Categorieën: Alle - racism - government - fishing - farming

door Shreyash Mishra 4 jaren geleden



Nova Scotia and Canada East had distinct characteristics shaped by their cultural, geographical, and economic contexts. The government in Nova Scotia, influenced by British and Scottish control, often saw British or Scottish individuals elected to positions of power.


Nova Scotia and Canada East


The males and children in the family did as many jobs as they could and the wives stayed at home and did housework because the men were typically the ones did the work outside the house and women did the work inside the house at the time


Canada Easts economy mainly came off farming and wood cutting since Canada East was doing very well agriculturaly, but in Nova Scotia there was a lot of shipbuilding and fishing since Nova Scotia is right by the Atlantic Ocean


In the 1850s the people from Europe that inhabited British North America didnt have enough money, so they forced kids to not go to school at all and focuse on getting money, so their families could eat

First Nations

bénakis, Algonquin, Atikamekw,Cris/Cree, Huron-Wendat, Innus/Montagnais, Inuit, Malécites/ Maliseet, Mohawks, Naskapis are found in Canada East and not Nova Scotia since Canada East is extremely big and all first nations groups would have more room to live in those areas
Mi'kmaq are the only first nations groups in both Nova Scotia and Canada East, and there was only 1 first nations group in Nova Scotia since Nova Scotia is extremely small compared to areas like Canada East


Nova Scotia was almost completely surrounded by water , so fishing and boat building industries boomed, and farming industry and wood cutting industries in Canada East boomed since there was a lot farm land available and lots of trees to cut down


The population of Canada East could be much greater then that of Nova Scotia because the closer to the equator you get the warmer it gets and the southern parts of Canada East, and since there was a lot of farming in the past and Canada East has much more land to farm on, and that is why Canada Easts population was much bigger
During 1850s slaves from the US came and settled in British North America to escape slavery and people from Ireland came to British North America due to blight affecting their potatoes which increased both regions population significantly


The Reciprocity Treaty of 1854 affected both regions by letting trades happen with both Canada and US without any taxes, so the regions


Nova Scotia was controlled by the British and Scottish, so usually British or Scottish people would be elected to be in power in Nova Scotia, wheras in Canada East majority of the people are French Canadians (also known as Canadiens), so in Canada East people would typically vote for a French government.
The governments ad a penalty of making people go to prison if they asked for less hours or better pay even if the workers worked long hours, and back in the day your boss could control you and whatever you do


Canal companies were only done in Canada East since thefre was lots of room to make canals and Nova Scotia had very limited room to build them, natural and natural resource gas extractions were only done by Nova Scotia because Nova Scotia had the tools to get natural gas and Canada East was mainly made of woodcutters and farmers
Farming, banking, trading, wood cutting, laborers, railway companies were both done by both Nova Scotia and Canada East since there were a lot of trees so people would cut down trees for fires and people needed to transport things a lot back then so railway companies were extremely popular
Child labour was forced since children were young and people paid children less for the same work as they do for adults just because children are younger and people didn't think children deserved the same amount of pay


Though the black people that were treated terribly people who helped Loyalists in the war againsst the patriots were given land and respect(very little respect), but almost all of those people went to the maritimes which includes Nova Scotia, and back then people didn't give land to black people because they were racist and didn't think they should have any
With white people everyone was fine with what they did and people that were white were favored over people who had colour because at the time people that were white believed that they were the best and because people thought like that people with colour had less opportunities for jobs and weren't supported much at all by anyone