

Example of Good Digital Access:

Being able to access the internet, having social media accounts, and using the privilege to the fullest.

Digital Commerce

Buying as well as selling products and goods via the online market through legal and secure means. Ex. buying from Amazon and selling on Ebay.
Example of Bad Digital Commerce:

Buying from a shady site because it has a good deal, and when selling to others you overprice and scam.

Example of Good Digital Commerce:

Buying from reliable sources that have secured sites and when selling you set a reasonable price.

Digital Rights & Responsibilities

With great power comes great responsibility. Having access to technology in our digital age gives everyday citizens enormous power. In order to keep our rights to having tech we must use it wisely and appropriately so we can be good examples for others
An Example of Bad Usage of Digital Rights and Responsibilities

Using your phone or PED in class when you're not supposed to. By doing this, usually everyone in the class is forced to have their phone permenently kept away. Be considerate.


An Example of Good Usage of Digital Rights and Responsibilities

There are tutorials online on how to do a bunch of illegal things. If you take your responsibilities seriously you will not learn how to hack into accounts or sites and knowledge you gain will be used for good.

Digital Literacy

As digital citizens we must actively and continuously increase our technological knowledge. We should show to positive things to using technology and how it can be used for personal growth and good causes.
An Example of Bad Digital Literacy

Always using the same software, and being too afraid or lazy to explore other ways. Also, instead of encouraging others for their learning, you discourage.

An Example of Good Digital Literacy

Always learning how to operate new systems, devices, andapps (like photoshop) and showing others what learning the same information can do for them.