door Yusuf Douis 1 jaar geleden
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By 2030, keep on working on my reselling business to end up with 20K in my bank account after all university fees
Once graduation of high school is finished, take the Queens Life Sciences pre-med course.
In Grade 10 at Regi get an average of 97 per cent in my Geography course.
In Grade 10 at Regi get into the Junior volleyball team.
The ability to help people and save others is also a very interesting prospect in my opinion. I believe this because saving others' lives through actively savign a innocent person from prison is an intrinsically gratifying thing to do.
I also believe that becoming a lawyer would be a great career match because of the fact that the pay is so high. The high pay for this job allows me to have financial freedom as well as flexibility in this field.
I believe that pursuing a career in law as a lawyer would be great for me. I have both conventional and enterprising interest traits. These characteristics easily allow me to analyze and organize information effectively to use towards my client's case, and develop well-structured plans towards the court case.
The ability to help people and save others is also a very interesting prospect in my opinion. I believe this because saving others' lives through medicine or surgery is an intrinsically gratifying thing to do.
I also believe that becoming a doctor would be a great career match because of the fact that the pay is so high. The high pay for this job allows me to have financial freedom as well as flexibility in this field.
I believe that pursuing a career in medicine as a doctor would be great for me. I have both conventional and enterprising interest traits. These characteristics easily allow me to analyze and organize information effectively, develop well-structured plans, and take calculated risks while driving innovation in patient care.
In conclusion, I believe that the survey chose me to become a Surgeon due to the high-status recognition of the job as well as the pay, and most of my interest traits align with the job.
I believe that becoming. A surgeon is a good career match based on my Motivations assessment. Recogniton, which is my top motivation factor is clearly apparent in the field of surgery. Surgeons are highly respected as skilled professionals. Furthermore, surgeons gain a sense of achievement by helping and saving people's lives by performing successful procedures.
I do not believe that due to the results of my Knowledge assessment, this is a good career choice. My main top subject areas are Business and Mathematics. Being a Surgeon does not have much to do with Business or mathematics.
I believe that pursuing a career as a surgeon is a great match for me. I have both conventional and enterprising interest traits. These traits enable me to analyze and organize information effectively, develop well-structured surgical plans, and take calculated risks while driving innovation in patient care.
In conclusion, the survey chose to be a lawyer for be because the pay, recognition, and interests all align with being a lawyer.
I believe that due to the results of my Motivations assessment, this job is a good career match; I believe this because my number 1 top motivation factor is recognition. The recognitional advantages of being a lawyer are up there as some of the top in the whole field of jobs. Lawyers are respected as some of the most high-payed, and intelligent people in terms of their profession. My secondary motivational factor is achievement. Lawyers constantly gain the achievement of keeping clients out of jail, and when clients are innocent gives the intrinsic achievement of keeping an innocent man free.
I do not believe that due to the results of my Knowledge assessment, this is a good career choice. My main top subject areas are Business and Mathema3cs. The law does not have much to do with Business or mathematics.
I do think that being a lawyer is a good match. This is because I have a passion for debating, and the order of law. Some of my interests include debating, social interactions with multiple people which gives me an advantage in court due to the ability to communicate with multiple people and convey my opinions. My social skills may also provide me the ability to gain contacts to get into the major firms where I earn the most money.
Some things that are hard that I am getting better at are my time management skills. My time management and organizational skills are both skills that at the start of the beginning of the grade I had trouble with. These skills did not come naturally or easily enough towards me I had to nurture my affinity for them and keep on working on them until they were completely up to scratch. I am, however, getting better at my organizational and time management skills.
What will I academically need support for? I am not sure that I want support for academic subjects. I believe this even though I do have some weaknesses in subjects because I believe that it is always best for one to figure something out and do something for themselves. Otherwise, it seems like they are cheating themselves.
Some things that are hard but I am getting better at include my geography skills. My geography skills at the start of the second semester were not up to scratch, due to the fact that I was born in England, simple geographical terms and facts such as even the names and locations of the provinces were missing from my knowledge. This proved extremely difficult as the whole course was based on Canadian Geography. However, I proceeded to work more and more on my geographical skills.
What personal skills am I proud of? I am proud of my resillience this year. This is because of how far it has gotten me in this past year. This can be seen when during a very recent Mathletes tournament, I found myself in a challenging situation after returning from an exhausting trip in the United States. Despite a grueling ten-hour drive where I arrived in Kingston around 1 AM. The following morning, despite the early hour, I mustered the determination to wake up at 6 AM to te in the math competition. To my surprise, none of my teammates, except for one, showed up. Determined to compete, we took some unsuspecting Mathletes from other classrooms who were not originally part of the competition. This allowed us to form a complete team. Despite the odds stacked against us, we managed to achieve commendable results. In fact, we ranked in the top quarter among all the competitors, an impressive feat considering over half of them were grade 10 Mathletes. Our determination and resourcefulness paid off, and our performance reflected our resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity.
What are some things that I am really good at? My skills and strengths range not just from skills such as my academic proficiency, or my sporting ability but to the soft skills that I have accumulated from this past year in Canada, or my childhood in England such as my leadership skills, team-working skills, and even my logical ability. Some areas where I excel are my Math, English, art, volleyball, badminton, swimming, leadership, and team-working skills. My math skills can be seen in the Mathletes club inside of school; in one Mathletes tournament, I had just returned from a long arduous trip from the United States which included a ten-hour long drive and us proceeding to arrive in Kingston at around 1 AM in the morning. I continued to wake up at 6 AM for the math competition in the mourning where none of my team apart from one of my less math proficient team members showed up; we then decided to steal some unready math participants from their respective classrooms to make sure that we had a full team. We ended up in the top quarter of all competitors, over half of which were grade 10 Mathletes. My English skills are undeniable and can be seen all throughout my English term last semester, where I ended up getting 100 per cent in the English final exam. Before this past semester, I had never pursued the Arts before and was dreadful at painting; my first painting was a horror to myself, my class, and the Art teacher. However, I continued to persist and ended up with a brilliant final painting and one of my paintings being shown at CASSA, a Visual Arts competition to my pure delight. My sporting skills have also like my art skills shot through the roof this past year due to true diligence from my badminton coach at school, and my friend Jamal at The BGC who helped me with my volleyball skills to the greatest degree. My leadership skills can also be seen when I was volunteering as a Mathlete to help at a grade 7 and 8 Math competition and I directed all my elder Mathlete friends on what to do, where to place the papers, how to cater, and how quickly to do each item.
What am I proud of? I am proud of my academic ability to get an average of 96 in classes that are 1 grade higher than my age, and my ability to get such a good grade in my math class which is 2 and 3 grades above my age range.
What are some things that I can help others with or teach to others? Some things that I can help others with are their math, science, art, and English skills. I have recently taught science, and art at ASUS Camps when I was volunteering to younger children.
What are some things that I can do on my own? Some things that I can do on my own include
Some things that I am really good at include Math, English, Science, and Art. My ability in Math can be seen in my IB grade 10 Math class which is 2 and 3 grades above my age and I ended up with an end grade of A+. My English skills can be seen where in my Grade 9 English class which is 1 grade higher than my age I ended with an average of 100 per cent. My Art skills were put on display at the CASA awards.
Some things that help me to stay calm or calm down are playing sports such as volleyball, soccer, and badminton. Playing and physically demanding sports forces me to take my mind off the thing that I am frustrated. Another way that I can get calmer when faced with frustration due to academic challenges is by doing the work. Hurrying up to do the work lets me eliminate procrastination, and stops any frustration by taking my mind off any other assignments to do.
I get upset or frustrated when I have to compete in academic challenges. Whenever I have a difficult assignment, exam, or subject, I can get extremely frustrated. This is expecially true when I am striving for higher grades, or have extremely strict due dates.
What are some of my major stressors? Some of my major stressors include the stresses of exams and heavy workloads. One way in which I could try to lighten the load of my stressors is by working harder throughout the week, and spreading my workload throughout time instead of doing it as one large bulk.
Some more academic goals for my future are keep on getting good grades; specifically, getting an average of around 96 or 97 in every course that I do over then next few years. Getting into a pre-med course at Queens specifically the life sciences course at Queens is another of my academic goals.
Some personal goals that I have for the future are improving myself. At the moment, my transferable skills include problem-solving. This skill can be seen in my grade 10 math class where I was constantly using logic to solve complex mathematical problems. My leadership skills have been previously shown during my volunteer experience at a camp in Queens, I stepped up to lead the group of children when the older camp leaders momentarily left us due to disorganization. In the midst of chaos, I took control of the situation and assigned tasks to everyone, ensuring that the children were attended to and order was maintained. My adaptability can be shown when I adapted to being with students one and two years older than me in every class, I started to act less immature and acted more like a Grade 9 would rather than a Grade 7. My teamwork skills can be seen when I volunteered to help out with a Grade 7, and 8 math tournament and had to oftentimes when not lead co-ordinate in a team with my team members to make sure that each team had papers, pencils, calculators, and had to handle all catering needs. My demonstration of emotional intelligence was evident when a friend of mine at school was feeling upset about a personal matter. Rather than simply offering consolation, I took the initiative to console him and inquire about the reasons behind his emotions. I assumed the role of a personal therapist, sensing when something was amiss and taking action to improve his situation. My creativity can once more be shown in my art pieces where I finally had my piece which was “Red Mountains Over Water” displayed at the CASSA Awards. I want to continue to improve my transferable skills in the following ways, improving time management, enhancing communication skills, and developing healthy habits. Volunteering more is another of my personal goals, over this next year, I would love to continue volunteering more for charity and hospital-based non-profit organisations such as St John Ambulance, the Hospice, and the BGC.
This new year, I have set multiple new personal goals for myself. Whilst my parents do want what's best for me, and try to lay out the path for me to succeed, their desires for me and hopes for me only intertwine in my career path which is going to become a doctor and nothing else. My personal goals for the future are to improve my sneaker reselling business and to continue to work on my stories and my reading skills. Another personal goal that I have for this year is to become more muscular. This can be achieved by me continuing to work out and starting to take more supplements such as Creatine etc.
What do I want to do to get better at school this year? This year, at school, I wish to get good grades. What do I need to do in order to accomplish this? To accomplish this, I need to continue to work with purpose, and passionately on any school projects being given to me. I also believe that to do well in school, one must work hard in not just academics but in sporting ways as well. As such, the way that I can improve my school this year is by playing school sports more. It was originally hard for me to play sports due to issues of my age, as I am 1 year younger than every other grade 9. However, this year, I intend to play soccer, badminton, and volleyball for the school.