Categorieën: Alle - juegos - lateralidad - coordinación - equilibrio

door García Angelino García Angelino 3 jaren geleden


Clasificación de juegos por edad, Stephanie Michelle Garcia Angelino.

Los juegos y actividades diseñados para niños pueden clasificarse según diversos criterios que atienden a su desarrollo motor y cognitivo. Existen actividades que favorecen la lateralidad, como lanzar objetos hacia un aro elevado o girar objetos, y otras que promueven la manipulación de objetos, desde tocar instrumentos musicales hasta identificar objetos sin la ayuda de la vista.

Clasificación de juegos por edad, Stephanie Michelle Garcia Angelino.

Clasificación de juegos por edad

Type in the name of the company you are going to have an interview with.


Lanzar objetos hacia un aro elevado.
Girar objetos.
Rodar objetos.
Lanzar objetos hacia un recipiente.
Tocar instrumentos musicales.
Coger objetos pequeños.


How ambitious are you?

Inflar globos.
Soplar sin dejar caer el objeto.

Where and how do you see yourself in 5 years time?

Type in the answers.

Soplar aventando un objeto.

What are your long-term goals ?

Type them in.

Hacer burbujas.

What are your short-term goals ?

Type them in.

Coordinación ojo-pie

Recolección de aros con los pies.
Caminar sobre una viga.
Empujar objetos.

What experience have you got from your previous jobs? Make sure you specify all your previous work experience, part-time jobs, vacation jobs, voluntary work, and unpaid work experience that are relevant for the position you are applying for.

Pasar objetos con los pies.

Describe a typical work day in your previous/current position.

Caminar sobre aros.

Why will/did you leave your existing/last job?

Desplazamiento sobre diferentes materiales y niveles

Do you fully understand what this position implies?

After you've made some research on the company, read the job description thoroughly, and try to fully understand what your responsibilities will be.

Saltar sobre aros con ambos pies.

What would you do on the first day?
What about the first week(s)? Fill in some of the actions that you are planning to take.

Caminar sobre un color determinado.

What do you think the main challenges will be?

Type them in.

Caminar sobre y dentro de llantas.
Caminar sobre cuerdas.
Caminata libre sobre objetos.
Sacarse aros por arriba.

What will be your main tasks?

Type them in.


Saltar sobre aros con un solo pie.
Saltar sobre un pie por parejas.
Camiar sobre las puntas de los pies.
Segir trayectorias por encima de objetos.
Atrapar objetos sobre un mismo sitio.
El cojito.
Caminar sobreespacios separados.
Saltar en un pie alternadamente.
Sostener objetos sobre la cabeza.
Saltar desde otro nivel.

Coordinación ojo-mano

Quitale la cola al gato.
¡Pásala! Si no, te quemas,
Tendiendo la ropa.
Hacer bolas de papel.
Atrapar la pelota.
Botar una pelota-

Coordinación Gruesa

Caminar sobre bloques.
Lanzar objetos hacia un color.
El gato y los ratones.
Jalar una cuerda en círculos.
Caminar librando bloques.
Saltar con un objeto entre las piernas.
Saltar y hacia diferentes posiciones.
Correr en zigzag.
Subir y bajar de bloques.
Gatear tranportando objetos.

How would you describe yourself?

Type in a short description.

Gatear sobre tabla.

What are your hobbies?

What do you like to do in your free time? What was the last film you saw or the last book you read? Think of the activities that relax you the most. Fill in several hobbies.

Desplazamiento Simple

Are you qualified for this position?

Interviewers will want to know whether or not you are able to do the job.

Answer the questions from this section and see if you are the right person for this position.

Rodar hacia los lados.

What is the most compelling reason you should be hired?

Caminar siguiendo lineas.

What can you do for this job that other candidates can't? Why?

Caminar como gigantes y enanos.

Which qualities were easily observed by your colleagues and/or your former/existing boss?

Type them in.

Caminar en diferentes direcciones.

What are your weaknesses?


stubbornoverly critical, can't accept authoritytoo demandingtoo talkativetoo quiettoo sensitivelacking assertivenesslacking social tact
Gatear en diferentes direcciones.

What strengths qualify you for this job?


ambitiousgood communicatorfocuseddeterminedadaptablecuriousoptimisthard workerhonestpoliteco-operativeself motivatedenthusiasticgood leaderstrategic thinkerquick learnerflexiblegood problem solver


Research the company

You should find and learn as much as you can about the company where you are having an interview.

The interviewer will want to see what you know about them and why you chose the company.

Doing your homework will show that you are really interested.

Desplazamiento por puente.

What do you know about the company's main goal and vision?

Type in the answer.

Desplazamiento sobre gluteos.

What can you do for this company that someone else can't?

Type in several unique traits that will turn you into the perfect candidate for the position.

Desplazamiento por tunel.

What do you know about the company?

Type a short description of the company's background.

Desplazamiento boca abajo.

Why do you want to work for this company?

Think of what you can do for them, not of what they can do for you.

Manipulación de objetos

Identificar objetos con los pies (sin ver).
Identificar objetos con las manos (sin ver).
Tocar objetos libemente.