Fall K-12 Board Consolidation - Barrie


Utilizing stakeholder analysis data to enhance Principal work

Student voice significant in literacy planning - what is needed and where to head


The connection between educator agency and student agency

Facilitator moves here helped to build further agency especially opportunity to Role Play during Math session.

Educator Agency

Main topic

Learning to assess for learning during inquiry


Facilitating Mathematics Professional Learning

Main topic


DDSB- We plan to review the Marian Small video with Principal teams - Mathematics Template to be used in School Self-Assessments - increase shared reflection in the context of authentic practice of assessment - use pedagogical documentation to anticipate next best learning move - go deeper with mathematics instruction

,Fri Oct 2, 15:06


Learner Agency


YRDSBWe are still wondering about:* the connection or reciprocal nature of literacy and inquiry skills* the need for more visible learning opportunities* the importance of collaboration between teachers; teachers-students* how do we continue to foster inquiry learning with Secondary English departments as it applies to Applied programming * looking at inviting greater collaboration between areas of literacy support and student success* the ministry online tools to support math learning are worth further investigation* how are we designing our learning sessions for our audiences (ie., adult learners)* how do the signature pedagogies relate to modern learning and the Core competencies of the modern learner...* importance of KSA and the need to pay attention to the A section (mindset, disposition, stances, culture...) in our adult learners* importance of the role of assessment in learning (in math and literacy areas)* continue learning around "for", "as", and "of" learning* student agency + educator agency = learning