Chocolate filled Christmas cookies  - Mind Map

Chocolate filled Christmas cookies


People who celebrate Christmas

-People who celebrate Christmas would generally buy
lots of festive things and would have lots of family over.

People who want to spend time with family or enjoy the holidays

- Want to have a good time with family and enjoy a savory cookie that will increase their bonding


- For people who want a quick and tasty snack


0-9 - pre-customers

- Children in the age of 0-9 have a interest in sweets

Middle class

- Middle class people tend to spend there money more on little things that would make there holiday better

Targeting people who celebrate Christmas

- These cookies are Christmas themed and that's why people who are celebrating Christmas are targeted.

Product Use

Chocolate filled Christmas cookies for the holidays

-The Cookies are holiday themed so consumers
are more likely to buy them

Medium - and heavy users

-There are more medium and heavy consumers
since a lot of people would buy the cookies in the holiday times. Since not all people celebrate on the holidays that would make more medium consumers


North America, Europe, and Australia

Urban And Suburban

This is Most like where people would buy our product
because people in the urban and suburban mostly celebrate Christmas, also because there most middle class and would buy our cookies rather than lower class

Most people celebrate Christmas in these Areas
therefore we will sell in these Areas

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