Excretory System - Mind Map

Excretory System




Bowman's Capsule

Proximal Convoluted Tubule

Loop of Henle

Distal Convoluted Tubule

Collecting Ducts

Renal Pelvis

Filters waste: urea, salt & excess water (flushed out as urine)

Adrenal Gland (cortex)

Aldosterone (steroid hormone)

Increase sodium absorption = higher blood pressure

Signals colon and kidneys to put more sodium in bloodstream or release more potassium into urine

Kidneys & Colon



Blood vessels, smooth muscles & adrenal cortex

- Controls blood pressure
- Maintains healthy levels of sodium & potassium
- Released in bloodstream when blood pressure is low

Kidney Stones

Deposition of dissolved minerals or insoluble salts on the inner lining of the kidney

Renal calculi

- Severe pain
- Nausea
- Fever/chills and
- Blood in your urine

Urine Formation




Funnels urine via peristalsis into the ureter

cortex through medulla, into renal pelvis

- Water moves out via aquaporins
- Urea exits (no movement of ions)

Excretion of Waste


- K+ & Na+ secreted via active transport into urine
- Na+ & Cl- reabsorbed
- Water moves into urine through aquaporins

Floating topic

Floating topic

Floating topic

Cortex into medulla

- Water exits through aquaporins (descending)
- Na+ & Cl- actively transported out (ascending)


- ions reabsorbed
- H+ ions secreted
- Water leaves through aquaporins


- Na+, Cl- & H+
- Nitrogenous wastes (amino acids, urea, uric acid)
- Vitamins/minerals

Substances filtered into bowman's capsule from glomerulus

Antidiuretic hormone

Juxtaglomerular cells

- Produced in the brain
- Regulate the amount of water excreted by the kidneys


- Pain in pelvis
- Burning sensation in urine
- Cloudy or bloody urine
- Pain in kidney
- Vomiting

- Inflamed nephrons (glomerulonephritis)
- Affects kidney function

- Certain chemicals
- Genetics
- Infection or inflammatory conditions (lupus)

- Medication
- Special treatment (removes excess fluid & dangerous protein)


High urea accumulation

Excess urea is removed by hemodialysis

Blood is drained from whichever artery is convenient and is sent to the dialyzing unit

- Medication
- Dialysis & kidney transplant surgery

- Buildup of toxins in blood
- Kidneys stop filtering toxins out through your urine

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