Categorieën: Alle - politics - literature - happiness - technology

door Kirsten Carver 3 jaren geleden


Fahrenheit 451: Censorship

The text explores themes of censorship and societal control, emphasizing how restricting information can be used to keep populations content. It critiques the suppression of controversial topics and scientific data to avoid political unrest and maintain public happiness.

Fahrenheit 451: Censorship

Fahrenheit 451: Censorship

Text Support

"They'll shell the sh** out of us".

I chose to use these examples because they are relatable and easy to understand from an outside point of view. I wanted it to demonstrate a piece that others could make a connections with in their life.

"A village of Oompa-Loompas, with tiny house in streets and hundreds of Oompa-Loompa children no more than four inches high playing in the streets".

Entertainment Connections

I chose this topic because I wanted it to be relatable and easy to understand from the outside eye. I was hoping it would demonstrate censorship that others can relate to in their lives.

Hyperlinks: (wouldnt let me add in the the hyperlink doc)

Hannah Brown: a reality TV star, was caught on Instagram dancing and singing with the "N" word and was forced to take it down.
Kim Kardashian: Shamed for having explicate pictures of her body and sexual content, that created an uproar.


"If you don't want a house built, hide the nails and wood. If you don't want a man unhappy politically, don't give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none."
"Someone's written a book on tobacco and cancer for of the lungs? The cigarette people are weeping? Burn the book"
“What do we want in this country, above all? People want to be happy, isn’t that right?...Don’t we keep them moving, don’t we give them fun?

Historical Connections

Montag experiences the historical connections when there are bombings and when he gathers the survivors
Throughout the book they experienced the historical events of the forming of new technology from going to books to LED technology.

Scientific and Health Connections

Climate change information has been confined from the public.
The government has been trying to cover the amount of mail in ballots that could be fraudulent.

Personal Connections

When you are a child, typically parents try to censor you from knowing if there are financial problems
In my previous job at Sam's, colored hair was not allowed unless it was neutral colors.

Literary Connectoins

Shakespeare: Sentences were reparsed to make them less sexual.

Huckleberry Finn: This literary novel has had to have the N word taken out and be replaced with slavery.

Political Connections

As Americans we reserve the right to the 1st amendment: freedom of speech
Americans have the right to freedom and do not experience censorship that makes us have to act a certain way