Categorieën: Alle - membrane - mitochondria - chloroplasts - reactions

door Hailey Satar - Aylesbury PS (1425) 1 jaar geleden


Comparing Chloroplasts and the Mitochondria

Mitochondria and chloroplasts are vital organelles found in eukaryotic cells, each playing crucial roles in energy production. Mitochondria, located in the cytoplasm, are the powerhouses of the cell where cellular respiration occurs.

Comparing Chloroplasts and the Mitochondria

Comparing Chloroplasts and the Mitochondria


Role of O2 and H2O
H2O is a reactant in photosynthesis and create hydrogen ions and electrons in light-dependent reactions. O2 is a product of photosynthesis and calvin cycle and is created from H2O.
Has 2 reactions called light-dependent reactions and light-independent reactions also known as the Calvin cyle. Light dependent reactions occur in the thylakiod membrane where sunlight is converted into chemical energy which spilts water and created electrons. Energy is then absorbed again and NADP+ turns into NADPH and ADP turns into ATP. In the Calvin cycle, it takes place in the stroma where the NADPH and ATP created from light-dependent reaction are used to fix carbon from CO2 into molecules that can create glucose.
Has 2 membranes called the outer membrane and smoother inner membrane made of proteins and lipids that are semipermeabale.
Found in the cytosol of plant cells
In the electron transport chain, electrons pass through the proton pump which tranfers H+ from the stroma to the thylakoid lumen. This drives phosphorylation of ADP to ATP and electrons then pass to photosystem 1.
In the thylakoids, light dependent reactios occur. In multiple stacks of thylakoids called grana, light is captured and oxygen is split which releases electrons and causes ATP and NADPH to be made.
Stroma Lamellae
Outer membrane


Role of O2 and H2O
O2 is a reactant in cellular respiration and is used as the final acceptor during the ETC which moves electrons and create ATP. H2O is used a byproduct of cellular repiration and created when NADH and FADH pass the electrons they carry as hydrogen.
There are 3 reactions that occur in the mitochondria known as glycolysis, krebs cycles, and oxidative phosphorylation. In glycolysis a glucose molcule is split into two 3 carbon molecules called pyruvte. In the krebs cycle the energy form the pyruvate makes NADH and FADH and some ATP is created. Oxidative phosphorylation is when the electrons from NADH and FADH power the electron tranport chain and ATP synthase to create ATP.
Contains a outer membrane and folded inner membrane called cristae which is made of a phospholipid bilayer.
Found in the cytoplasm of almost all eukaryotic cells
In the electron transport chain the elctrons carried from NADH and FADH are added to electron carriers where they create the proton pump and power ATP synthase to create ATP.
In the mitochondria, NADH and FADH is used as high energy electron carriers and carry electrons made from Gylcolysis and the Krebs cycle to the Electron Transport Chain.
ATP synthase
Inner membrane
Outer membrane