Categories: All - evaluation - skills - needs - assessment

by Majo Arroyo 6 years ago


Sample Mind Map

Determining the effectiveness of an English for Specific Purposes (ESP) course involves meticulous evaluation focused on specific objectives. The main goal is to assess whether learners can meet the demands of particular situations requiring specific language skills.

Sample Mind Map

María José Arroyo Díaz

How specific are those skills and that knowledge to any particular task?

What kills and knowledge enable someone to performe particular tasks?

Should they vary with different subject areas?

What should the criteria be?


How specific is specific?

Be able to give a reliable indication of wheter the candidate is proficient enough to came out the tasks that will be required


Are primarly criterion-referenced

Assess whether or not the student can cope with the demands of a particular situation

Content of the course



Principles for constructing any tests

Test what learners have learnt

What you want it to test

Avoid bias in the test

Internal to the course

Potential for learning that can be exploited in the ESP course

Learner lacks


It is a proficiency test

Determines the learners' state of knowledge before the ESP course begins.

Comes at the beginning of the test

PLace learners in the ESP course most suited to their needs

Proficiency tests

Achievement tests

Placement tests


If it's possible after the course

At regular intervals throughout the course, for example every half-term

In the first week of the course

ESP teaching institution, ESP teachers, learners, course sponsonrs.

Test results, questionnaires, discussions, interviews, informal means (unsolicited comments, "casual" chats, etc.)

In many ways

Topic flotante

Your ability to collect information


Everything of significance

When and how often should evaluation take place?

Who should be involved in the evaluation?

How can ESP courses be evaluated?

What should be evaluated?

Parties involved





Main aspects

Enable sponsors, teachers and learners to decide whether and how much language intuition is required


Assess student performance at strategic points in the course

Course Evaluation

Help to show how well the course is actually fullfilling the need

Satisfy a particular educational need

Assess wheteher the course objectives are being met

Learner Assessment

Provide feedback on the ESP course

Better evaluation procedures e

More demand


The managers of the ESP course


Invest in the ESP course annd they want to see a return on their investment of time and/or money

ESP sponsors

ESP learners

Accounting teaching in

Evaluation requiremens

Focused on

Specific objectives in the ESP course


A host of people with specific language learning needs

A demand for courses which would equip particular learners with necessary skills to carry out for particular tasks in English or any other specified language

Indicate a need to pay more attention to

The worlds of technology

The worlds of commerce

The individual learner


ESP (English for an Specific Purposes)

Developed in response to certain pressures

Levels of evaluation