conflict management



It is an influence that is exerted on people and that allows them to be encouraged to work enthusiastically for a common goal. Whoever exercises leadership is known as a leader.

It is the skill set, the leader also has the ability to take initiative and provide innovative ideas, and not just to give orders.


Have a positive thought
To be honest
Know how to delegate
Encourage good communication
Inspire the group
Establish strategies for a balanced life
Line up the team
Give credits when applicable
Encourage growth and Appreciate achievement
Maintain a neutral position


Values, principles
Skills, Capabilities
Processes, Methodologies

Leadership styles

Autocratic Leadership

Centralization of authority

The influence of a leader is determined by the use of power

Reactions to Organizational Culture

Minimum acceptance of responsibility

Democratic Leadership

Delegation of authority

The influence of the leader is determined by motivation

Reactions to Organizational Culture

High enthusiasm index
Higher quality and quantity of production
High team morale
Satisfaction of needs

Charismatic Leadership

Absence of authority

The influence of the leader is determined by the admiration of his followers

Reactions to Organizational Culture

Good motivation
Little use of power
Possible disorganization

Organizational Culture And Leadership

Characteristic attitudes, beliefs, values and habits within an organization


Committed, reliable, communicative and successful collaborators with the organization's objectives.

Ability to implement, facilitate and adapt an Organizational Culture

Process of adaptability to teamwork

Diagnosis of needs
Definition of objectives
Communication of decisions
Encourage behaviors
Institutionalize Organizational Culture

That activity that to be carried out, imperiously, requires the participation of different people; which implies a mutual need to share skills and knowledge.

Responsibility is both individually and collectively.

Elements of teamwork

Teamwork is based on "the 5 C's" to get the best results. Coordination, Complementarity, communication, trust and commitment

Norms for teamwork: They facilitate the execution of the planned goals or objectives according to how they are established.

Advantages in teamwork: Greater efficiency, a better work environment, greater success in work, Greater speed in the completion of work, Greater diversity in addressing the problem, Greater work capacity, Strengthening of cooperation and cohesion bonds

Cons: Dropouts
Liability can be diluted
Process delay
Possible tensions
Risk of dispersing energy

Set of strategies and activities that seek to prevent an escalation of tensions and transform confrontational relationships into relationships of collaboration and trust for peaceful, fair and equitable coexistence.


1. Arbitration 2Facilitator. 3Inquiry 4.Mediation.

Conflict management styles

* Willing * Evasive * Committed * Collaborative * Competitive

Keys to handling

Listen: Listen to understand and to be able to find solutions that make us happy. Without listening we do not develop possible solutions and we cannot know exactly how others feel. Listening is the basis of effective and efficient communication.

Manage emotions: with fear or anger we cannot see the situation objectively and therefore it is difficult to find the right solution, therefore, it is important to know how to control extreme emotions.

Assertiveness: it is important to know how to speak your mind and take your needs into account without aggression or arrogance. It is important that your opinion is heard and taken into account.

Empathy: important to know how others feel, to be able to listen to them in an empathic way in order to understand their position. And, is that, to find solutions we need to know what others need or think.

Knowing how to distinguish the facts from the interpretations: to find solutions and to be able to explain what happens or what happened, it is important to become aware of the facts and know how to present them effectively and objectively.

Characteristics of Effective Teams

The organizational process for fostering teamwork should begin with leadership that creates a business strategy and focuses on the crucial objectives of the company. From there, it is necessary to improve the communication process and build trust between teams.



Optimal productivity

Recognition and appreciation


Purposes and Values

Relationships and communication