Categorieën: Alle - planning - assessments - accommodations - strategies

door Vicki Roobroeck 1 jaar geleden



Carmen is focusing on improving her executive functioning skills, which include organization, planning, time management, self-control, and problem-solving. She is learning to create detailed plans to achieve her goals, effectively prioritize tasks, and develop strategies to maintain order in her workspace.



Sample lessons

Teach Carmen how to use Mindomo to organize her brainstorming/planning etc.- to help her collect her big ideas.
Teach Carmen how to use Google Keep to organize their papers/lessons/tasks/assignments/checklists/success criteria


Google Keep
Mindomo for graphic organizer
Speech to text in Google Read and Write
Alternative Settings


Stamina, staying on task
Writing tasks
Self Regulation
Social Cues

Executive Functioning skills

Self-control - Carmen practices self-discipline and learns to resist distractions to stay focused
Problem-solving - Carmen hones her ability to analyze challenges and find effective solutions
Planning - Carmen learns how to create a clear and detailed plan to achieve her goals
Organization - Carmen develops strategies to keep her workspace and materials in order
Time management - Carmen learns how to effectively prioritize her tasks


Alternative space
Conferences, conversations
Triangulation of assessment (conferencing)

Universal Strategies

Either electronic place to keep work (Google Keep) and/or physical folder/binder in class
Graphic organizers (Mindomo)


Started without prompting
World event knowledge, social justice issues
Critical Thinking
Making connection
Oral Communication