My Family - Mind Map

My Family

It is made up of

My Mom

Her name is Helena Perez, she works in an Italian restaurant, she loves to walk, visit the sisters and brothers, eat, she likes to share with her friends. It is the best definition of unconditional love

My Son

His name is Alan Murillo Rios, my son is charming, he is judicious, he is studious, he loves to go to malls, to ride his bike, to go to the swimming pool, to play with his toys

My Oldest Aunt

Her name is Marleny Perez, she works as a general service assistant, she is lovely, she is the most pimp aunt of all

My Aunt the Youngest

Her name is Marina Perez, she is a housewife, she loves to go out to eat, share with her husband, walk, visit her husband's family, she takes care of all the children in the house, she is like everybody's mom.

My Father

His name is Luis Orlando Rios, he lives in a farm and he is a farmer, he plants coffee, tomato, lemon, banana, avocado, soursop, his animals are: chickens, roosters, cats, dogs. He loves his animals. He is the best potato in the world.

My Brother

His name is Cristian David Rios, his main hobby is motorcycles, he likes to visit his girlfriend, go out with his friends, eat sweets. He is my life partner, the person I can still trust, that boy who even when he is older continues to indulge my whims.

My Husband

His name is Jhon Murillo, he is a driver, he loves to ride motorcycles, travel, eat, go for walks.

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