Categorieën: Alle - collaboration - risk - isolation - perseverance

door Alexander Eckardt 4 jaren geleden


The Martian

In an extraordinary tale of survival and human spirit, a stranded astronaut on Mars becomes the focal point of global collaboration as efforts converge to bring him back home. The story highlights the unparalleled perseverance of both the individual and the collective, as Mark Watney refuses to give up despite overwhelming odds.

The Martian

The Martian


The Path home
Journeys end
Loyalty, stays with him
Finding Rover
Finding Voice, Companion
Setting (Mars)
Growing Potatoes

Risk Taking

Mark travels to the incomplete Ares 4 Base (a 60+ day journey)
He could have stayed at his current base and wait for a better chance of survival
NASA creates rocket in shortest time frame possible to send supplies up to Mark
Despite failing, they took a risk that would benifit Mark immensely
Crew risks their life to save Mark

Ideal Society

Senate grants emergency funding
The switch in agenda to saving Mark is instant
Value for Human Life
They never give up on Mark


USA Collaborates with China
The Crew of Ares 3 Works
China gives up its own rocket booster to help NASA, despite it's enormous cost and determent to the Chinese Space Program
USA collaborates with hundreds of organizations to find ways to help Mark

Target Audience

Realisistic Fiction
Science Fiction
Young Adult
Suspense Lovers

Important Ideas

Hard Work
Surviving on Mars for a year and a bit, alone.
Return Home
Space Travel

Mars Accent / Decent Vehicle


Accelerating Space Craft
Mars Colony
Humanity works together to bring Mark home
Stranded on Mars

Other Themes

Phycological Thriller
Personal Devlopment


NASA never gives up on Mark
They could easily give up and say Mark died to save budget
Mark Never gives up, always works to his goal of returning home
Modifies existing technology to better suit him

Water Reclaimer to water plants

Rover becomes livable

Gathers a new radio, Despite a 20 day journey.

Communication with Earth

Gets Help