


/*  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or  (at your option) any later version.  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the  GNU General Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License  along with this program. If not, see <>. */#pragma once/* This is the main Copter class */////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Header includes////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#include <cmath>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdarg.h>#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>// Common dependencies#include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h>#include <AP_Common/Location.h>#include <AP_Menu/AP_Menu.h>#include <AP_Param/AP_Param.h>#include <StorageManager/StorageManager.h>// Application dependencies#include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS.h>#include <AP_SerialManager/AP_SerialManager.h> // Serial manager library#include <AP_GPS/AP_GPS.h>      // ArduPilot GPS library#include <DataFlash/DataFlash.h>     // ArduPilot Mega Flash Memory Library#include <AP_ADC/AP_ADC.h>      // ArduPilot Mega Analog to Digital Converter Library#include <AP_Baro/AP_Baro.h>#include <AP_Compass/AP_Compass.h>    // ArduPilot Mega Magnetometer Library#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h>      // ArduPilot Mega Vector/Matrix math Library#include <AP_AccelCal/AP_AccelCal.h>        // interface and maths for accelerometer calibration#include <AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor.h> // ArduPilot Mega Inertial Sensor (accel & gyro) Library#include <AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS.h>#include <AP_NavEKF2/AP_NavEKF2.h>#include <AP_NavEKF3/AP_NavEKF3.h>#include <AP_Mission/AP_Mission.h>    // Mission command library#include <AC_PID/AC_PID.h>      // PID library#include <AC_PID/AC_PI_2D.h>     // PID library (2-axis)#include <AC_PID/AC_HELI_PID.h>    // Heli specific Rate PID library#include <AC_PID/AC_P.h>       // P library#include <AC_AttitudeControl/AC_AttitudeControl_Multi.h> // Attitude control library#include <AC_AttitudeControl/AC_AttitudeControl_Heli.h> // Attitude control library for traditional helicopter#include <AC_AttitudeControl/AC_PosControl.h>   // Position control library#include <RC_Channel/RC_Channel.h>    // RC Channel Library#include <AP_Motors/AP_Motors.h>     // AP Motors library#include <AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder.h>  // Range finder library#include <AP_Proximity/AP_Proximity.h>#include <AP_Stats/AP_Stats.h>  // statistics library#include <AP_Beacon/AP_Beacon.h>#include <AP_OpticalFlow/AP_OpticalFlow.h>  // Optical Flow library#include <AP_RSSI/AP_RSSI.h>         // RSSI Library#include <Filter/Filter.h>      // Filter library#include <AP_Buffer/AP_Buffer.h>     // APM FIFO Buffer#include <AP_Relay/AP_Relay.h>     // APM relay#include <AP_ServoRelayEvents/AP_ServoRelayEvents.h>#include <AP_Camera/AP_Camera.h>     // Photo or video camera#include <AP_Mount/AP_Mount.h>     // Camera/Antenna mount#include <AP_Airspeed/AP_Airspeed.h>    // needed for AHRS build#include <AP_Vehicle/AP_Vehicle.h>    // needed for AHRS build#include <AP_InertialNav/AP_InertialNav.h>  // ArduPilot Mega inertial navigation library#include <AC_WPNav/AC_WPNav.h>     // ArduCopter waypoint navigation library#include <AC_WPNav/AC_Circle.h>     // circle navigation library#include <AP_Declination/AP_Declination.h>  // ArduPilot Mega Declination Helper Library#include <AC_Fence/AC_Fence.h>     // Arducopter Fence library#include <AC_Avoidance/AC_Avoid.h>     // Arducopter stop at fence library#include <AP_Scheduler/AP_Scheduler.h>   // main loop scheduler#include <AP_RCMapper/AP_RCMapper.h>    // RC input mapping library#include <AP_Notify/AP_Notify.h>     // Notify library#include <AP_BattMonitor/AP_BattMonitor.h>  // Battery monitor library#include <AP_BoardConfig/AP_BoardConfig.h>  // board configuration library#include <AP_LandingGear/AP_LandingGear.h>  // Landing Gear library#include <AP_Terrain/AP_Terrain.h>#include <AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB.h>#include <AP_RPM/AP_RPM.h>#include <AC_InputManager/AC_InputManager.h>    // Pilot input handling library#include <AC_InputManager/AC_InputManager_Heli.h> // Heli specific pilot input handling library#include <AP_Button/AP_Button.h>#include <AP_Arming/AP_Arming.h>// Configuration#include "defines.h"#include "config.h"#include "GCS_Mavlink.h"#include "AP_Rally.h"     // Rally point library#include "AP_Arming.h"// libraries which are dependent on #defines in defines.h and/or config.h#if SPRAYER == ENABLED#include <AC_Sprayer/AC_Sprayer.h>    // crop sprayer library#endif#if GRIPPER_ENABLED == ENABLED#include <AP_Gripper/AP_Gripper.h>      // gripper stuff#endif#if PARACHUTE == ENABLED#include <AP_Parachute/AP_Parachute.h>   // Parachute release library#endif#if PRECISION_LANDING == ENABLED#include <AC_PrecLand/AC_PrecLand.h>#include <AP_IRLock/AP_IRLock.h>#endif#if FRSKY_TELEM_ENABLED == ENABLED#include <AP_Frsky_Telem/AP_Frsky_Telem.h>#endif#if ADVANCED_FAILSAFE == ENABLED#include "afs_copter.h"#endif// Local modules#include "Parameters.h"#include "avoidance_adsb.h"#if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_SITL#include <SITL/SITL.h>#endifclass Copter : public AP_HAL::HAL::Callbacks {public:  friend class GCS_MAVLINK_Copter;  friend class AP_Rally_Copter;  friend class Parameters;  friend class ParametersG2;  friend class AP_Avoidance_Copter;#if ADVANCED_FAILSAFE == ENABLED  friend class AP_AdvancedFailsafe_Copter;#endif  friend class AP_Arming_Copter;  Copter(void);  // HAL::Callbacks implementation.  void setup() override;  void loop() override;private:  // key aircraft parameters passed to multiple libraries  AP_Vehicle::MultiCopter aparm;  // cliSerial isn't strictly necessary - it is an alias for hal.console. It may  // be deprecated in favor of hal.console in later releases.  AP_HAL::BetterStream* cliSerial;  // Global parameters are all contained within the 'g' class.  Parameters g;  ParametersG2 g2;  // main loop scheduler  AP_Scheduler scheduler;  // AP_Notify instance  AP_Notify notify;  // used to detect MAVLink acks from GCS to stop compassmot  uint8_t command_ack_counter;  // has a log download started?  bool in_log_download;  // primary input control channels  RC_Channel *channel_roll;  RC_Channel *channel_pitch;  RC_Channel *channel_throttle;  RC_Channel *channel_yaw;  // Dataflash  DataFlash_Class DataFlash;  AP_GPS gps;  // flight modes convenience array  AP_Int8 *flight_modes;  AP_Baro barometer;  Compass compass;  AP_InertialSensor ins;  RangeFinder rangefinder {serial_manager, ROTATION_PITCH_270};  struct {    bool enabled:1;    bool alt_healthy:1; // true if we can trust the altitude from the rangefinder    int16_t alt_cm;  // tilt compensated altitude (in cm) from rangefinder    uint32_t last_healthy_ms;    LowPassFilterFloat alt_cm_filt; // altitude filter    int8_t glitch_count;  } rangefinder_state = { false, false, 0, 0 };  AP_RPM rpm_sensor;  // Inertial Navigation EKF  NavEKF2 EKF2{&ahrs, barometer, rangefinder};  NavEKF3 EKF3{&ahrs, barometer, rangefinder};  AP_AHRS_NavEKF ahrs{ins, barometer, gps, rangefinder, EKF2, EKF3, AP_AHRS_NavEKF::FLAG_ALWAYS_USE_EKF};#if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_SITL  SITL::SITL sitl;#endif  // Mission library  AP_Mission mission;  // Arming/Disarming mangement class  AP_Arming_Copter arming {ahrs, barometer, compass, battery, inertial_nav, ins};  // Optical flow sensor#if OPTFLOW == ENABLED  OpticalFlow optflow{ahrs};#endif  // gnd speed limit required to observe optical flow sensor limits  float ekfGndSpdLimit;  // scale factor applied to velocity controller gain to prevent optical flow noise causing excessive angle demand noise  float ekfNavVelGainScaler;  // system time in milliseconds of last recorded yaw reset from ekf  uint32_t ekfYawReset_ms = 0;  int8_t ekf_primary_core;  // GCS selection  AP_SerialManager serial_manager;  static const uint8_t num_gcs = MAVLINK_COMM_NUM_BUFFERS;  GCS_MAVLINK_Copter gcs_chan[MAVLINK_COMM_NUM_BUFFERS];  GCS _gcs; // avoid using this; use gcs()  GCS &gcs() { return _gcs; }  // User variables#ifdef USERHOOK_VARIABLES# include USERHOOK_VARIABLES#endif  // Documentation of GLobals:  union {    struct {      uint8_t unused1        : 1; // 0      uint8_t simple_mode      : 2; // 1,2  // This is the state of simple mode : 0 = disabled ; 1 = SIMPLE ; 2 = SUPERSIMPLE      uint8_t pre_arm_rc_check    : 1; // 3   // true if rc input pre-arm checks have been completed successfully      uint8_t pre_arm_check     : 1; // 4   // true if all pre-arm checks (rc, accel calibration, gps lock) have been performed      uint8_t auto_armed       : 1; // 5   // stops auto missions from beginning until throttle is raised      uint8_t logging_started    : 1; // 6   // true if dataflash logging has started      uint8_t land_complete     : 1; // 7   // true if we have detected a landing      uint8_t new_radio_frame    : 1; // 8   // Set true if we have new PWM data to act on from the Radio      uint8_t usb_connected     : 1; // 9   // true if APM is powered from USB connection      uint8_t rc_receiver_present  : 1; // 10   // true if we have an rc receiver present (i.e. if we've ever received an update      uint8_t compass_mot      : 1; // 11   // true if we are currently performing compassmot calibration      uint8_t motor_test       : 1; // 12   // true if we are currently performing the motors test      uint8_t initialised      : 1; // 13   // true once the init_ardupilot function has completed. Extended status to GCS is not sent until this completes      uint8_t land_complete_maybe  : 1; // 14   // true if we may have landed (less strict version of land_complete)      uint8_t throttle_zero     : 1; // 15   // true if the throttle stick is at zero, debounced, determines if pilot intends shut-down when not using motor interlock      uint8_t system_time_set    : 1; // 16   // true if the system time has been set from the GPS      uint8_t gps_base_pos_set    : 1; // 17   // true when the gps base position has been set (used for RTK gps only)      enum HomeState home_state   : 2; // 18,19 // home status (unset, set, locked)      uint8_t using_interlock    : 1; // 20   // aux switch motor interlock function is in use      uint8_t motor_emergency_stop  : 1; // 21   // motor estop switch, shuts off motors when enabled      uint8_t land_repo_active    : 1; // 22   // true if the pilot is overriding the landing position      uint8_t motor_interlock_switch : 1; // 23   // true if pilot is requesting motor interlock enable      uint8_t in_arming_delay    : 1; // 24   // true while we are armed but waiting to spin motors    };    uint32_t value;  } ap;  // This is the state of the flight control system  // There are multiple states defined such as STABILIZE, ACRO,  control_mode_t control_mode;  mode_reason_t control_mode_reason = MODE_REASON_UNKNOWN;  control_mode_t prev_control_mode;  mode_reason_t prev_control_mode_reason = MODE_REASON_UNKNOWN;  // Structure used to detect changes in the flight mode control switch  struct {    int8_t debounced_switch_position; // currently used switch position    int8_t last_switch_position;    // switch position in previous iteration    uint32_t last_edge_time_ms;    // system time that switch position was last changed  } control_switch_state;  struct {    bool running;    float max_speed;    float alt_delta;    uint32_t start_ms;  } takeoff_state;  // altitude below which we do no navigation in auto takeoff  float auto_takeoff_no_nav_alt_cm;     RCMapper rcmap;  // board specific config  AP_BoardConfig BoardConfig;  // receiver RSSI  uint8_t receiver_rssi;  // Failsafe  struct {    uint8_t rc_override_active : 1; // 0 // true if rc control are overwritten by ground station    uint8_t radio       : 1; // 1 // A status flag for the radio failsafe    uint8_t battery      : 1; // 2 // A status flag for the battery failsafe    uint8_t gcs        : 1; // 4 // A status flag for the ground station failsafe    uint8_t ekf        : 1; // 5 // true if ekf failsafe has occurred    uint8_t terrain      : 1; // 6 // true if the missing terrain data failsafe has occurred    uint8_t adsb        : 1; // 7 // true if an adsb related failsafe has occurred    int8_t radio_counter;      // number of iterations with throttle below throttle_fs_value    uint32_t last_heartbeat_ms;   // the time when the last HEARTBEAT message arrived from a GCS - used for triggering gcs failsafe    uint32_t terrain_first_failure_ms; // the first time terrain data access failed - used to calculate the duration of the failure    uint32_t terrain_last_failure_ms; // the most recent time terrain data access failed  } failsafe;  // sensor health for logging  struct {    uint8_t baro    : 1;  // true if baro is healthy    uint8_t compass  : 1;  // true if compass is healthy    uint8_t primary_gps;    // primary gps index  } sensor_health;  // Motor Output#if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME #define MOTOR_CLASS AP_MotorsHeli_Single#else #define MOTOR_CLASS AP_MotorsMulticopter#endif  MOTOR_CLASS *motors;  // GPS variables  // Sometimes we need to remove the scaling for distance calcs  float scaleLongDown;  // Location & Navigation  int32_t wp_bearing;  // The location of home in relation to the copter in centi-degrees  int32_t home_bearing;  // distance between plane and home in cm  int32_t home_distance;  // distance between plane and next waypoint in cm.  uint32_t wp_distance;  LandStateType land_state = LandStateType_FlyToLocation; // records state of land (flying to location, descending)  struct {    PayloadPlaceStateType state = PayloadPlaceStateType_Calibrating_Hover_Start; // records state of place (descending, releasing, released, ...)    uint32_t hover_start_timestamp; // milliseconds    float hover_throttle_level;    uint32_t descend_start_timestamp; // milliseconds    uint32_t place_start_timestamp; // milliseconds    float descend_throttle_level;    float descend_start_altitude;    float descend_max; // centimetres  } nav_payload_place;  // Auto  AutoMode auto_mode; // controls which auto controller is run  // Guided  GuidedMode guided_mode; // controls which controller is run (pos or vel)  // RTL  RTLState rtl_state; // records state of rtl (initial climb, returning home, etc)  bool rtl_state_complete; // set to true if the current state is completed  struct {    // NEU w/ Z element alt-above-ekf-origin unless use_terrain is true in which case Z element is alt-above-terrain    Location_Class origin_point;    Location_Class climb_target;    Location_Class return_target;    Location_Class descent_target;    bool land;    bool terrain_used;  } rtl_path;  // Circle  bool circle_pilot_yaw_override; // true if pilot is overriding yaw  // SIMPLE Mode  // Used to track the orientation of the copter for Simple mode. This value is reset at each arming  // or in SuperSimple mode when the copter leaves a 20m radius from home.  float simple_cos_yaw;  float simple_sin_yaw;  int32_t super_simple_last_bearing;  float super_simple_cos_yaw;  float super_simple_sin_yaw;  // Stores initial bearing when armed - initial simple bearing is modified in super simple mode so not suitable  int32_t initial_armed_bearing;  // Loiter control  uint16_t loiter_time_max;        // How long we should stay in Loiter Mode for mission scripting (time in seconds)  uint32_t loiter_time;          // How long have we been loitering - The start time in millis  // Brake  uint32_t brake_timeout_start;  uint32_t brake_timeout_ms;  // Delay the next navigation command  int32_t nav_delay_time_max; // used for delaying the navigation commands (eg land,takeoff etc.)  uint32_t nav_delay_time_start;  // Flip  Vector3f flip_orig_attitude;    // original copter attitude before flip  // throw mode state  struct {    ThrowModeStage stage;    ThrowModeStage prev_stage;    uint32_t last_log_ms;    bool nextmode_attempted;    uint32_t free_fall_start_ms;  // system time free fall was detected    float free_fall_start_velz;  // vertical velocity when free fall was detected  } throw_state = {Throw_Disarmed, Throw_Disarmed, 0, false, 0, 0.0f};  // Battery Sensors  AP_BattMonitor battery;  // FrSky telemetry support#if FRSKY_TELEM_ENABLED == ENABLED  AP_Frsky_Telem frsky_telemetry;#endif  // Variables for extended status MAVLink messages  uint32_t control_sensors_present;  uint32_t control_sensors_enabled;  uint32_t control_sensors_health;     // Altitude  // The cm/s we are moving up or down based on filtered data - Positive = UP  int16_t climb_rate;  float target_rangefinder_alt; // desired altitude in cm above the ground  int32_t baro_alt;      // barometer altitude in cm above home  float baro_climbrate;    // barometer climbrate in cm/s  LowPassFilterVector3f land_accel_ef_filter; // accelerations for land and crash detector tests  // filtered pilot's throttle input used to cancel landing if throttle held high  LowPassFilterFloat rc_throttle_control_in_filter;  // 3D Location vectors  // Current location of the copter (altitude is relative to home)  Location_Class current_loc;  // Navigation Yaw control  // auto flight mode's yaw mode  uint8_t auto_yaw_mode;  // Yaw will point at this location if auto_yaw_mode is set to AUTO_YAW_ROI  Vector3f roi_WP;  // bearing from current location to the yaw_look_at_WP  float yaw_look_at_WP_bearing;  // yaw used for YAW_LOOK_AT_HEADING yaw_mode  int32_t yaw_look_at_heading;  // Deg/s we should turn  int16_t yaw_look_at_heading_slew;  // heading when in yaw_look_ahead_bearing  float yaw_look_ahead_bearing;  // Delay Mission Scripting Command  int32_t condition_value; // used in condition commands (eg delay, change alt, etc.)  uint32_t condition_start;  // IMU variables  // Integration time (in seconds) for the gyros (DCM algorithm)  // Updated with the fast loop  float G_Dt;  // Inertial Navigation  AP_InertialNav_NavEKF inertial_nav;  // Attitude, Position and Waypoint navigation objects  // To-Do: move inertial nav up or other navigation variables down here  AC_AttitudeControl *attitude_control;  AC_PosControl *pos_control;  AC_WPNav *wp_nav;  AC_Circle *circle_nav;  // Performance monitoring  int16_t pmTest1;  // System Timers  // --------------  // Time in microseconds of main control loop  uint32_t fast_loopTimer;  // Counter of main loop executions. Used for performance monitoring and failsafe processing  uint16_t mainLoop_count;  // Loiter timer - Records how long we have been in loiter  uint32_t rtl_loiter_start_time;  // arm_time_ms - Records when vehicle was armed. Will be Zero if we are disarmed.  uint32_t arm_time_ms;  // Used to exit the roll and pitch auto trim function  uint8_t auto_trim_counter;  // Reference to the relay object  AP_Relay relay;  // handle repeated servo and relay events  AP_ServoRelayEvents ServoRelayEvents;  // Reference to the camera object (it uses the relay object inside it)#if CAMERA == ENABLED  AP_Camera camera;#endif  // Camera/Antenna mount tracking and stabilisation stuff#if MOUNT == ENABLED  // current_loc uses the baro/gps soloution for altitude rather than gps only.  AP_Mount camera_mount;#endif  // AC_Fence library to reduce fly-aways#if AC_FENCE == ENABLED  AC_Fence  fence;#endif#if AC_AVOID_ENABLED == ENABLED  AC_Avoid avoid;#endif  // Rally library#if AC_RALLY == ENABLED  AP_Rally_Copter rally;#endif  // RSSI   AP_RSSI rssi;     // Crop Sprayer#if SPRAYER == ENABLED  AC_Sprayer sprayer;#endif  // Parachute release#if PARACHUTE == ENABLED  AP_Parachute parachute;#endif  // Landing Gear Controller  AP_LandingGear landinggear;  // terrain handling#if AP_TERRAIN_AVAILABLE && AC_TERRAIN  AP_Terrain terrain;#endif  // Precision Landing#if PRECISION_LANDING == ENABLED  AC_PrecLand precland;#endif  // Pilot Input Management Library  // Only used for Helicopter for AC3.3, to be expanded to include Multirotor  // child class for AC3.4#if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME  AC_InputManager_Heli input_manager;#endif  AP_ADSB adsb {ahrs};  // avoidance of adsb enabled vehicles (normally manned vheicles)  AP_Avoidance_Copter avoidance_adsb{ahrs, adsb};  // use this to prevent recursion during sensor init  bool in_mavlink_delay;  // true if we are out of time in our event timeslice  bool gcs_out_of_time;  // last valid RC input time  uint32_t last_radio_update_ms;     // Top-level logic  // setup the var_info table  AP_Param param_loader;#if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME  // Mode filter to reject RC Input glitches. Filter size is 5, and it draws the 4th element, so it can reject 3 low glitches,  // and 1 high glitch. This is because any "off" glitches can be highly problematic for a helicopter running an ESC  // governor. Even a single "off" frame can cause the rotor to slow dramatically and take a long time to restart.  ModeFilterInt16_Size5 rotor_speed_deglitch_filter {4};  // Tradheli flags  struct {    uint8_t dynamic_flight     : 1;  // 0 // true if we are moving at a significant speed (used to turn on/off leaky I terms)    uint8_t init_targets_on_arming : 1;  // 1 // true if we have been disarmed, and need to reset rate controller targets when we arm  } heli_flags;  int16_t hover_roll_trim_scalar_slew;#endif  // ground effect detector  struct {    bool takeoff_expected;    bool touchdown_expected;    uint32_t takeoff_time_ms;    float takeoff_alt_cm;  } gndeffect_state;  // set when we are upgrading parameters from 3.4  bool upgrading_frame_params;     static const AP_Scheduler::Task scheduler_tasks[];  static const AP_Param::Info var_info[];  static const struct LogStructure log_structure[];  void compass_accumulate(void);  void compass_cal_update(void);  void barometer_accumulate(void);  void perf_update(void);  void fast_loop();  void rc_loop();  void throttle_loop();  void update_mount();  void update_trigger(void);  void update_batt_compass(void);  void ten_hz_logging_loop();  void twentyfive_hz_logging();  void three_hz_loop();  void one_hz_loop();  void update_GPS(void);  void init_simple_bearing();  void update_simple_mode(void);  void update_super_simple_bearing(bool force_update);  void read_AHRS(void);  void update_altitude();  void set_home_state(enum HomeState new_home_state);  bool home_is_set();  void set_auto_armed(bool b);  void set_simple_mode(uint8_t b);  void set_failsafe_radio(bool b);  void set_failsafe_battery(bool b);  void set_failsafe_gcs(bool b);  void set_land_complete(bool b);  void set_land_complete_maybe(bool b);  void update_using_interlock();  void set_motor_emergency_stop(bool b);  float get_smoothing_gain();  void get_pilot_desired_lean_angles(float roll_in, float pitch_in, float &roll_out, float &pitch_out, float angle_max);  float get_pilot_desired_yaw_rate(int16_t stick_angle);  void check_ekf_reset();  float get_roi_yaw();  float get_look_ahead_yaw();  void update_throttle_hover();  void set_throttle_takeoff();  float get_pilot_desired_throttle(int16_t throttle_control, float thr_mid = 0.0f);  float get_pilot_desired_climb_rate(float throttle_control);  float get_non_takeoff_throttle();  float get_surface_tracking_climb_rate(int16_t target_rate, float current_alt_target, float dt);  float get_avoidance_adjusted_climbrate(float target_rate);  void auto_takeoff_set_start_alt(void);  void auto_takeoff_attitude_run(float target_yaw_rate);  void set_accel_throttle_I_from_pilot_throttle();  void rotate_body_frame_to_NE(float &x, float &y);  void gcs_send_heartbeat(void);  void gcs_send_deferred(void);  void send_heartbeat(mavlink_channel_t chan);  void send_attitude(mavlink_channel_t chan);  void send_fence_status(mavlink_channel_t chan);  void send_extended_status1(mavlink_channel_t chan);  void send_location(mavlink_channel_t chan);  void send_nav_controller_output(mavlink_channel_t chan);  void send_simstate(mavlink_channel_t chan);  void send_hwstatus(mavlink_channel_t chan);  void send_vfr_hud(mavlink_channel_t chan);  void send_current_waypoint(mavlink_channel_t chan);  void send_rangefinder(mavlink_channel_t chan);  void send_proximity(mavlink_channel_t chan, uint16_t count_max);  void send_rpm(mavlink_channel_t chan);  void rpm_update();  void button_update();  void init_proximity();  void update_proximity();  void stats_update();  void init_beacon();  void update_beacon();  void send_pid_tuning(mavlink_channel_t chan);  void gcs_send_message(enum ap_message id);  void gcs_send_mission_item_reached_message(uint16_t mission_index);  void gcs_data_stream_send(void);  void gcs_check_input(void);  void gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY severity, const char *str);  void do_erase_logs(void);  void Log_Write_AutoTune(uint8_t axis, uint8_t tune_step, float meas_target, float meas_min, float meas_max, float new_gain_rp, float new_gain_rd, float new_gain_sp, float new_ddt);  void Log_Write_AutoTuneDetails(float angle_cd, float rate_cds);  void Log_Write_Current();  void Log_Write_Optflow();  void Log_Write_Nav_Tuning();  void Log_Write_Control_Tuning();  void Log_Write_Performance();  void Log_Write_Attitude();  void Log_Write_MotBatt();  void Log_Write_Event(uint8_t id);  void Log_Write_Data(uint8_t id, int32_t value);  void Log_Write_Data(uint8_t id, uint32_t value);  void Log_Write_Data(uint8_t id, int16_t value);  void Log_Write_Data(uint8_t id, uint16_t value);  void Log_Write_Data(uint8_t id, float value);  void Log_Write_Error(uint8_t sub_system, uint8_t error_code);  void Log_Write_Baro(void);  void Log_Write_Parameter_Tuning(uint8_t param, float tuning_val, int16_t control_in, int16_t tune_low, int16_t tune_high);  void Log_Write_Home_And_Origin();  void Log_Sensor_Health();#if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME  void Log_Write_Heli(void);#endif  void Log_Write_Precland();  void Log_Write_GuidedTarget(uint8_t target_type, const Vector3f& pos_target, const Vector3f& vel_target);  void Log_Write_Throw(ThrowModeStage stage, float velocity, float velocity_z, float accel, float ef_accel_z, bool throw_detect, bool attitude_ok, bool height_ok, bool position_ok);  void Log_Write_Proximity();  void Log_Write_Beacon();  void Log_Write_Vehicle_Startup_Messages();  void Log_Read(uint16_t log_num, uint16_t start_page, uint16_t end_page);  void start_logging() ;  void load_parameters(void);  void convert_pid_parameters(void);  void userhook_init();  void userhook_FastLoop();  void userhook_50Hz();  void userhook_MediumLoop();  void userhook_SlowLoop();  void userhook_SuperSlowLoop();  void update_home_from_EKF();  void set_home_to_current_location_inflight();  bool set_home_to_current_location();  bool set_home_to_current_location_and_lock();  bool set_home_and_lock(const Location& loc);  bool set_home(const Location& loc);  bool far_from_EKF_origin(const Location& loc);  void set_system_time_from_GPS();  void exit_mission();  void do_RTL(void);  bool verify_takeoff();  bool verify_land();  bool verify_payload_place();  bool verify_loiter_unlimited();  bool verify_loiter_time();  bool verify_RTL();  bool verify_wait_delay();  bool verify_within_distance();  bool verify_yaw();  void do_take_picture();  void log_picture();  MAV_RESULT mavlink_compassmot(mavlink_channel_t chan);  void delay(uint32_t ms);  bool acro_init(bool ignore_checks);  void acro_run();  void get_pilot_desired_angle_rates(int16_t roll_in, int16_t pitch_in, int16_t yaw_in, float &roll_out, float &pitch_out, float &yaw_out);  bool althold_init(bool ignore_checks);  void althold_run();  bool auto_init(bool ignore_checks);  void auto_run();  void auto_takeoff_start(const Location& dest_loc);  void auto_takeoff_run();  void auto_wp_start(const Vector3f& destination);  void auto_wp_start(const Location_Class& dest_loc);  void auto_wp_run();  void auto_spline_run();  void auto_land_start();  void auto_land_start(const Vector3f& destination);  void auto_land_run();  void do_payload_place(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  void auto_payload_place_start();  void auto_payload_place_start(const Vector3f& destination);  void auto_payload_place_run();  bool auto_payload_place_run_should_run();  void auto_payload_place_run_loiter();  void auto_payload_place_run_descend();  void auto_payload_place_run_release();  void auto_rtl_start();  void auto_rtl_run();  void auto_circle_movetoedge_start(const Location_Class &circle_center, float radius_m);  void auto_circle_start();  void auto_circle_run();  void auto_nav_guided_start();  void auto_nav_guided_run();  bool auto_loiter_start();  void auto_loiter_run();  uint8_t get_default_auto_yaw_mode(bool rtl);  void set_auto_yaw_mode(uint8_t yaw_mode);  void set_auto_yaw_look_at_heading(float angle_deg, float turn_rate_dps, int8_t direction, uint8_t relative_angle);  void set_auto_yaw_roi(const Location &roi_location);  float get_auto_heading(void);  bool autotune_init(bool ignore_checks);  void autotune_stop();  bool autotune_start(bool ignore_checks);  void autotune_run();  void autotune_attitude_control();  void autotune_backup_gains_and_initialise();  void autotune_load_orig_gains();  void autotune_load_tuned_gains();  void autotune_load_intra_test_gains();  void autotune_load_twitch_gains();  void autotune_save_tuning_gains();  void autotune_update_gcs(uint8_t message_id);  bool autotune_roll_enabled();  bool autotune_pitch_enabled();  bool autotune_yaw_enabled();  void autotune_twitching_test(float measurement, float target, float &measurement_min, float &measurement_max);  void autotune_updating_d_up(float &tune_d, float tune_d_min, float tune_d_max, float tune_d_step_ratio, float &tune_p, float tune_p_min, float tune_p_max, float tune_p_step_ratio, float target, float measurement_min, float measurement_max);  void autotune_updating_d_down(float &tune_d, float tune_d_min, float tune_d_step_ratio, float &tune_p, float tune_p_min, float tune_p_max, float tune_p_step_ratio, float target, float measurement_min, float measurement_max);  void autotune_updating_p_down(float &tune_p, float tune_p_min, float tune_p_step_ratio, float target, float measurement_max);  void autotune_updating_p_up(float &tune_p, float tune_p_max, float tune_p_step_ratio, float target, float measurement_max);  void autotune_updating_p_up_d_down(float &tune_d, float tune_d_min, float tune_d_step_ratio, float &tune_p, float tune_p_min, float tune_p_max, float tune_p_step_ratio, float target, float measurement_min, float measurement_max);  void autotune_twitching_measure_acceleration(float &rate_of_change, float rate_measurement, float &rate_measurement_max);  void autotune_get_poshold_attitude(float &roll_cd, float &pitch_cd, float &yaw_cd);  void avoidance_adsb_update(void);#if ADVANCED_FAILSAFE == ENABLED  void afs_fs_check(void);#endif  bool brake_init(bool ignore_checks);  void brake_run();  void brake_timeout_to_loiter_ms(uint32_t timeout_ms);  bool circle_init(bool ignore_checks);  void circle_run();  bool drift_init(bool ignore_checks);  void drift_run();  float get_throttle_assist(float velz, float pilot_throttle_scaled);  bool flip_init(bool ignore_checks);  void flip_run();  bool guided_init(bool ignore_checks);  bool guided_takeoff_start(float final_alt_above_home);  void guided_pos_control_start();  void guided_vel_control_start();  void guided_posvel_control_start();  void guided_angle_control_start();  bool guided_set_destination(const Vector3f& destination);  bool guided_set_destination(const Location_Class& dest_loc);  void guided_set_velocity(const Vector3f& velocity);  void guided_set_destination_posvel(const Vector3f& destination, const Vector3f& velocity);  void guided_set_angle(const Quaternion &q, float climb_rate_cms, bool use_yaw_rate, float yaw_rate_rads);  void guided_run();  void guided_takeoff_run();  void guided_pos_control_run();  void guided_vel_control_run();  void guided_posvel_control_run();  void guided_angle_control_run();  void guided_set_desired_velocity_with_accel_and_fence_limits(const Vector3f& vel_des);  void guided_limit_clear();  void guided_limit_set(uint32_t timeout_ms, float alt_min_cm, float alt_max_cm, float horiz_max_cm);  void guided_limit_init_time_and_pos();  bool guided_limit_check();  bool guided_nogps_init(bool ignore_checks);  void guided_nogps_run();  bool land_init(bool ignore_checks);  void land_run();  void land_gps_run();  void land_nogps_run();  int32_t land_get_alt_above_ground(void);  void land_run_vertical_control(bool pause_descent = false);  void land_run_horizontal_control();  void land_do_not_use_GPS();  void set_mode_land_with_pause(mode_reason_t reason);  bool landing_with_GPS();  bool loiter_init(bool ignore_checks);  void loiter_run();#if PRECISION_LANDING == ENABLED  bool do_precision_loiter() const;  void precision_loiter_xy();  void set_precision_loiter_enabled(bool value) { _precision_loiter_enabled = value; }  bool _precision_loiter_enabled;#endif  bool poshold_init(bool ignore_checks);  void poshold_run();  void poshold_update_pilot_lean_angle(float &lean_angle_filtered, float &lean_angle_raw);  int16_t poshold_mix_controls(float mix_ratio, int16_t first_control, int16_t second_control);  void poshold_update_brake_angle_from_velocity(int16_t &brake_angle, float velocity);  void poshold_update_wind_comp_estimate();  void poshold_get_wind_comp_lean_angles(int16_t &roll_angle, int16_t &pitch_angle);  void poshold_roll_controller_to_pilot_override();  void poshold_pitch_controller_to_pilot_override();  // Throw to launch functionality  bool throw_init(bool ignore_checks);  void throw_run();  bool throw_detected();  bool throw_attitude_good();  bool throw_height_good();  bool throw_position_good();  bool rtl_init(bool ignore_checks);  void rtl_restart_without_terrain();  void rtl_run();  void rtl_climb_start();  void rtl_return_start();  void rtl_climb_return_run();  void rtl_loiterathome_start();  void rtl_loiterathome_run();  void rtl_descent_start();  void rtl_descent_run();  void rtl_land_start();  void rtl_land_run();  void rtl_build_path(bool terrain_following_allowed);  void rtl_compute_return_target(bool terrain_following_allowed);  bool sport_init(bool ignore_checks);  void sport_run();  bool stabilize_init(bool ignore_checks);  void stabilize_run();  void crash_check();  void parachute_check();  void parachute_release();  void parachute_manual_release();  // support for AP_Avoidance custom flight mode, AVOID_ADSB  bool avoid_adsb_init(bool ignore_checks);  void avoid_adsb_run();  bool avoid_adsb_set_velocity(const Vector3f& velocity_neu);  void ekf_check();  bool ekf_over_threshold();  void failsafe_ekf_event();  void failsafe_ekf_off_event(void);  void esc_calibration_startup_check();  void esc_calibration_passthrough();  void esc_calibration_auto();  bool should_disarm_on_failsafe();  void failsafe_radio_on_event();  void failsafe_radio_off_event();  void failsafe_battery_event(void);  void failsafe_gcs_check();  void failsafe_gcs_off_event(void);  void failsafe_terrain_check();  void failsafe_terrain_set_status(bool data_ok);  void failsafe_terrain_on_event();  void set_mode_RTL_or_land_with_pause(mode_reason_t reason);  void update_events();  void failsafe_enable();  void failsafe_disable();  void fence_check();  void fence_send_mavlink_status(mavlink_channel_t chan);  void update_sensor_status_flags(void);  bool set_mode(control_mode_t mode, mode_reason_t reason);  bool gcs_set_mode(uint8_t mode) { return set_mode((control_mode_t)mode, MODE_REASON_GCS_COMMAND); }  void update_flight_mode();  void exit_mode(control_mode_t old_control_mode, control_mode_t new_control_mode);  bool mode_requires_GPS(control_mode_t mode);  bool mode_has_manual_throttle(control_mode_t mode);  bool mode_allows_arming(control_mode_t mode, bool arming_from_gcs);  void notify_flight_mode(control_mode_t mode);  void heli_init();  void check_dynamic_flight(void);  void update_heli_control_dynamics(void);  void heli_update_landing_swash();  void heli_update_rotor_speed_targets();  bool heli_acro_init(bool ignore_checks);  void heli_acro_run();  bool heli_stabilize_init(bool ignore_checks);  void heli_stabilize_run();  void read_inertia();  bool land_complete_maybe();  void update_land_and_crash_detectors();  void update_land_detector();  void update_throttle_thr_mix();  void update_ground_effect_detector(void);  void landinggear_update();  void update_notify();  void motor_test_output();  bool mavlink_motor_test_check(mavlink_channel_t chan, bool check_rc);  uint8_t mavlink_motor_test_start(mavlink_channel_t chan, uint8_t motor_seq, uint8_t throttle_type, uint16_t throttle_value, float timeout_sec);  void motor_test_stop();  void arm_motors_check();  void auto_disarm_check();  bool init_arm_motors(bool arming_from_gcs);  void init_disarm_motors();  void motors_output();  void lost_vehicle_check();  void run_nav_updates(void);  void calc_distance_and_bearing();  void calc_wp_distance();  void calc_wp_bearing();  void calc_home_distance_and_bearing();  void run_autopilot();  void perf_info_reset();  void perf_ignore_this_loop();  void perf_info_check_loop_time(uint32_t time_in_micros);  uint16_t perf_info_get_num_loops();  uint32_t perf_info_get_max_time();  uint32_t perf_info_get_min_time();  uint16_t perf_info_get_num_long_running();  uint32_t perf_info_get_num_dropped();  Vector3f pv_location_to_vector(const Location& loc);  float pv_alt_above_origin(float alt_above_home_cm);  float pv_alt_above_home(float alt_above_origin_cm);  float pv_get_bearing_cd(const Vector3f &origin, const Vector3f &destination);  float pv_get_horizontal_distance_cm(const Vector3f &origin, const Vector3f &destination);  float pv_distance_to_home_cm(const Vector3f &destination);  void default_dead_zones();  void init_rc_in();  void init_rc_out();  void enable_motor_output();  void read_radio();  void set_throttle_and_failsafe(uint16_t throttle_pwm);  void set_throttle_zero_flag(int16_t throttle_control);  void radio_passthrough_to_motors();  void init_barometer(bool full_calibration);  void read_barometer(void);  void init_rangefinder(void);  void read_rangefinder(void);  bool rangefinder_alt_ok();  void init_compass();  void init_optflow();  void update_optical_flow(void);  void init_precland();  void update_precland();  void read_battery(void);  void read_receiver_rssi(void);  void epm_update();  void gripper_update();  void terrain_update();  void terrain_logging();  bool terrain_use();  void report_batt_monitor();  void report_frame();  void report_radio();  void report_ins();  void report_flight_modes();  void report_optflow();  void print_radio_values();  void print_switch(uint8_t p, uint8_t m, bool b);  void print_accel_offsets_and_scaling(void);  void print_gyro_offsets(void);  void report_compass();  void print_blanks(int16_t num);  void print_divider(void);  void print_enabled(bool b);  void report_version();  void read_control_switch();  bool check_if_auxsw_mode_used(uint8_t auxsw_mode_check);  bool check_duplicate_auxsw(void);  void reset_control_switch();  uint8_t read_3pos_switch(uint8_t chan);  void read_aux_switches();  void init_aux_switches();  void init_aux_switch_function(int8_t ch_option, uint8_t ch_flag);  void do_aux_switch_function(int8_t ch_function, uint8_t ch_flag);  void save_trim();  void auto_trim();  void init_ardupilot();  void startup_INS_ground();  bool calibrate_gyros();  bool position_ok();  bool ekf_position_ok();  bool optflow_position_ok();  void update_auto_armed();  void check_usb_mux(void);  bool should_log(uint32_t mask);  void set_default_frame_class();  void allocate_motors(void);  uint8_t get_frame_mav_type();  const char* get_frame_string();  bool current_mode_has_user_takeoff(bool must_navigate);  bool do_user_takeoff(float takeoff_alt_cm, bool must_navigate);  void takeoff_timer_start(float alt_cm);  void takeoff_stop();  void takeoff_get_climb_rates(float& pilot_climb_rate, float& takeoff_climb_rate);  void print_hit_enter();  void tuning();  void gcs_send_text_fmt(MAV_SEVERITY severity, const char *fmt, ...);  bool start_command(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  bool verify_command(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  bool verify_command_callback(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  Location_Class terrain_adjusted_location(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd) const;  bool do_guided(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  void do_takeoff(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  void do_nav_wp(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  void do_land(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  void do_loiter_unlimited(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  void do_circle(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  void do_loiter_time(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  void do_spline_wp(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);#if NAV_GUIDED == ENABLED  void do_nav_guided_enable(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  void do_guided_limits(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);#endif  void do_nav_delay(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  void do_wait_delay(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  void do_within_distance(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  void do_yaw(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  void do_change_speed(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  void do_set_home(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  void do_roi(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  void do_mount_control(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);#if CAMERA == ENABLED  void do_digicam_configure(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  void do_digicam_control(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);#endif#if PARACHUTE == ENABLED  void do_parachute(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);#endif#if GRIPPER_ENABLED == ENABLED  void do_gripper(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);#endif  bool verify_nav_wp(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  bool verify_circle(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  bool verify_spline_wp(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);#if NAV_GUIDED == ENABLED  bool verify_nav_guided_enable(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);#endif  bool verify_nav_delay(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);  void auto_spline_start(const Location_Class& destination, bool stopped_at_start, AC_WPNav::spline_segment_end_type seg_end_type, const Location_Class& next_destination);  void print_flight_mode(AP_HAL::BetterStream *port, uint8_t mode);  void log_init(void);  void run_cli(AP_HAL::UARTDriver *port);  void init_capabilities(void);  void dataflash_periodic(void);  void accel_cal_update(void);public:  void mavlink_delay_cb();  void failsafe_check();  int8_t dump_log(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv);  int8_t erase_logs(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv);  int8_t select_logs(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv);  bool print_log_menu(void);  int8_t process_logs(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv);  int8_t main_menu_help(uint8_t, const Menu::arg*);  int8_t setup_mode(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv);  int8_t setup_factory(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv);  int8_t setup_set(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv);  int8_t setup_show(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv);  int8_t esc_calib(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv);  int8_t test_mode(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv);  int8_t test_baro(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv);  int8_t test_compass(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv);  int8_t test_ins(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv);  int8_t test_optflow(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv);  int8_t test_relay(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv);  int8_t test_shell(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv);  int8_t test_rangefinder(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv);  int8_t reboot_board(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv);};#define MENU_FUNC(func) FUNCTOR_BIND(&copter, &Copter::func, int8_t, uint8_t, const Menu::arg *)extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;extern Copter copter;using AP_HAL::mill




#pragma once#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL_Boards.h>// Just so that it's completely clear...#define ENABLED        1#define DISABLED        0// this avoids a very common config error#define ENABLE ENABLED#define DISABLE DISABLED// Autopilot Yaw Mode enumerationenum autopilot_yaw_mode {  AUTO_YAW_HOLD =      0, // pilot controls the heading  AUTO_YAW_LOOK_AT_NEXT_WP = 1, // point towards next waypoint (no pilot input accepted)  AUTO_YAW_ROI =       2, // point towards a location held in roi_WP (no pilot input accepted)  AUTO_YAW_LOOK_AT_HEADING = 3, // point towards a particular angle (not pilot input accepted)  AUTO_YAW_LOOK_AHEAD =   4, // point in the direction the copter is moving  AUTO_YAW_RESETTOARMEDYAW = 5, // point towards heading at time motors were armed};// Ch6... Ch12 aux switch control#define AUX_SWITCH_PWM_TRIGGER_HIGH 1800 // pwm value above which the ch7 or ch8 option will be invoked#define AUX_SWITCH_PWM_TRIGGER_LOW 1200 // pwm value below which the ch7 or ch8 option will be disabled#define CH6_PWM_TRIGGER_HIGH  1800#define CH6_PWM_TRIGGER_LOW  1200// values used by the ap.ch7_opt and ap.ch8_opt flags#define AUX_SWITCH_LOW       0   // indicates auxiliary switch is in the low position (pwm <1200)#define AUX_SWITCH_MIDDLE     1   // indicates auxiliary switch is in the middle position (pwm >1200, <1800)#define AUX_SWITCH_HIGH      2   // indicates auxiliary switch is in the high position (pwm >1800)// Aux Switch enumerationenum aux_sw_func {  AUXSW_DO_NOTHING =     0, // aux switch disabled  AUXSW_FLIP =        2, // flip  AUXSW_SIMPLE_MODE =     3, // change to simple mode  AUXSW_RTL =         4, // change to RTL flight mode  AUXSW_SAVE_TRIM =      5, // save current position as level  AUXSW_SAVE_WP =       7, // save mission waypoint or RTL if in auto mode  AUXSW_CAMERA_TRIGGER =   9, // trigger camera servo or relay  AUXSW_RANGEFINDER =    10, // allow enabling or disabling rangefinder in flight which helps avoid surface tracking when you are far above the ground  AUXSW_FENCE =       11, // allow enabling or disabling fence in flight  AUXSW_RESETTOARMEDYAW =  12, // deprecated. changes yaw to be same as when quad was armed  AUXSW_SUPERSIMPLE_MODE =  13, // change to simple mode in middle, super simple at top  AUXSW_ACRO_TRAINER =    14, // low = disabled, middle = leveled, high = leveled and limited  AUXSW_SPRAYER =      15, // enable/disable the crop sprayer  AUXSW_AUTO =        16, // change to auto flight mode  AUXSW_AUTOTUNE =      17, // auto tune  AUXSW_LAND =        18, // change to LAND flight mode  AUXSW_GRIPPER =      19, // Operate cargo grippers low=off, middle=neutral, high=on  AUXSW_PARACHUTE_ENABLE = 21, // Parachute enable/disable  AUXSW_PARACHUTE_RELEASE = 22, // Parachute release  AUXSW_PARACHUTE_3POS =   23, // Parachute disable, enable, release with 3 position switch  AUXSW_MISSION_RESET =   24, // Reset auto mission to start from first command  AUXSW_ATTCON_FEEDFWD =   25, // enable/disable the roll and pitch rate feed forward  AUXSW_ATTCON_ACCEL_LIM =  26, // enable/disable the roll, pitch and yaw accel limiting  AUXSW_RETRACT_MOUNT =   27, // Retract Mount  AUXSW_RELAY =       28, // Relay pin on/off (only supports first relay)  AUXSW_LANDING_GEAR =    29, // Landing gear controller  AUXSW_LOST_COPTER_SOUND = 30, // Play lost copter sound  AUXSW_MOTOR_ESTOP =    31, // Emergency Stop Switch  AUXSW_MOTOR_INTERLOCK =  32, // Motor On/Off switch  AUXSW_BRAKE =       33, // Brake flight mode AUXSW_RELAY2 =       34, // Relay2 pin on/off (in Mission planner set CH8_OPT = 34)  AUXSW_RELAY3 =       35, // Relay3 pin on/off (in Mission planner set CH9_OPT = 35)  AUXSW_RELAY4 =       36, // Relay4 pin on/off (in Mission planner set CH10_OPT = 36)  AUXSW_THROW =       37, // change to THROW flight mode  AUXSW_AVOID_ADSB =     38, // enable AP_Avoidance library  AUXSW_PRECISION_LOITER =  39, // enable precision loiter  AUXSW_AVOID_PROXIMITY =  40, // enable object avoidance using proximity sensors (ie. horizontal lidar)  AUXSW_ARMDISARM =     41, // arm or disarm vehicle  AUXSW_SWITCH_MAX,};// Frame types#define UNDEFINED_FRAME 0#define MULTICOPTER_FRAME 1#define HELI_FRAME 2// HIL enumerations#define HIL_MODE_DISABLED       0#define HIL_MODE_SENSORS        1// Auto Pilot Modes enumerationenum control_mode_t {  STABILIZE =  0, // manual airframe angle with manual throttle  ACRO =     1, // manual body-frame angular rate with manual throttle  ALT_HOLD =   2, // manual airframe angle with automatic throttle  AUTO =     3, // fully automatic waypoint control using mission commands  GUIDED =    4, // fully automatic fly to coordinate or fly at velocity/direction using GCS immediate commands  LOITER =    5, // automatic horizontal acceleration with automatic throttle  RTL =     6, // automatic return to launching point  CIRCLE =    7, // automatic circular flight with automatic throttle  LAND =     9, // automatic landing with horizontal position control  DRIFT =    11, // semi-automous position, yaw and throttle control  SPORT =    13, // manual earth-frame angular rate control with manual throttle  FLIP =    14, // automatically flip the vehicle on the roll axis  AUTOTUNE =  15, // automatically tune the vehicle's roll and pitch gains  POSHOLD =   16, // automatic position hold with manual override, with automatic throttle  BRAKE =    17, // full-brake using inertial/GPS system, no pilot input  THROW =    18, // throw to launch mode using inertial/GPS system, no pilot input  AVOID_ADSB = 19, // automatic avoidance of obstacles in the macro scale - e.g. full-sized aircraft  GUIDED_NOGPS = 20, // guided mode but only accepts attitude and altitude};enum mode_reason_t {  MODE_REASON_UNKNOWN=0,  MODE_REASON_TX_COMMAND,  MODE_REASON_GCS_COMMAND,  MODE_REASON_RADIO_FAILSAFE,  MODE_REASON_BATTERY_FAILSAFE,  MODE_REASON_GCS_FAILSAFE,  MODE_REASON_EKF_FAILSAFE,  MODE_REASON_GPS_GLITCH,  MODE_REASON_MISSION_END,  MODE_REASON_THROTTLE_LAND_ESCAPE,  MODE_REASON_FENCE_BREACH,  MODE_REASON_TERRAIN_FAILSAFE,  MODE_REASON_BRAKE_TIMEOUT,  MODE_REASON_FLIP_COMPLETE,  MODE_REASON_AVOIDANCE,  MODE_REASON_AVOIDANCE_RECOVERY,  MODE_REASON_THROW_COMPLETE,};// Tuning enumerationenum tuning_func {  TUNING_NONE =            0, //  TUNING_STABILIZE_ROLL_PITCH_KP =  1, // stabilize roll/pitch angle controller's P term  TUNING_STABILIZE_YAW_KP =      3, // stabilize yaw heading controller's P term  TUNING_RATE_ROLL_PITCH_KP =     4, // body frame roll/pitch rate controller's P term  TUNING_RATE_ROLL_PITCH_KI =     5, // body frame roll/pitch rate controller's I term  TUNING_YAW_RATE_KP =        6, // body frame yaw rate controller's P term  TUNING_THROTTLE_RATE_KP =      7, // throttle rate controller's P term (desired rate to acceleration or motor output)  TUNING_WP_SPEED =         10, // maximum speed to next way point (0 to 10m/s)  TUNING_LOITER_POSITION_KP =    12, // loiter distance controller's P term (position error to speed)  TUNING_HELI_EXTERNAL_GYRO =    13, // TradHeli specific external tail gyro gain  TUNING_ALTITUDE_HOLD_KP =     14, // altitude hold controller's P term (alt error to desired rate)  TUNING_RATE_ROLL_PITCH_KD =    21, // body frame roll/pitch rate controller's D term  TUNING_VEL_XY_KP =         22, // loiter rate controller's P term (speed error to tilt angle)  TUNING_ACRO_RP_KP =        25, // acro controller's P term. converts pilot input to a desired roll, pitch or yaw rate  TUNING_YAW_RATE_KD =        26, // body frame yaw rate controller's D term  TUNING_VEL_XY_KI =         28, // loiter rate controller's I term (speed error to tilt angle)  TUNING_AHRS_YAW_KP =        30, // ahrs's compass effect on yaw angle (0 = very low, 1 = very high)  TUNING_AHRS_KP =          31, // accelerometer effect on roll/pitch angle (0=low)  TUNING_ACCEL_Z_KP =        34, // accel based throttle controller's P term  TUNING_ACCEL_Z_KI =        35, // accel based throttle controller's I term  TUNING_ACCEL_Z_KD =        36, // accel based throttle controller's D term  TUNING_DECLINATION =        38, // compass declination in radians  TUNING_CIRCLE_RATE =        39, // circle turn rate in degrees (hard coded to about 45 degrees in either direction)  TUNING_ACRO_YAW_KP =        40, // acro controller's P term. converts pilot input to a desired roll, pitch or yaw rate  TUNING_RANGEFINDER_GAIN =     41, // rangefinder gain  TUNING_EKF_VERTICAL_POS =     42, // EKF's baro vs accel (higher rely on accels more, baro impact is reduced). Range should be 0.2 ~ 4.0? 2.0 is default  TUNING_EKF_HORIZONTAL_POS =    43, // EKF's gps vs accel (higher rely on accels more, gps impact is reduced). Range should be 1.0 ~ 3.0? 1.5 is default  TUNING_EKF_ACCEL_NOISE =      44, // EKF's accel noise (lower means trust accels more, gps & baro less). Range should be 0.02 ~ 0.5 0.5 is default (but very robust at that level)  TUNING_RC_FEEL_RP =        45, // roll-pitch input smoothing  TUNING_RATE_PITCH_KP =       46, // body frame pitch rate controller's P term  TUNING_RATE_PITCH_KI =       47, // body frame pitch rate controller's I term  TUNING_RATE_PITCH_KD =       48, // body frame pitch rate controller's D term  TUNING_RATE_ROLL_KP =       49, // body frame roll rate controller's P term  TUNING_RATE_ROLL_KI =       50, // body frame roll rate controller's I term  TUNING_RATE_ROLL_KD =       51, // body frame roll rate controller's D term  TUNING_RATE_PITCH_FF =       52, // body frame pitch rate controller FF term  TUNING_RATE_ROLL_FF =       53, // body frame roll rate controller FF term  TUNING_RATE_YAW_FF =        54, // body frame yaw rate controller FF term  TUNING_RATE_MOT_YAW_HEADROOM =   55, // motors yaw headroom minimum  TUNING_RATE_YAW_FILT =       56 // yaw rate input filter};// Acro Trainer types#define ACRO_TRAINER_DISABLED 0#define ACRO_TRAINER_LEVELING 1#define ACRO_TRAINER_LIMITED  2// RC Feel roll/pitch definitions#define RC_FEEL_RP_VERY_SOFT    0#define RC_FEEL_RP_SOFT      25#define RC_FEEL_RP_MEDIUM     50#define RC_FEEL_RP_CRISP      75#define RC_FEEL_RP_VERY_CRISP   100// Yaw behaviours during missions - possible values for WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR parameter#define WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR_NONE             0 // auto pilot will never control yaw during missions or rtl (except for DO_CONDITIONAL_YAW command received)#define WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR_LOOK_AT_NEXT_WP       1 // auto pilot will face next waypoint or home during rtl#define WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR_LOOK_AT_NEXT_WP_EXCEPT_RTL  2 // auto pilot will face next waypoint except when doing RTL at which time it will stay in it's last#define WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR_LOOK_AHEAD          3 // auto pilot will look ahead during missions and rtl (primarily meant for traditional helicotpers)// Auto modesenum AutoMode {  Auto_TakeOff,  Auto_WP,  Auto_Land,  Auto_RTL,  Auto_CircleMoveToEdge,  Auto_Circle,  Auto_Spline,  Auto_NavGuided,  Auto_Loiter,  Auto_NavPayloadPlace,};// Guided modesenum GuidedMode {  Guided_TakeOff,  Guided_WP,  Guided_Velocity,  Guided_PosVel,  Guided_Angle,};// RTL statesenum RTLState {  RTL_InitialClimb,  RTL_ReturnHome,  RTL_LoiterAtHome,  RTL_FinalDescent,  RTL_Land};// Alt_Hold statesenum AltHoldModeState {  AltHold_MotorStopped,  AltHold_Takeoff,  AltHold_Flying,  AltHold_Landed};// Loiter statesenum LoiterModeState {  Loiter_MotorStopped,  Loiter_Takeoff,  Loiter_Flying,  Loiter_Landed};// Sport statesenum SportModeState {  Sport_MotorStopped,  Sport_Takeoff,  Sport_Flying,  Sport_Landed};// Flip statesenum FlipState {  Flip_Start,  Flip_Roll,  Flip_Pitch_A,  Flip_Pitch_B,  Flip_Recover,  Flip_Abandon};// Throw stagesenum ThrowModeStage {  Throw_Disarmed,  Throw_Detecting,  Throw_Uprighting,  Throw_HgtStabilise,  Throw_PosHold};// Throw typesenum ThrowModeType {  ThrowType_Upward = 0,  ThrowType_Drop = 1};enum LandStateType {  LandStateType_FlyToLocation = 0,  LandStateType_Descending = 1};enum PayloadPlaceStateType {  PayloadPlaceStateType_FlyToLocation,  PayloadPlaceStateType_Calibrating_Hover_Start,  PayloadPlaceStateType_Calibrating_Hover,  PayloadPlaceStateType_Descending_Start,  PayloadPlaceStateType_Descending,  PayloadPlaceStateType_Releasing_Start,  PayloadPlaceStateType_Releasing,  PayloadPlaceStateType_Released,  PayloadPlaceStateType_Ascending_Start,  PayloadPlaceStateType_Ascending,  PayloadPlaceStateType_Done,};// bit options for DEV_OPTIONS parameterenum DevOptions {  DevOptionADSBMAVLink = 1,};// Logging parameters#define TYPE_AIRSTART_MSG       0x00#define TYPE_GROUNDSTART_MSG      0x01#define LOG_CONTROL_TUNING_MSG     0x04#define LOG_NAV_TUNING_MSG       0x05#define LOG_PERFORMANCE_MSG      0x06#define LOG_OPTFLOW_MSG        0x0C#define LOG_EVENT_MSG         0x0D#define LOG_PID_MSG          0x0E  // deprecated#define LOG_INAV_MSG          0x11  // deprecated#define LOG_CAMERA_MSG_DEPRECATED   0x12  // deprecated#define LOG_ERROR_MSG         0x13#define LOG_DATA_INT16_MSG       0x14#define LOG_DATA_UINT16_MSG      0x15#define LOG_DATA_INT32_MSG       0x16#define LOG_DATA_UINT32_MSG      0x17#define LOG_DATA_FLOAT_MSG       0x18#define LOG_AUTOTUNE_MSG        0x19#define LOG_AUTOTUNEDETAILS_MSG    0x1A#define LOG_MOTBATT_MSG        0x1E#define LOG_PARAMTUNE_MSG       0x1F#define LOG_HELI_MSG          0x20#define LOG_PRECLAND_MSG        0x21#define LOG_GUIDEDTARGET_MSG      0x22#define LOG_THROW_MSG         0x23#define LOG_PROXIMITY_MSG       0x24#define LOG_BEACON_MSG         0x25#define MASK_LOG_ATTITUDE_FAST     (1<<0)#define MASK_LOG_ATTITUDE_MED     (1<<1)#define MASK_LOG_GPS          (1<<2)#define MASK_LOG_PM          (1<<3)#define MASK_LOG_CTUN         (1<<4)#define MASK_LOG_NTUN         (1<<5)#define MASK_LOG_RCIN         (1<<6)#define MASK_LOG_IMU          (1<<7)#define MASK_LOG_CMD          (1<<8)#define MASK_LOG_CURRENT        (1<<9)#define MASK_LOG_RCOUT         (1<<10)#define MASK_LOG_OPTFLOW        (1<<11)#define MASK_LOG_PID          (1<<12)#define MASK_LOG_COMPASS        (1<<13)#define MASK_LOG_INAV         (1<<14) // deprecated#define MASK_LOG_CAMERA        (1<<15)#define MASK_LOG_MOTBATT        (1UL<<17)#define MASK_LOG_IMU_FAST       (1UL<<18)#define MASK_LOG_IMU_RAW        (1UL<<19)#define MASK_LOG_ANY          0xFFFF// DATA - event logging#define DATA_AP_STATE           7#define DATA_SYSTEM_TIME_SET        8#define DATA_INIT_SIMPLE_BEARING      9#define DATA_ARMED             10#define DATA_DISARMED           11#define DATA_AUTO_ARMED          15#define DATA_LAND_COMPLETE_MAYBE      17#define DATA_LAND_COMPLETE         18#define DATA_NOT_LANDED          28#define DATA_LOST_GPS           19#define DATA_FLIP_START          21#define DATA_FLIP_END           22#define DATA_SET_HOME           25#define DATA_SET_SIMPLE_ON         26#define DATA_SET_SIMPLE_OFF        27#define DATA_SET_SUPERSIMPLE_ON      29#define DATA_AUTOTUNE_INITIALISED     30#define DATA_AUTOTUNE_OFF         31#define DATA_AUTOTUNE_RESTART       32#define DATA_AUTOTUNE_SUCCESS       33#define DATA_AUTOTUNE_FAILED        34#define DATA_AUTOTUNE_REACHED_LIMIT    35#define DATA_AUTOTUNE_PILOT_TESTING    36#define DATA_AUTOTUNE_SAVEDGAINS      37#define DATA_SAVE_TRIM           38#define DATA_SAVEWP_ADD_WP         39#define DATA_FENCE_ENABLE         41#define DATA_FENCE_DISABLE         42#define DATA_ACRO_TRAINER_DISABLED     43#define DATA_ACRO_TRAINER_LEVELING     44#define DATA_ACRO_TRAINER_LIMITED     45#define DATA_GRIPPER_GRAB         46#define DATA_GRIPPER_RELEASE        47#define DATA_PARACHUTE_DISABLED      49#define DATA_PARACHUTE_ENABLED       50#define DATA_PARACHUTE_RELEASED      51#define DATA_LANDING_GEAR_DEPLOYED     52#define DATA_LANDING_GEAR_RETRACTED    53#define DATA_MOTORS_EMERGENCY_STOPPED   54#define DATA_MOTORS_EMERGENCY_STOP_CLEARED 55#define DATA_MOTORS_INTERLOCK_DISABLED   56#define DATA_MOTORS_INTERLOCK_ENABLED   57#define DATA_ROTOR_RUNUP_COMPLETE     58 // Heli only#define DATA_ROTOR_SPEED_BELOW_CRITICAL  59 // Heli only#define DATA_EKF_ALT_RESET         60#define DATA_LAND_CANCELLED_BY_PILOT    61#define DATA_EKF_YAW_RESET         62#define DATA_AVOIDANCE_ADSB_ENABLE     63#define DATA_AVOIDANCE_ADSB_DISABLE    64#define DATA_AVOIDANCE_PROXIMITY_ENABLE  65#define DATA_AVOIDANCE_PROXIMITY_DISABLE  66#define DATA_GPS_PRIMARY_CHANGED      67// Centi-degrees to radians#define DEGX100 5729.57795f// Error message sub systems and error codes#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_MAIN        1#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_RADIO       2#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_COMPASS      3#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_OPTFLOW      4#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_FAILSAFE_RADIO   5#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_FAILSAFE_BATT   6#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_FAILSAFE_GPS    7 // not used#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_FAILSAFE_GCS    8#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_FAILSAFE_FENCE   9#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_FLIGHT_MODE    10#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_GPS        11 // not used#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_CRASH_CHECK    12#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_FLIP        13#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_AUTOTUNE      14#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_PARACHUTE     15#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_EKFCHECK      16#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_FAILSAFE_EKFINAV  17#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_BARO        18#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_CPU        19#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_FAILSAFE_ADSB   20#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_TERRAIN      21#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_NAVIGATION     22#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_FAILSAFE_TERRAIN  23#define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_EKF_PRIMARY    24// general error codes#define ERROR_CODE_ERROR_RESOLVED     0#define ERROR_CODE_FAILED_TO_INITIALISE  1#define ERROR_CODE_UNHEALTHY        4// subsystem specific error codes -- radio#define ERROR_CODE_RADIO_LATE_FRAME    2// subsystem specific error codes -- failsafe_thr, batt, gps#define ERROR_CODE_FAILSAFE_RESOLVED    0#define ERROR_CODE_FAILSAFE_OCCURRED    1// subsystem specific error codes -- compass#define ERROR_CODE_COMPASS_FAILED_TO_READ 2// subsystem specific error codes -- main#define ERROR_CODE_MAIN_INS_DELAY     1// subsystem specific error codes -- crash checker#define ERROR_CODE_CRASH_CHECK_CRASH    1#define ERROR_CODE_CRASH_CHECK_LOSS_OF_CONTROL 2// subsystem specific error codes -- flip#define ERROR_CODE_FLIP_ABANDONED     2// subsystem specific error codes -- terrain#define ERROR_CODE_MISSING_TERRAIN_DATA  2// subsystem specific error codes -- navigation#define ERROR_CODE_FAILED_TO_SET_DESTINATION  2#define ERROR_CODE_RESTARTED_RTL      3#define ERROR_CODE_FAILED_CIRCLE_INIT   4#define ERROR_CODE_DEST_OUTSIDE_FENCE   5// parachute failed to deploy because of low altitude or landed#define ERROR_CODE_PARACHUTE_TOO_LOW    2#define ERROR_CODE_PARACHUTE_LANDED    3// EKF check definitions#define ERROR_CODE_EKFCHECK_BAD_VARIANCE   2#define ERROR_CODE_EKFCHECK_VARIANCE_CLEARED 0// Baro specific error codes#define ERROR_CODE_BARO_GLITCH       2// Arming Check Enable/Disable bits#define ARMING_CHECK_NONE         0x00#define ARMING_CHECK_ALL          0x01#define ARMING_CHECK_BARO         0x02#define ARMING_CHECK_COMPASS        0x04#define ARMING_CHECK_GPS          0x08#define ARMING_CHECK_INS          0x10#define ARMING_CHECK_PARAMETERS      0x20#define ARMING_CHECK_RC          0x40#define ARMING_CHECK_VOLTAGE        0x80// Radio failsafe definitions (FS_THR parameter)#define FS_THR_DISABLED          0#define FS_THR_ENABLED_ALWAYS_RTL     1#define FS_THR_ENABLED_CONTINUE_MISSION  2#define FS_THR_ENABLED_ALWAYS_LAND    3// Battery failsafe definitions (FS_BATT_ENABLE parameter)#define FS_BATT_DISABLED          0   // battery failsafe disabled#define FS_BATT_LAND            1   // switch to LAND mode on battery failsafe#define FS_BATT_RTL            2   // switch to RTL mode on battery failsafe// GCS failsafe definitions (FS_GCS_ENABLE parameter)#define FS_GCS_DISABLED          0#define FS_GCS_ENABLED_ALWAYS_RTL     1#define FS_GCS_ENABLED_CONTINUE_MISSION  2// EKF failsafe definitions (FS_EKF_ACTION parameter)#define FS_EKF_ACTION_LAND         1   // switch to LAND mode on EKF failsafe#define FS_EKF_ACTION_ALTHOLD       2   // switch to ALTHOLD mode on EKF failsafe#define FS_EKF_ACTION_LAND_EVEN_STABILIZE 3   // switch to Land mode on EKF failsafe even if in a manual flight mode like stabilize// for mavlink SET_POSITION_TARGET messages#define MAVLINK_SET_POS_TYPE_MASK_POS_IGNORE   ((1<<0) | (1<<1) | (1<<2))#define MAVLINK_SET_POS_TYPE_MASK_VEL_IGNORE   ((1<<3) | (1<<4) | (1<<5))#define MAVLINK_SET_POS_TYPE_MASK_ACC_IGNORE   ((1<<6) | (1<<7) | (1<<8))#define MAVLINK_SET_POS_TYPE_MASK_FORCE     (1<<9)#define MAVLINK_SET_POS_TYPE_MASK_YAW_IGNORE   (1<<10)#define MAVLINK_SET_POS_TYPE_MASK_YAW_RATE_IGNORE (1<<11)// for PILOT_THR_BHV parameter#define THR_BEHAVE_FEEDBACK_FROM_MID_STICK (1<<0)#define THR_BEHAVE_HIGH_THROTTLE_CANCELS_LAND (1<<1)#define THR_BEHAVE_DISARM_ON_LAND_DETECT (1<<2)



//#pragma once//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING//// DO NOT EDIT this file to adjust your configuration. Create your own// APM_Config.h and use APM_Config.h.example as a reference.//// WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Default and automatic configuration details.//// Notes for maintainers://// - Try to keep this file organised in the same order as APM_Config.h.example//#include "defines.h"////// DO NOT EDIT THIS INCLUDE - if you want to make a local change, make that/// change in your local copy of APM_Config.h.///#include "APM_Config.h"////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HARDWARE CONFIGURATION AND CONNECTIONS////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#ifndef CONFIG_HAL_BOARD#error CONFIG_HAL_BOARD must be defined to build ArduCopter#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HIL_MODE                OPTIONAL#ifndef HIL_MODE #define HIL_MODE    HIL_MODE_DISABLED#endif#define MAGNETOMETER ENABLED// run at 400Hz on all systems# define MAIN_LOOP_RATE  400# define MAIN_LOOP_SECONDS 0.0025f# define MAIN_LOOP_MICROS 2500#ifndef ARMING_DELAY_SEC  # define ARMING_DELAY_SEC 2.0f#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FRAME_CONFIG//#ifndef FRAME_CONFIG # define FRAME_CONFIG MULTICOPTER_FRAME#endif/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TradHeli defaults#if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME # define RC_FAST_SPEED            125 # define WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT       WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR_LOOK_AHEAD # define THR_MIN_DEFAULT           0 # define AUTOTUNE_ENABLED          DISABLED#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PWM control// default RC speed in Hz#ifndef RC_FAST_SPEED  # define RC_FAST_SPEED 490#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Rangefinder//#ifndef RANGEFINDER_ENABLED # define RANGEFINDER_ENABLED ENABLED#endif#ifndef RANGEFINDER_HEALTH_MAX # define RANGEFINDER_HEALTH_MAX 3     // number of good reads that indicates a healthy rangefinder#endif#ifndef RANGEFINDER_GAIN_DEFAULT # define RANGEFINDER_GAIN_DEFAULT 0.8f  // gain for controlling how quickly rangefinder range adjusts target altitude (lower means slower reaction)#endif#ifndef THR_SURFACE_TRACKING_VELZ_MAX # define THR_SURFACE_TRACKING_VELZ_MAX 150 // max vertical speed change while surface tracking with rangefinder#endif#ifndef RANGEFINDER_TIMEOUT_MS # define RANGEFINDER_TIMEOUT_MS 1000   // desired rangefinder alt will reset to current rangefinder alt after this many milliseconds without a good rangefinder alt#endif#ifndef RANGEFINDER_WPNAV_FILT_HZ # define RANGEFINDER_WPNAV_FILT_HZ 0.25f // filter frequency for rangefinder altitude provided to waypoint navigation class#endif#ifndef RANGEFINDER_TILT_CORRECTION    // by disable tilt correction for use of range finder data by EKF # define RANGEFINDER_TILT_CORRECTION ENABLED#endif#ifndef RANGEFINDER_GLITCH_ALT_CM # define RANGEFINDER_GLITCH_ALT_CM 200   // amount of rangefinder change to be considered a glitch#endif#ifndef RANGEFINDER_GLITCH_NUM_SAMPLES # define RANGEFINDER_GLITCH_NUM_SAMPLES 3 // number of rangefinder glitches in a row to take new reading#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Proximity sensor//#ifndef PROXIMITY_ENABLED # define PROXIMITY_ENABLED ENABLED#endif#ifndef MAV_SYSTEM_ID # define MAV_SYSTEM_ID     1#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Battery monitoring//#ifndef FS_BATT_VOLTAGE_DEFAULT # define FS_BATT_VOLTAGE_DEFAULT   10.5f   // default battery voltage below which failsafe will be triggered#endif#ifndef FS_BATT_MAH_DEFAULT # define FS_BATT_MAH_DEFAULT      0    // default battery capacity (in mah) below which failsafe will be triggered#endif#ifndef BOARD_VOLTAGE_MIN # define BOARD_VOLTAGE_MIN      4.3f    // min board voltage in volts for pre-arm checks#endif#ifndef BOARD_VOLTAGE_MAX # define BOARD_VOLTAGE_MAX      5.8f    // max board voltage in volts for pre-arm checks#endif// prearm GPS hdop check#ifndef GPS_HDOP_GOOD_DEFAULT # define GPS_HDOP_GOOD_DEFAULT    140  // minimum hdop that represents a good position. used during pre-arm checks if fence is enabled#endif// GCS failsafe#ifndef FS_GCS # define FS_GCS            DISABLED#endif#ifndef FS_GCS_TIMEOUT_MS # define FS_GCS_TIMEOUT_MS      5000  // gcs failsafe triggers after 5 seconds with no GCS heartbeat#endif// Radio failsafe while using RC_override#ifndef FS_RADIO_RC_OVERRIDE_TIMEOUT_MS # define FS_RADIO_RC_OVERRIDE_TIMEOUT_MS 1000  // RC Radio failsafe triggers after 1 second while using RC_override from ground station#endif// Radio failsafe#ifndef FS_RADIO_TIMEOUT_MS #define FS_RADIO_TIMEOUT_MS      500  // RC Radio Failsafe triggers after 500 miliseconds with No RC Input#endif// missing terrain data failsafe#ifndef FS_TERRAIN_TIMEOUT_MS #define FS_TERRAIN_TIMEOUT_MS     5000  // 5 seconds of missing terrain data will trigger failsafe (RTL)#endif#ifndef PREARM_DISPLAY_PERIOD# define PREARM_DISPLAY_PERIOD 30#endif// pre-arm baro vs inertial nav max alt disparity#ifndef PREARM_MAX_ALT_DISPARITY_CM # define PREARM_MAX_ALT_DISPARITY_CM   100  // barometer and inertial nav altitude must be within this many centimeters#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EKF Failsafe#ifndef FS_EKF_ACTION_DEFAULT # define FS_EKF_ACTION_DEFAULT    FS_EKF_ACTION_LAND // EKF failsafe triggers land by default#endif#ifndef FS_EKF_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT # define FS_EKF_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT   0.8f  // EKF failsafe's default compass and velocity variance threshold above which the EKF failsafe will be triggered#endif#ifndef EKF_ORIGIN_MAX_DIST_M # define EKF_ORIGIN_MAX_DIST_M    50000 // EKF origin and waypoints (including home) must be within 50km#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MAGNETOMETER#ifndef MAGNETOMETER # define MAGNETOMETER         ENABLED#endif#ifndef COMPASS_CAL_STICK_GESTURE_TIME #define COMPASS_CAL_STICK_GESTURE_TIME 2.0f // 2 seconds#endif#ifndef COMPASS_CAL_STICK_DELAY #define COMPASS_CAL_STICK_DELAY 5.0f#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OPTICAL_FLOW#ifndef OPTFLOW # define OPTFLOW   ENABLED#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Auto Tuning#ifndef AUTOTUNE_ENABLED # define AUTOTUNE_ENABLED ENABLED#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Crop Sprayer#ifndef SPRAYER # define SPRAYER ENABLED#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Precision Landing with companion computer or IRLock sensor#ifndef PRECISION_LANDING # define PRECISION_LANDING ENABLED#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// gripper#ifndef GRIPPER_ENABLED # define GRIPPER_ENABLED ENABLED#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Parachute release#ifndef PARACHUTE # define PARACHUTE ENABLED#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ADSB support#ifndef ADSB_ENABLED# define ADSB_ENABLED ENABLED#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Nav-Guided - allows external nav computer to control vehicle#ifndef NAV_GUIDED # define NAV_GUIDED  ENABLED#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RADIO CONFIGURATION//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FLIGHT_MODE//#ifndef FLIGHT_MODE_1 # define FLIGHT_MODE_1         STABILIZE#endif#ifndef FLIGHT_MODE_2 # define FLIGHT_MODE_2         STABILIZE#endif#ifndef FLIGHT_MODE_3 # define FLIGHT_MODE_3         STABILIZE#endif#ifndef FLIGHT_MODE_4 # define FLIGHT_MODE_4         STABILIZE#endif#ifndef FLIGHT_MODE_5 # define FLIGHT_MODE_5         STABILIZE#endif#ifndef FLIGHT_MODE_6 # define FLIGHT_MODE_6         STABILIZE#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Throttle Failsafe//#ifndef FS_THR_VALUE_DEFAULT # define FS_THR_VALUE_DEFAULT      975#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Takeoff//#ifndef PILOT_TKOFF_ALT_DEFAULT # define PILOT_TKOFF_ALT_DEFAULT     0  // default final alt above home for pilot initiated takeoff#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Landing//#ifndef LAND_SPEED # define LAND_SPEED  50     // the descent speed for the final stage of landing in cm/s#endif#ifndef LAND_START_ALT # define LAND_START_ALT 1000    // altitude in cm where land controller switches to slow rate of descent#endif#ifndef LAND_REPOSITION_DEFAULT # define LAND_REPOSITION_DEFAULT 1 // by default the pilot can override roll/pitch during landing#endif#ifndef LAND_WITH_DELAY_MS # define LAND_WITH_DELAY_MS    4000  // default delay (in milliseconds) when a land-with-delay is triggered during a failsafe event#endif#ifndef LAND_CANCEL_TRIGGER_THR # define LAND_CANCEL_TRIGGER_THR 700  // land is cancelled by input throttle above 700#endif#ifndef LAND_RANGEFINDER_MIN_ALT_CM#define LAND_RANGEFINDER_MIN_ALT_CM 200#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Landing Detector//#ifndef LAND_DETECTOR_TRIGGER_SEC # define LAND_DETECTOR_TRIGGER_SEC    1.0f  // number of seconds to detect a landing#endif#ifndef LAND_DETECTOR_MAYBE_TRIGGER_SEC # define LAND_DETECTOR_MAYBE_TRIGGER_SEC 0.2f  // number of seconds that means we might be landed (used to reset horizontal position targets to prevent tipping over)#endif#ifndef LAND_DETECTOR_ACCEL_LPF_CUTOFF# define LAND_DETECTOR_ACCEL_LPF_CUTOFF  1.0f  // frequency cutoff of land detector accelerometer filter#endif#ifndef LAND_DETECTOR_ACCEL_MAX# define LAND_DETECTOR_ACCEL_MAX      1.0f  // vehicle acceleration must be under 1m/s/s#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CAMERA TRIGGER AND CONTROL//#ifndef CAMERA # define CAMERA    ENABLED#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MOUNT (ANTENNA OR CAMERA)//#ifndef MOUNT # define MOUNT    ENABLED#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Flight mode definitions//// Acro Mode#ifndef ACRO_RP_P # define ACRO_RP_P        4.5f#endif#ifndef ACRO_YAW_P # define ACRO_YAW_P        4.5f#endif#ifndef ACRO_LEVEL_MAX_ANGLE # define ACRO_LEVEL_MAX_ANGLE   3000#endif#ifndef ACRO_BALANCE_ROLL #define ACRO_BALANCE_ROLL     1.0f#endif#ifndef ACRO_BALANCE_PITCH #define ACRO_BALANCE_PITCH    1.0f#endif#ifndef ACRO_RP_EXPO_DEFAULT #define ACRO_RP_EXPO_DEFAULT   0.3f#endif#ifndef ACRO_Y_EXPO_DEFAULT #define ACRO_Y_EXPO_DEFAULT    0.0f#endif#ifndef ACRO_THR_MID_DEFAULT #define ACRO_THR_MID_DEFAULT   0.0f#endif// RTL Mode#ifndef RTL_ALT_FINAL # define RTL_ALT_FINAL      0   // the altitude the vehicle will move to as the final stage of Returning to Launch. Set to zero to land.#endif#ifndef RTL_ALT # define RTL_ALT   1500  // default alt to return to home in cm, 0 = Maintain current altitude#endif#ifndef RTL_ALT_MIN # define RTL_ALT_MIN       200  // min height above ground for RTL (i.e 2m)#endif#ifndef RTL_CLIMB_MIN_DEFAULT # define RTL_CLIMB_MIN_DEFAULT  0   // vehicle will always climb this many cm as first stage of RTL#endif#ifndef RTL_ABS_MIN_CLIMB # define RTL_ABS_MIN_CLIMB    250  // absolute minimum initial climb#endif#ifndef RTL_CONE_SLOPE_DEFAULT # define RTL_CONE_SLOPE_DEFAULT  3.0f  // slope of RTL cone (height / distance). 0 = No cone#endif#ifndef RTL_MIN_CONE_SLOPE # define RTL_MIN_CONE_SLOPE    0.5f  // minimum slope of cone#endif#ifndef RTL_LOITER_TIME # define RTL_LOITER_TIME     5000  // Time (in milliseconds) to loiter above home before beginning final descent#endif// AUTO Mode#ifndef WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT # define WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR_LOOK_AT_NEXT_WP_EXCEPT_RTL#endif#ifndef AUTO_YAW_SLEW_RATE # define AUTO_YAW_SLEW_RATE  60       // degrees/sec#endif#ifndef YAW_LOOK_AHEAD_MIN_SPEED # define YAW_LOOK_AHEAD_MIN_SPEED 100      // minimum ground speed in cm/s required before copter is aimed at ground course#endif// Super Simple mode#ifndef SUPER_SIMPLE_RADIUS # define SUPER_SIMPLE_RADIUS   1000#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Stabilize Rate Control//#ifndef ROLL_PITCH_YAW_INPUT_MAX # define ROLL_PITCH_YAW_INPUT_MAX   4500    // roll, pitch and yaw input range#endif#ifndef DEFAULT_ANGLE_MAX # define DEFAULT_ANGLE_MAX    4500      // ANGLE_MAX parameters default value#endif#ifndef ANGLE_RATE_MAX # define ANGLE_RATE_MAX      18000     // default maximum rotation rate in roll/pitch axis requested by angle controller used in stabilize, loiter, rtl, auto flight modes#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Loiter position control gains//#ifndef POS_XY_P # define POS_XY_P       1.0f#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Stop mode defaults//#ifndef BRAKE_MODE_SPEED_Z # define BRAKE_MODE_SPEED_Z  250 // z-axis speed in cm/s in Brake Mode#endif#ifndef BRAKE_MODE_DECEL_RATE # define BRAKE_MODE_DECEL_RATE 750 // acceleration rate in cm/s/s in Brake Mode#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Velocity (horizontal) gains//#ifndef VEL_XY_P # define VEL_XY_P       1.0f#endif#ifndef VEL_XY_I # define VEL_XY_I       0.5f#endif#ifndef VEL_XY_IMAX # define VEL_XY_IMAX     1000#endif#ifndef VEL_XY_FILT_HZ # define VEL_XY_FILT_HZ    5.0f#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PosHold parameter defaults//#ifndef POSHOLD_ENABLED # define POSHOLD_ENABLED       ENABLED // PosHold flight mode enabled by default#endif#ifndef POSHOLD_BRAKE_RATE_DEFAULT # define POSHOLD_BRAKE_RATE_DEFAULT  8   // default POSHOLD_BRAKE_RATE param value. Rotation rate during braking in deg/sec#endif#ifndef POSHOLD_BRAKE_ANGLE_DEFAULT # define POSHOLD_BRAKE_ANGLE_DEFAULT 3000  // default POSHOLD_BRAKE_ANGLE param value. Max lean angle during braking in centi-degrees#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Throttle control gains//#ifndef THR_DZ_DEFAULT# define THR_DZ_DEFAULT    100      // the deadzone above and below mid throttle while in althold or loiter#endif#ifndef ALT_HOLD_P # define ALT_HOLD_P      1.0f#endif// Velocity (vertical) control gains#ifndef VEL_Z_P # define VEL_Z_P   5.0f#endif// Accel (vertical) control gains#ifndef ACCEL_Z_P # define ACCEL_Z_P  0.50f#endif#ifndef ACCEL_Z_I # define ACCEL_Z_I  1.00f#endif#ifndef ACCEL_Z_D # define ACCEL_Z_D  0.0f#endif#ifndef ACCEL_Z_IMAX # define ACCEL_Z_IMAX 800#endif#ifndef ACCEL_Z_FILT_HZ # define ACCEL_Z_FILT_HZ 20.0f#endif// default maximum vertical velocity and acceleration the pilot may request#ifndef PILOT_VELZ_MAX # define PILOT_VELZ_MAX  250  // maximum vertical velocity in cm/s#endif#ifndef PILOT_ACCEL_Z_DEFAULT # define PILOT_ACCEL_Z_DEFAULT 250 // vertical acceleration in cm/s/s while altitude is under pilot control#endif// max distance in cm above or below current location that will be used for the alt target when transitioning to alt-hold mode#ifndef ALT_HOLD_INIT_MAX_OVERSHOOT # define ALT_HOLD_INIT_MAX_OVERSHOOT 200#endif// the acceleration used to define the distance-velocity curve#ifndef ALT_HOLD_ACCEL_MAX # define ALT_HOLD_ACCEL_MAX 250  // if you change this you must also update the duplicate declaration in AC_WPNav.h#endif#ifndef AUTO_DISARMING_DELAY# define AUTO_DISARMING_DELAY 10#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Throw mode configuration//#ifndef THROW_HIGH_SPEED# define THROW_HIGH_SPEED   500.0f // vehicle much reach this total 3D speed in cm/s (or be free falling)#endif#ifndef THROW_VERTICAL_SPEED# define THROW_VERTICAL_SPEED 50.0f // motors start when vehicle reaches this total 3D speed in cm/s#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Dataflash logging control//#ifndef LOGGING_ENABLED # define LOGGING_ENABLED        ENABLED#endif// Default logging bitmask#ifndef DEFAULT_LOG_BITMASK # define DEFAULT_LOG_BITMASK \  MASK_LOG_ATTITUDE_MED | \  MASK_LOG_GPS | \  MASK_LOG_PM | \  MASK_LOG_CTUN | \  MASK_LOG_NTUN | \  MASK_LOG_RCIN | \  MASK_LOG_IMU | \  MASK_LOG_CMD | \  MASK_LOG_CURRENT | \  MASK_LOG_RCOUT | \  MASK_LOG_OPTFLOW | \  MASK_LOG_COMPASS | \  MASK_LOG_CAMERA | \  MASK_LOG_MOTBATT#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Fence, Rally and Terrain and AC_Avoidance defaults//// Enable/disable Fence#ifndef AC_FENCE #define AC_FENCE ENABLED#endif#ifndef AC_RALLY #define AC_RALLY ENABLED#endif#ifndef AC_TERRAIN #define AC_TERRAIN ENABLED#endif#if AC_TERRAIN && !AC_RALLY #error Terrain relies on Rally which is disabled#endif#ifndef AC_AVOID_ENABLED #define AC_AVOID_ENABLED ENABLED#endif#if AC_AVOID_ENABLED && !PROXIMITY_ENABLED #error AC_Avoidance relies on PROXIMITY_ENABLED which is disabled#endif#if AC_AVOID_ENABLED && !AC_FENCE #error AC_Avoidance relies on AC_FENCE which is disabled#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Developer Items//// use this to completely disable the CLI#ifndef CLI_ENABLED # define CLI_ENABLED     ENABLED#endif//use this to completely disable FRSKY TELEM#ifndef FRSKY_TELEM_ENABLED # define FRSKY_TELEM_ENABLED     ENABLED#endif#ifndef ADVANCED_FAILSAFE# define ADVANCED_FAILSAFE DISABLED#endif



// User specific config file. Any items listed in config.h can be overridden here.// If you used to define your CONFIG_APM_HARDWARE setting here, it is no longer// valid! You should switch to using a HAL_BOARD flag in your local uncomment the lines below to disable features (flash sizes listed are for APM2 boards and will underestimate savings on Pixhawk and other boards)//#define LOGGING_ENABLED   DISABLED      // disable dataflash logging to save 11K of flash space//#define MOUNT        DISABLED      // disable the camera gimbal to save 8K of flash space//#define AUTOTUNE_ENABLED   DISABLED      // disable the auto tune functionality to save 7k of flash//#define AC_FENCE       DISABLED      // disable fence to save 2k of flash//#define CAMERA        DISABLED      // disable camera trigger to save 1k of flash//#define RANGEFINDER_ENABLED DISABLED      // disable rangefinder to save 1k of flash//#define PROXIMITY_ENABLED  DISABLED      // disable proximity sensors//#define POSHOLD_ENABLED   DISABLED      // disable PosHold flight mode to save 4.5k of flash//#define AC_RALLY       DISABLED      // disable rally points library (must also disable terrain which relies on rally)//#define AC_TERRAIN      DISABLED      // disable terrain library//#define PARACHUTE      DISABLED      // disable parachute release to save 1k of flash//#define CLI_ENABLED     DISABLED      // disable the CLI (command-line-interface) to save 21K of flash space//#define NAV_GUIDED      DISABLED      // disable external navigation computer ability to control vehicle through MAV_CMD_NAV_GUIDED mission commands//#define OPTFLOW       DISABLED      // disable optical flow sensor to save 5K of flash space//#define FRSKY_TELEM_ENABLED DISABLED      // disable FRSky telemetry//#define ADSB_ENABLED     DISABLED      // disable ADSB support//#define PRECISION_LANDING  DISABLED      // disable precision landing using companion computer or IRLock sensor//#define SPRAYER       DISABLED      // disable the crop sprayer feature (two ESC controlled pumps the speed of which depends upon the vehicle's horizontal velocity)// features below are disabled by default on all boards//#define CAL_ALWAYS_REBOOT            // flight controller will reboot after compass or accelerometer calibration completes//#define DISALLOW_GCS_MODE_CHANGE_DURING_RC_FAILSAFE // disable mode changes from GCS during Radio failsafes. Avoids a race condition for vehicle like Solo in which the RC and telemetry travel along the same link//#define ADVANCED_FAILSAFE  ENABLED      // enabled advanced failsafe which allows running a portion of the mission in failsafe events// other settings//#define THROTTLE_IN_DEADBAND 100        // redefine size of throttle deadband in pwm (0 ~ 1000)//#define HIL_MODE       HIL_MODE_SENSORS  // build for hardware-in-the-loop simulation// User Hooks : For User Developed code that you wish to run// Put your variable definitions into the UserVariables.h file (or another file name and then change the #define below).//#define USERHOOK_VARIABLES "UserVariables.h"// Put your custom code into the UserCode.cpp with function names matching those listed below and ensure the appropriate #define below is uncommented below//#define USERHOOK_INIT userhook_init();           // for code to be run once at startup//#define USERHOOK_FASTLOOP userhook_FastLoop();      // for code to be run at 100hz//#define USERHOOK_50HZLOOP userhook_50Hz();         // for code to be run at 50hz//#define USERHOOK_MEDIUMLOOP userhook_MediumLoop();    // for code to be run at 10hz//#define USERHOOK_SLOWLOOP userhook_SlowLoop();      // for code to be run at 3.3hz//#define USERHOOK_SUPERSLOWLOOP userhook_SuperSlowLoop(); // for code to be run at 1hz



#pragma once#include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS.h>// default sensors are present and healthy: gyro, accelerometer, barometer, rate_control, attitude_stabilization, yaw_position, altitude control, x/y position control, motor_control#define MAVLINK_SENSOR_PRESENT_DEFAULT (MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_3D_GYRO | MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_3D_ACCEL | MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_ABSOLUTE_PRESSURE | MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_ANGULAR_RATE_CONTROL | MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_ATTITUDE_STABILIZATION | MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_YAW_POSITION | MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_Z_ALTITUDE_CONTROL | MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_XY_POSITION_CONTROL | MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_MOTOR_OUTPUTS | MAV_SYS_STATUS_AHRS)class GCS_MAVLINK_Copter : public GCS_MAVLINK{public:  void data_stream_send(void) override;protected:  uint32_t telem_delay() const override;  bool accept_packet(const mavlink_status_t &status, mavlink_message_t &msg) override;   private:  void handleMessage(mavlink_message_t * msg) override;  bool handle_guided_request(AP_Mission::Mission_Command &cmd) override;  void handle_change_alt_request(AP_Mission::Mission_Command &cmd) override;  bool try_send_message(enum ap_message id) override;  void packetReceived(const mavlink_status_t &status,            mavlink_message_t &msg) override;};



#pragma once#include <AP_Rally/AP_Rally.h>#include <AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS.h>class AP_Rally_Copter : public AP_Rally{public:  // constructor  AP_Rally_Copter(AP_AHRS &ahrs) : AP_Rally(ahrs) {};private:  bool is_valid(const Location &rally_point) const override;};



#pragma once#include <AP_Arming/AP_Arming.h>class AP_Arming_Copter : public AP_Arming{public:  AP_Arming_Copter(const AP_AHRS_NavEKF &ahrs_ref, const AP_Baro &baro, Compass &compass,           const AP_BattMonitor &battery, const AP_InertialNav_NavEKF &inav,           const AP_InertialSensor &ins) :    AP_Arming(ahrs_ref, baro, compass, battery),    _inav(inav),    _ins(ins),    _ahrs_navekf(ahrs_ref)    {  }  void update(void);  bool all_checks_passing(bool arming_from_gcs);  void pre_arm_rc_checks(bool display_failure);protected:  bool pre_arm_checks(bool display_failure) override;  bool pre_arm_gps_checks(bool display_failure);  bool pre_arm_ekf_attitude_check();  bool pre_arm_terrain_check(bool display_failure);  bool pre_arm_proximity_check(bool display_failure);  bool arm_checks(bool display_failure, bool arming_from_gcs);  // NOTE! the following check functions *DO* call into AP_Arming:  bool ins_checks(bool display_failure) override;  bool compass_checks(bool display_failure) override;  bool gps_checks(bool display_failure) override;  // NOTE! the following check functions *DO NOT* call into AP_Arming!  bool fence_checks(bool display_failure);  bool board_voltage_checks(bool display_failure);  bool parameter_checks(bool display_failure);  bool motor_checks(bool display_failure);  bool pilot_throttle_checks(bool display_failure);  bool barometer_checks(bool display_failure);  bool rc_calibration_checks(bool display_failure);  void set_pre_arm_check(bool b);  void set_pre_arm_rc_check(bool b);  enum HomeState home_status() const override;private:  void gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY severity, const char *str);  const AP_InertialNav_NavEKF &_inav;  const AP_InertialSensor &_ins;  const AP_AHRS_NavEKF &_ahrs_navekf;};



/*  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or  (at your option) any later version.  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the  GNU General Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License  along with this program. If not, see <>. */#pragma once/* advanced failsafe support for copter */#if ADVANCED_FAILSAFE == ENABLED#include <AP_AdvancedFailsafe/AP_AdvancedFailsafe.h>/* a plane specific AP_AdvancedFailsafe class */class AP_AdvancedFailsafe_Copter : public AP_AdvancedFailsafe{public:  AP_AdvancedFailsafe_Copter(AP_Mission &_mission, AP_Baro &_baro, const AP_GPS &_gps, const RCMapper &_rcmap);  // called to set all outputs to termination state  void terminate_vehicle(void);   protected:  // setup failsafe values for if FMU firmware stops running  void setup_IO_failsafe(void);  // return the AFS mapped control mode  enum control_mode afs_mode(void);};#endif // ADVANCED_FAILSAFE




#pragma once#include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h>// Global parameter class.//class Parameters {public:  // The version of the layout as described by the parameter enum.  //  // When changing the parameter enum in an incompatible fashion, this  // value should be incremented by one.  //  // The increment will prevent old parameters from being used incorrectly  // by newer code.  //  static const uint16_t    k_format_version = 120;  // The parameter software_type is set up solely for ground station use  // and identifies the software type (eg ArduPilotMega versus  // ArduCopterMega)  // GCS will interpret values 0-9 as ArduPilotMega. Developers may use  // values within that range to identify different branches.  //  static const uint16_t    k_software_type = 10;     // 0 for APM                                // trunk  // Parameter identities.  //  // The enumeration defined here is used to ensure that every parameter  // or parameter group has a unique ID number. This number is used by  // AP_Param to store and locate parameters in EEPROM.  //  // Note that entries without a number are assigned the next number after  // the entry preceding them. When adding new entries, ensure that they  // don't overlap.  //  // Try to group related variables together, and assign them a set  // range in the enumeration. Place these groups in numerical order  // at the end of the enumeration.  //  // WARNING: Care should be taken when editing this enumeration as the  // AP_Param load/save code depends on the values here to identify  // variables saved in EEPROM.  //  //  enum {    // Layout version number, always key zero.    //    k_param_format_version = 0,    k_param_software_type,    k_param_ins_old,            // *** Deprecated, remove with next eeprom number change    k_param_ins,              // libraries/AP_InertialSensor variables    k_param_NavEKF2_old, // deprecated - remove    k_param_NavEKF2,    k_param_g2, // 2nd block of parameters    k_param_NavEKF3,    // simulation    k_param_sitl = 10,    // barometer object (needed for SITL)    k_param_barometer,    // scheduler object (for debugging)    k_param_scheduler,    // relay object    k_param_relay,    // (old) EPM object    k_param_epm_unused,    // BoardConfig object    k_param_BoardConfig,    // GPS object    k_param_gps,    // Parachute object    k_param_parachute,    // Landing gear object    k_param_landinggear,  // 18    // Input Management object    k_param_input_manager, // 19    // Misc    //    k_param_log_bitmask_old = 20,     // Deprecated    k_param_log_last_filenumber,      // *** Deprecated - remove                        // with next eeprom number                        // change    k_param_toy_yaw_rate,         // deprecated - remove    k_param_crosstrack_min_distance, // deprecated - remove with next eeprom number change    k_param_rssi_pin,         // unused, replaced by rssi_ library parameters    k_param_throttle_accel_enabled,  // deprecated - remove    k_param_wp_yaw_behavior,    k_param_acro_trainer,    k_param_pilot_velocity_z_max,    k_param_circle_rate,        // deprecated - remove    k_param_rangefinder_gain,    k_param_ch8_option,    k_param_arming_check_old,   // deprecated - remove    k_param_sprayer,    k_param_angle_max,    k_param_gps_hdop_good,    k_param_battery,    k_param_fs_batt_mah,    k_param_angle_rate_max,    // remove    k_param_rssi_range,      // unused, replaced by rssi_ library parameters    k_param_rc_feel_rp,    k_param_NavEKF,        // deprecated - remove    k_param_mission,        // mission library    k_param_rc_13_old,    k_param_rc_14_old,    k_param_rally,    k_param_poshold_brake_rate,    k_param_poshold_brake_angle_max,    k_param_pilot_accel_z,    k_param_serial0_baud,     // deprecated - remove    k_param_serial1_baud,     // deprecated - remove    k_param_serial2_baud,     // deprecated - remove    k_param_land_repositioning,    k_param_rangefinder, // rangefinder object    k_param_fs_ekf_thresh,    k_param_terrain,    k_param_acro_rp_expo,    k_param_throttle_deadzone,    k_param_optflow,    k_param_dcmcheck_thresh,    // deprecated - remove    k_param_log_bitmask,    k_param_cli_enabled,    k_param_throttle_filt,    k_param_throttle_behavior,    k_param_pilot_takeoff_alt, // 64    // 65: AP_Limits Library    k_param_limits = 65,      // deprecated - remove    k_param_gpslock_limit,     // deprecated - remove    k_param_geofence_limit,    // deprecated - remove    k_param_altitude_limit,    // deprecated - remove    k_param_fence,    k_param_gps_glitch,      // deprecated    k_param_baro_glitch,      // 71 - deprecated    // AP_ADSB Library    k_param_adsb,         // 72    k_param_notify,        // 73    // 74: precision landing object    k_param_precland = 74,    //    // 75: Singlecopter, CoaxCopter    //    k_param_single_servo_1 = 75,  // remove    k_param_single_servo_2,    // remove    k_param_single_servo_3,    // remove    k_param_single_servo_4,    // 78 - remove    //    // 80: Heli    //    k_param_heli_servo_1 = 80, // remove    k_param_heli_servo_2,   // remove    k_param_heli_servo_3,   // remove    k_param_heli_servo_4,   // remove    k_param_heli_pitch_ff,   // remove    k_param_heli_roll_ff,   // remove    k_param_heli_yaw_ff,    // remove    k_param_heli_stab_col_min, // remove    k_param_heli_stab_col_max, // remove    k_param_heli_servo_rsc,  // 89 = full! - remove    //    // 90: misc2    //    k_param_motors = 90,    k_param_disarm_delay,    k_param_fs_crash_check,    k_param_throw_motor_start,    k_param_terrain_follow,  // 94    k_param_avoid,    k_param_avoidance_adsb,    // 97: RSSI    k_param_rssi = 97,             //    // 100: Inertial Nav    //    k_param_inertial_nav = 100, // deprecated    k_param_wp_nav,    k_param_attitude_control,    k_param_pos_control,    k_param_circle_nav,  // 104    // 110: Telemetry control    //    k_param_gcs0 = 110,    k_param_gcs1,    k_param_sysid_this_mav,    k_param_sysid_my_gcs,    k_param_serial1_baud_old, // deprecated    k_param_telem_delay,    k_param_gcs2,    k_param_serial2_baud_old, // deprecated    k_param_serial2_protocol, // deprecated    k_param_serial_manager,    k_param_ch9_option,    k_param_ch10_option,    k_param_ch11_option,    k_param_ch12_option,    k_param_takeoff_trigger_dz,    k_param_gcs3,    k_param_gcs_pid_mask,  // 126    //    // 135 : reserved for Solo until features merged with master    //    k_param_rtl_speed_cms = 135,    k_param_fs_batt_curr_rtl,    k_param_rtl_cone_slope, // 137    //    // 140: Sensor parameters    //    k_param_imu = 140, // deprecated - can be deleted    k_param_battery_monitoring = 141, // deprecated - can be deleted    k_param_volt_div_ratio, // deprecated - can be deleted    k_param_curr_amp_per_volt, // deprecated - can be deleted    k_param_input_voltage, // deprecated - can be deleted    k_param_pack_capacity, // deprecated - can be deleted    k_param_compass_enabled,    k_param_compass,    k_param_rangefinder_enabled_old, // deprecated    k_param_frame_type,    k_param_optflow_enabled,  // deprecated    k_param_fs_batt_voltage,    k_param_ch7_option,    k_param_auto_slew_rate,  // deprecated - can be deleted    k_param_rangefinder_type_old,  // deprecated    k_param_super_simple = 155,    k_param_axis_enabled = 157, // deprecated - remove with next eeprom number change    k_param_copter_leds_mode, // deprecated - remove with next eeprom number change    k_param_ahrs, // AHRS group // 159    //    // 160: Navigation parameters    //    k_param_rtl_altitude = 160,    k_param_crosstrack_gain, // deprecated - remove with next eeprom number change    k_param_rtl_loiter_time,    k_param_rtl_alt_final,    k_param_tilt_comp, //164 deprecated - remove with next eeprom number change    //    // Camera and mount parameters    //    k_param_camera = 165,    k_param_camera_mount,    k_param_camera_mount2,   // deprecated    //    // Batery monitoring parameters    //    k_param_battery_volt_pin = 168, // deprecated - can be deleted    k_param_battery_curr_pin, // 169 deprecated - can be deleted    //    // 170: Radio settings    //    k_param_rc_1_old = 170,    k_param_rc_2_old,    k_param_rc_3_old,    k_param_rc_4_old,    k_param_rc_5_old,    k_param_rc_6_old,    k_param_rc_7_old,    k_param_rc_8_old,    k_param_rc_10_old,    k_param_rc_11_old,    k_param_throttle_min,     // remove    k_param_throttle_max,     // remove    k_param_failsafe_throttle,    k_param_throttle_fs_action,  // remove    k_param_failsafe_throttle_value,    k_param_throttle_trim,     // remove    k_param_esc_calibrate,    k_param_radio_tuning,    k_param_radio_tuning_high,    k_param_radio_tuning_low,    k_param_rc_speed = 192,    k_param_failsafe_battery_enabled,    k_param_throttle_mid,     // remove    k_param_failsafe_gps_enabled, // remove    k_param_rc_9_old,    k_param_rc_12_old,    k_param_failsafe_gcs,    k_param_rcmap, // 199    //    // 200: flight modes    //    k_param_flight_mode1 = 200,    k_param_flight_mode2,    k_param_flight_mode3,    k_param_flight_mode4,    k_param_flight_mode5,    k_param_flight_mode6,    k_param_simple_modes,    //    // 210: Waypoint data    //    k_param_waypoint_mode = 210, // remove    k_param_command_total,   // remove    k_param_command_index,   // remove    k_param_command_nav_index, // remove    k_param_waypoint_radius,  // remove    k_param_circle_radius,   // remove    k_param_waypoint_speed_max, // remove    k_param_land_speed,    k_param_auto_velocity_z_min, // remove    k_param_auto_velocity_z_max, // remove - 219    k_param_land_speed_high,    //    // 220: PI/D Controllers    //    k_param_acro_rp_p = 221,    k_param_axis_lock_p,  // remove    k_param_pid_rate_roll,   // remove    k_param_pid_rate_pitch,  // remove    k_param_pid_rate_yaw,   // remove    k_param_p_stabilize_roll, // remove    k_param_p_stabilize_pitch, // remove    k_param_p_stabilize_yaw,  // remove    k_param_p_pos_xy,    k_param_p_loiter_lon,   // remove    k_param_pid_loiter_rate_lat,  // remove    k_param_pid_loiter_rate_lon,  // remove    k_param_pid_nav_lat,    // remove    k_param_pid_nav_lon,    // remove    k_param_p_alt_hold,    k_param_p_vel_z,    k_param_pid_optflow_roll,   // remove    k_param_pid_optflow_pitch,   // remove    k_param_acro_balance_roll_old, // remove    k_param_acro_balance_pitch_old, // remove    k_param_pid_accel_z,    k_param_acro_balance_roll,    k_param_acro_balance_pitch,    k_param_acro_yaw_p,    k_param_autotune_axis_bitmask,    k_param_autotune_aggressiveness,    k_param_pi_vel_xy,    k_param_fs_ekf_action,    k_param_rtl_climb_min,    k_param_rpm_sensor,    k_param_autotune_min_d, // 251    k_param_arming, // 252 - AP_Arming    k_param_DataFlash = 253, // 253 - Logging Group    // 254,255: reserved    // the k_param_* space is 9-bits in size    // 511: reserved  };  AP_Int16    format_version;  AP_Int8    software_type;  // Telemetry control  //  AP_Int16    sysid_this_mav;  AP_Int16    sysid_my_gcs;  AP_Int8    telem_delay;#if CLI_ENABLED == ENABLED  AP_Int8    cli_enabled;#endif  AP_Float    throttle_filt;  AP_Int16    throttle_behavior;  AP_Int16    takeoff_trigger_dz;  AP_Float    pilot_takeoff_alt;  AP_Int16    rtl_altitude;  AP_Int16    rtl_speed_cms;  AP_Float    rtl_cone_slope;  AP_Float    rangefinder_gain;  AP_Int8    failsafe_battery_enabled; // battery failsafe enabled  AP_Float    fs_batt_voltage;      // battery voltage below which failsafe will be triggered  AP_Float    fs_batt_mah;        // battery capacity (in mah) below which failsafe will be triggered  AP_Int8    failsafe_gcs;       // ground station failsafe behavior  AP_Int16    gps_hdop_good;       // GPS Hdop value at or below this value represent a good position  AP_Int8    compass_enabled;  AP_Int8    super_simple;  AP_Int16    rtl_alt_final;  AP_Int16    rtl_climb_min;       // rtl minimum climb in cm  AP_Int8    wp_yaw_behavior;      // controls how the autopilot controls yaw during missions  AP_Int8    rc_feel_rp;        // controls vehicle response to user input with 0 being extremely soft and 100 begin extremely crisp  AP_Int16    poshold_brake_rate;    // PosHold flight mode's rotation rate during braking in deg/sec  AP_Int16    poshold_brake_angle_max;  // PosHold flight mode's max lean angle during braking in centi-degrees     // Waypoints  //  AP_Int32    rtl_loiter_time;  AP_Int16    land_speed;  AP_Int16    land_speed_high;  AP_Int16    pilot_velocity_z_max;    // maximum vertical velocity the pilot may request  AP_Int16    pilot_accel_z;       // vertical acceleration the pilot may request  // Throttle  //  AP_Int8    failsafe_throttle;  AP_Int16    failsafe_throttle_value;  AP_Int16    throttle_deadzone;  // Flight modes  //  AP_Int8    flight_mode1;  AP_Int8    flight_mode2;  AP_Int8    flight_mode3;  AP_Int8    flight_mode4;  AP_Int8    flight_mode5;  AP_Int8    flight_mode6;  AP_Int8    simple_modes;  // Misc  //  AP_Int32    log_bitmask;  AP_Int8    esc_calibrate;  AP_Int8    radio_tuning;  AP_Int16    radio_tuning_high;  AP_Int16    radio_tuning_low;  AP_Int8    frame_type;  AP_Int8    ch7_option;  AP_Int8    ch8_option;  AP_Int8    ch9_option;  AP_Int8    ch10_option;  AP_Int8    ch11_option;  AP_Int8    ch12_option;  AP_Int8    disarm_delay;  AP_Int8    land_repositioning;  AP_Int8    fs_ekf_action;  AP_Int8    fs_crash_check;  AP_Float    fs_ekf_thresh;  AP_Int16    gcs_pid_mask;  AP_Int8    throw_motor_start;  AP_Int8    terrain_follow;  AP_Int16        rc_speed; // speed of fast RC Channels in Hz  // Acro parameters  AP_Float        acro_rp_p;  AP_Float        acro_yaw_p;  AP_Float        acro_balance_roll;  AP_Float        acro_balance_pitch;  AP_Int8        acro_trainer;  AP_Float        acro_rp_expo;  // PI/D controllers  AC_PI_2D        pi_vel_xy;  AC_P          p_vel_z;  AC_PID         pid_accel_z;  AC_P          p_pos_xy;  AC_P          p_alt_hold;  // Autotune  AP_Int8        autotune_axis_bitmask;  AP_Float        autotune_aggressiveness;  AP_Float        autotune_min_d;  // Note: keep initializers here in the same order as they are declared  // above.  Parameters() :    // PID controller   initial P    initial I    initial D   initial imax    initial filt hz  pid rate    //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    pi_vel_xy       (VEL_XY_P,    VEL_XY_I,            VEL_XY_IMAX,    VEL_XY_FILT_HZ,  WPNAV_LOITER_UPDATE_TIME),    p_vel_z        (VEL_Z_P),    pid_accel_z      (ACCEL_Z_P,   ACCEL_Z_I,    ACCEL_Z_D,   ACCEL_Z_IMAX,   ACCEL_Z_FILT_HZ,  MAIN_LOOP_SECONDS),    // P controller     initial P    //----------------------------------------------------------------------    p_pos_xy        (POS_XY_P),    p_alt_hold       (ALT_HOLD_P)  {  }};/* 2nd block of parameters, to avoid going past 256 top level keys */class ParametersG2 {public:  ParametersG2(void);  // var_info for holding Parameter information  static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[];  // altitude at which nav control can start in takeoff  AP_Float wp_navalt_min;  // button checking  AP_Button button;  // vehicle statistics  AP_Stats stats;#if GRIPPER_ENABLED  AP_Gripper gripper;#endif  // Throw mode parameters  AP_Int8 throw_nextmode;  AP_Int8 throw_type;  // ground effect compensation enable/disable  AP_Int8 gndeffect_comp_enabled;  // beacon (non-GPS positioning) library  AP_Beacon beacon;#if PROXIMITY_ENABLED == ENABLED  // proximity (aka object avoidance) library  AP_Proximity proximity;#endif  // whether to enforce acceptance of packets only from sysid_my_gcs  AP_Int8 sysid_enforce;   #if ADVANCED_FAILSAFE == ENABLED  // advanced failsafe library  AP_AdvancedFailsafe_Copter afs;#endif  // developer options  AP_Int32 dev_options;  // acro exponent parameters  AP_Float acro_y_expo;  AP_Float acro_thr_mid;  // frame class  AP_Int8 frame_class;  // RC input channels  RC_Channels rc_channels;     // control over servo output ranges  SRV_Channels servo_channels;};extern const AP_Param::Info    var_info[];



#pragma once#include <AP_Avoidance/AP_Avoidance.h>// Provide Copter-specific implementation of avoidance. While most of// the logic for doing the actual avoidance is present in// AP_Avoidance, this class allows Copter to override base// functionality - for example, not doing anything while landed.class AP_Avoidance_Copter : public AP_Avoidance {public:  AP_Avoidance_Copter(AP_AHRS &ahrs, class AP_ADSB &adsb) :    AP_Avoidance(ahrs, adsb) { }private:  // helper function to set modes and always succeed  void set_mode_else_try_RTL_else_LAND(control_mode_t mode);protected:  // override avoidance handler  MAV_COLLISION_ACTION handle_avoidance(const AP_Avoidance::Obstacle *obstacle, MAV_COLLISION_ACTION requested_action) override;  // override recovery handler  void handle_recovery(uint8_t recovery_action) override;  // check flight mode is avoid_adsb  bool check_flightmode(bool allow_mode_change);  // vertical avoidance handler  bool handle_avoidance_vertical(const AP_Avoidance::Obstacle *obstacle, bool allow_mode_change);  // horizontal avoidance handler  bool handle_avoidance_horizontal(const AP_Avoidance::Obstacle *obstacle, bool allow_mode_change);  // perpendicular (3 dimensional) avoidance handler  bool handle_avoidance_perpendicular(const AP_Avoidance::Obstacle *obstacle, bool allow_mode_change);  // control mode before avoidance began  control_mode_t prev_control_mode = RTL;};




#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL_Boards.h>




#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>

// Common dependencies
#include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h>
#include <AP_Common/Location.h>
#include <AP_Menu/AP_Menu.h>
#include <AP_Param/AP_Param.h>
#include <StorageManager/StorageManager.h>

// Application dependencies
#include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS.h>
#include <AP_SerialManager/AP_SerialManager.h> // Serial manager library
#include <AP_GPS/AP_GPS.h> // ArduPilot GPS library
#include <DataFlash/DataFlash.h> // ArduPilot Mega Flash Memory Library
#include <AP_ADC/AP_ADC.h> // ArduPilot Mega Analog to Digital Converter Library
#include <AP_Baro/AP_Baro.h>
#include <AP_Compass/AP_Compass.h> // ArduPilot Mega Magnetometer Library
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h> // ArduPilot Mega Vector/Matrix math Library
#include <AP_AccelCal/AP_AccelCal.h> // interface and maths for accelerometer calibration
#include <AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor.h> // ArduPilot Mega Inertial Sensor (accel & gyro) Library
#include <AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS.h>
#include <AP_NavEKF2/AP_NavEKF2.h>
#include <AP_NavEKF3/AP_NavEKF3.h>
#include <AP_Mission/AP_Mission.h> // Mission command library
#include <AC_PID/AC_PID.h> // PID library
#include <AC_PID/AC_PI_2D.h> // PID library (2-axis)
#include <AC_PID/AC_HELI_PID.h> // Heli specific Rate PID library
#include <AC_PID/AC_P.h> // P library
#include <AC_AttitudeControl/AC_AttitudeControl_Multi.h> // Attitude control library
#include <AC_AttitudeControl/AC_AttitudeControl_Heli.h> // Attitude control library for traditional helicopter
#include <AC_AttitudeControl/AC_PosControl.h> // Position control library
#include <RC_Channel/RC_Channel.h> // RC Channel Library
#include <AP_Motors/AP_Motors.h> // AP Motors library
#include <AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder.h> // Range finder library
#include <AP_Proximity/AP_Proximity.h>
#include <AP_Stats/AP_Stats.h> // statistics library
#include <AP_Beacon/AP_Beacon.h>
#include <AP_OpticalFlow/AP_OpticalFlow.h> // Optical Flow library
#include <AP_RSSI/AP_RSSI.h> // RSSI Library
#include <Filter/Filter.h> // Filter library
#include <AP_Buffer/AP_Buffer.h> // APM FIFO Buffer
#include <AP_Relay/AP_Relay.h> // APM relay
#include <AP_ServoRelayEvents/AP_ServoRelayEvents.h>
#include <AP_Camera/AP_Camera.h> // Photo or video camera
#include <AP_Mount/AP_Mount.h> // Camera/Antenna mount
#include <AP_Airspeed/AP_Airspeed.h> // needed for AHRS build
#include <AP_Vehicle/AP_Vehicle.h> // needed for AHRS build
#include <AP_InertialNav/AP_InertialNav.h> // ArduPilot Mega inertial navigation library
#include <AC_WPNav/AC_WPNav.h> // ArduCopter waypoint navigation library
#include <AC_WPNav/AC_Circle.h> // circle navigation library
#include <AP_Declination/AP_Declination.h> // ArduPilot Mega Declination Helper Library
#include <AC_Fence/AC_Fence.h> // Arducopter Fence library
#include <AC_Avoidance/AC_Avoid.h> // Arducopter stop at fence library
#include <AP_Scheduler/AP_Scheduler.h> // main loop scheduler
#include <AP_RCMapper/AP_RCMapper.h> // RC input mapping library
#include <AP_Notify/AP_Notify.h> // Notify library
#include <AP_BattMonitor/AP_BattMonitor.h> // Battery monitor library
#include <AP_BoardConfig/AP_BoardConfig.h> // board configuration library
#include <AP_LandingGear/AP_LandingGear.h> // Landing Gear library
#include <AP_Terrain/AP_Terrain.h>
#include <AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB.h>
#include <AP_RPM/AP_RPM.h>
#include <AC_InputManager/AC_InputManager.h> // Pilot input handling library
#include <AC_InputManager/AC_InputManager_Heli.h> // Heli specific pilot input handling library
#include <AP_Button/AP_Button.h>










































