Categorieën: Alle - current - circuit - resistance - energy

door maddie skye 3 jaren geleden


Electricity Vocabulary

The text provides definitions and descriptions of various terms related to electricity and electrical circuits. It covers fundamental concepts such as energy, which is the ability to do work or cause change, and how it is transferred to objects.

Electricity Vocabulary

Electricity Vocabulary


The motion of surfaces or materials sliding/rubbing against each other

Idiom is the figure of speech that uses a combination of words which challenges the conventional usage of those words.

What is the idiom that you found in the novel/poem?

Type it in.
Example: 'a stitch in time saves nine'.

Non-Renewable resource

A resource that cannot be re-used or replaced naturally

Renewable resource

A resource that can be used repeatedly or replaced naturally


The process between objects repelling each other


the process between objects being drawn to each other


A power source that consists of one or multiple electrochemical cells that power electrical devices

Parallel circuit

A closed circuit that the current divides into two or more paths before combing back to each other to complete the circuit

Series circuit

Consists of a path along the way the whole current runs through each component

Alliteration is the figure of speech that uses the repetition of the first sound or sounds in words following each other in succession.

What is the alliteration that you found in the novel/poem? Type it in.

- ''They thrive on thistle and I thoroughly thought that I threw the thistle out there.''


A closed path that allows electricity to move from one point to another

Electricity generation

Generating electric power from primary energy sources


A natural electrical discharge of short duration but a high voltage between a could and the ground

Neutral charge

Having the same amount of charge in one proton equal to the amount in one electron

Simile is a figure of speech that compares two objects through some connective word such as 'like', 'as', 'so', 'than', or a verb such as 'resembles'.

What simile did you find in the novel/poem? Type it in.

- 'Within the irregular arc of coral the lagoon was still as a mountain lake.'

Negative charge

Having a higher amount of electrons; a lower electric potential

Positive charge

Having a smaller amount of electrons; a higher electric potential

Law of Electro-Static

The size of the electrostatic force of attraction or repulsion between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of the magnitudes of charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them


A basic form of energy seen in positive and negative forms that occur naturally.

The hyperbole is a figure of speech that uses exaggerations to create emphasis or effect.

What hyperbole did you find in the novel/poem? Type it in.

- 'All that we see or seem / Is but a dream within a dream.'


Characteristic that is transferred to an object to achieve heat to the object

Allusion is the figure of speech that makes a reference to a well-known person, place, or thing in literature and history.

What is the allusion that you found in the novel/poem? Type it in.
- 'Like a rich jewel in an Ethiop's ear'.


A unit of power equal to one Joule per second


The unit time which electrical energy is moving by a circuit


The resistance in a circuit transferring one ampere to a possible one volt


A measure of resistance to current flow in a circuit


The base unit of electrical current


The power of an electric current in amperes


The difference that would drive one ampere of current against one ohm resistance

Onomatopoeia is the figure of speech that uses words whose sounds suggest their meanings. Think of words related to water, air, collisions, sounds, voice, etc.

What is the onomatopoeia that you found in the novel/poem? Type it in.

'The moan of doves in immemorial elms,
And murmuring of innumerable bees...'.


A circuits power source that pushes currents through a conducting circle


Movement of how much electric charge passes through a point within the circuit, in 1 second


Produced by friction that causes little crackling sounds


prevents electrons from flowing

Metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things without using 'like' or 'as'.

What is the metaphor that you found in the novel/poem? Type it in.

'The rain came down in long knitting needles.'


Allows electrons to flow


A subatomic particle (n^0) neutral charge and located in the nucleus.


A subatomic particle (e^-) negative charge and located outside the nucleus.


A subatomic particle (p^+) positive charge and located in the nucleus.

Personification is a figure of speech which gives human qualities to nonhuman things.

Type in the personification you found in the novel/poem.

'- Not to-night, good Iago: I have very poor and unhappy brains for drinking.'