Categories: All - epistemology - enlightenment - cosmology - rationalism

by Sebastian La Rizza 2 years ago


The Enlightnment

The Enlightenment was a pivotal period in European history, emerging from religious strife and greatly influenced by the Scientific Revolution. Spanning the 16th to 18th centuries, this era was marked by a surge in knowledge and education, especially in fields like cosmology, which delved into the origins and structure of the universe.

The Enlightnment

The Enlightnment

The Enlightenment An intellectual time in Europe forming from the birth of religious conflict. This was influnced by the very impactful ideas of the…

Scientific Revolution This period took place between the 16th and 18th century. It was a time of knowledge and education. A Lot was learned about the universe and space.
Cosmology These are theories created about the order of the universe. Mainly focusing on the origin of the universe and how it came to be. These theories then birthed Deism and Epistemology.

Epistemology This questioned the spiritual and religious aspects of our earth. It questions where our knowledge came from and its origin story.

Deism This theory states God created the world but gave humans free will. He does not influence our actions nor how we behave. He set all of our lives up and we live it accordingly. Theory mainly presented by Rene Decartes.

Rene Decartes/ Rationalism The method of rationalism was first thought of by Rene Decartes who believed that the individual mind and its ability to be the chief of source

Heliocentrism The universe revolves around the sun with all planets and things orbiting the sun. This theory was created by the philosopher Nicholas Copernicus.

Copernicus Was a key philosopher who inspired Galileo in his works. He was a lead astronomer and mathematician who made great discoveries about space and our solar system.

Galileo Was the first ever modern scientist who formulated the idea that motion can be described using math and equations

Newton Created the 3 laws of motion and vastly impacted the study of physics and motion in kinematics as we know it today.

The Thirty Years War War in the 17th century based on religious beliefs and values. This caused France and England ti split into 2 forms of also brought about a new treaty known as “The Treaty of Westphalia”
Constitutionalism This is the English style of government where power is shared and is equally distributed to all people in power. During this time religious tolerance was was not liked and was fought by James 1.

James The First Was the son of Mary who happened to be the queen of the scots. Was also related by blood to Elizabeth the first. He inherited the English throne and became ruler.

Charles The First Charles is the son of James and was a key player in almost converting England to Absolutism. He questioned the power of the monarch which then sparked a civil war within England.

English Civil War Started in 1642 and ended in 1646. The parliament gained more control and power over the country's key resources such as the military. The birth of the social contract theory came from this.

Social Contract Theory This theory stated that the people decided how much power the government should have. Prevalent thinkers such as John Locke pushed for the government to not overstep and only protect the natural rights of humans.

Treaty Of Westphalia This treaty reaffirms the peace of Augsburg. This is what put an end to the thirty years war. After this, Calvinism is recognized as a legal and fair religion.
Absolutism This is the style of government which was practiced in france. In this style of government which France practiced, the power was not shared. The power was held by a monarchy which followed religious roots. The man in charge of this government style, is Louis XIV.

Louis XIV Was the central figure in the French government and was seen like a God. was in the middle of everything. He was the creator of the serving civil class.

Sun King Louis is seen as the sun king as he is heliocentric. He is the centralized figure in government and in the country of France. He has the divine right of kings allowing him to be powerful.

Louis Wars 4 wars were France attempted to gain the land of the Dutch and the Spanish. Louis is ultimately defeated and is forced into a peace treaty.