Categorieën: Alle - emancipation - cognitive - intersectionality - humanism

door Makenna Adams 4 jaren geleden


Theories Explained

Various societal issues are affecting different groups, highlighting the importance of intersectionality. An experimental study in Belgium revealed significant hiring discrimination against Maghreb/

Theories Explained

Theories Explained


BLM protests
sources: & social media
After all the protesting and rioting BLM has become a big cognitive event. People have been watching them happen and observing on the news, social media or out in the public. After seeing the different kind of behaviour that has caused so many people to act out it has also made a lot of people change and slowly stop racism. Although it won't happen all at once more people are trying to make it a goal to put an end to racism and make a big social change. There have been some negative outcomes from the riots but also motive outcomes because people are starting to see what's wrong with society and want to make a change.


Hiring discrimination and inequities in unemployment
People with disabilities, especially those from underrepresented groups, are overrepresented in the ranks of the unemployed. Only 28.6% of US African Americans with disabilities aged 18-64 had a job, compared to 73.7% of African Americans without disabilities.
An experimental study in Belgium found a problem for Maghreb/Arab women applying for high- cognitive demanding jobs. All of their resumes were overlooked by HR professionals even tough they were as well qualified for the roles as native/Belgian applicants.


The Korean War
Japan ruled Korea until the end of WW2, which led to upheaval. The country was divided between North and South Korea.By 1948, tensions rose, as both proxy governments wanted to reunite the country. In 1950, war broke out as the North side invaded the South side with support from China and Russia. The war ends I 1953 when a new stalemate had been reached.

Cultural Materialism

Development in health care
In Canada health care is free, in America people have to pay for health care and only some can afford it yet in Africa for some people they don't get health care at all. the Life expectancy in Canada is 82years, but in Africa it's 50 years. Africa can't afford to have as many resources as Canada or the US. Other places have been developing for good changes and a better health care system but some places are still fighting for that. Africa doesn't have all of the same technology because they can't afford to upgrade, they have use there own resources that they have there.


Democracy in the society
This has had a positive effect on reducing poverty, suffering, and disease in various parts of the world, in extending longevity, on improving transportation and communication, and in making the good life possible for more and more people. It has led to the emancipation of hundreds of millions of people from the exercise of blind faith and fears of superstition and has contributed to their education and the enrichment of their lives.
Democratic humanism has been a powerful force in world culture, and has creatively flowered in modern times with the growth of freedom and democracy. Countless millions of thoughtful persons have espoused humanist ideals, have lived significant lives, and have contributed to the building of a more humane and democratic world. The modern humanist outlook has led to the application of science and technology to the improvement of the human condition.


Women's Liberation Movement
After WW2, a growing number of women pursued higher education and entered the workforce. The Women's liberation movement of the 1960s and 1970s therefore emerged from women's desire to revolutionize the fundamental aspects of female life at that time: domesticity, employment, and education. In 1996, Betty Friedan and other prominent feminists formed the National Organization for Women (NOW).

Structural functionalist

Internet may alter brain functions
The internet can alter specific brain regions and affect our attention capacity, memory processes and social interaction, a study has found. The research, published in the journal World Psychiatry, showed that the internet can produce both acute and sustained alternations in specific areas of cognition. The limitless stream of prompts and notifications from the internet encourages us towards constantly holding a divided attention, which then it may decrease the capacity for maintain concentration on a single task.