Categorieën: Alle - symptoms - mood - therapy

door tristan smith 11 jaren geleden


What Treatment Options are Available for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a complex mental health condition that requires a multifaceted treatment approach. Among the primary methods of intervention are mood stabilizers, which are generally the first line of treatment.

What Treatment Options are Available for Bipolar Disorder

What Treatment Options are Available for Bipolar Disorder


Types of atypical antipsychotics include: Zyprexa, Abilify, Seroquel, Risperdal, and Geodon.
Atypical antipsychotics can be used in addition to other medications to treat Bipolar Disorder.
Atypical antipsychotics include: Zyprexa, Risperdal, Seroquel, Geodon, Abilify, and Saphris.
Antipsychotics standard for schizophrenia treatment can be used for bipolar disorder.


National Institute For Mental Health
Bipolar disorder can not be cured, but it can be treated effectively over the long term.
Since Bipolar disorder has no cure, treatment must be continuous.
Recovery is a processs not an event
Teens will likely get medications and therapy from a psycologist
Depression and Bipolar Support Allaince
Includes Support groups, Medication, Talk therapy, or other strategies that the health care provider and patient decide.
Bipolar Disorder does requier long term treatment
There is more to treatment than medication
Work with an experienced psyciatrist
Keep stress in check
Get educated
Monitor mood patterns
Family therapy helps too.

Mood stabalizers

Different mood stabalizers are: Lithium, Valproic acid, Lamictal, Neurotin, Topomax, and Trilepital.
Mood stabalizers are generally the first chioce.
Kids will probavly recieve a mood stabalizer.
Lithium is not perfect but it remains an effective long term drug.
Lithium is the main medication used for treating Bipolar Disorder


National INstitute for Mental Health
Antidepressants may cause mania or trigger rapid cycling.
Types include Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, and Wellbutrin
Can be used in comjunction with Atypical antipsychotics to treat Bipolar Disorder
Antidepressants incude Wellbutrin, Paxil, SSRI's, Prozac, Effexor, and Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor.
May cause Mania
Antidepressants may be prescribed


People may not want to change for fear of being "flat".
Noncompliance is common.
The patient is likely to recieve more than one medication, increasing the risk of side effects.
Mood Variations are not predictable so it can be hard to tell if returning to normal is a result of medications or a natural part of the cycle.

Treating Mania

National Alliance on Mental Illness
Bipolar Disoder Presents a challenge, the Mania phase can be seductive
Step 5 continuation of mood stabalizers
Step 4 withdrawal of some drug treatments
Step 3 Addition of other treatments
Step 2 Control symptoms with a mood stabalizer
Step 1 Determine the need for hospitalization

Other Treatments

ECT has recieved a bad reputation over the years, but recent advances in technology have made it a safe and painless process.
ECT IS a non Drug Treatment Known as shock treatment.
National Istitute for Mental Health
Forms of psychotherapy include Cognitive behavioral therapy, Family focused therapy, interpersonal and social rythm therapy, and psychoeducation.
When used in conjunction with medications psychotherapy helps treat bipolar symptoms better.
Other treatments include Psychotherapy, Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT), Sleep medications, and Herbal suppliments.

Antisiezure Medications

National Institute for Mental Health
Antisiezure medications are also used effectively as mood stabalizers
Others include Valproate, Tegretol, Carbatol, Equetro, Trilepital, Neurontin, Zonegran, and Topomax
The main ones used are Depakene, Depakote, and Lamictal
Antisiezure medications can be used to treat Bipolar Disorder

Treating Depression

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
Depression is more likely to be accompanied with suicidal thoughts and actions.
People with Bipolar generally experience more depression than mania.
University of Maryland Medical Center
Step 2 add antidepressant
Step 1 use mood stabalizer