Categories: All - motion - forces - velocity - speed

by Finn Lindsey 5 years ago


Newtons Laws

Newton's Laws significantly influence our daily experiences by governing how forces act on objects around us. Whether it's the force we exert when kicking a ball or the friction that slows down a bike, these laws explain the fundamental interactions that dictate motion.

Newtons Laws

How do Newtons Laws impact our everyday lives?

How can two objects of different sizes exert the same amount of force on each other?

If you kick a tennis ball really hard and it hits a soccer ball, the tennis ball can exert more force.
A smaller object is more likely to exert less force than and object with greater mass. However, if the smaller object has more speed it can exert the same amount of force as the larger one. More speed means more force.
One of the objects could have more speed.

In which direction will an object move if acted on by multiple forces?

If I arm wrestle someone stronger than me, they will put more force on my arm and my arm will go down.
There is only motion if there is unbalanced force. This means that the forces acting on an object are not equal.If on object is being pushed on from the east with 250 Newtons and from the west 300 Newtons, the total Newtons would be -50. Only when the forces are uneven will there be motion.
The object will move in the direction that has more force.

Initial answer: Objects are acted upon by forces at all times, and there are many forces that we encounter every day.

Why do objects at a constant velocity remain at that velocity?

If you ride a bike down a street and stop pedalling, the bike will eventually stop because of friction from the tires.
An object at rest or in motion stays in that state unless acted on by an outside force. If you rolled a bowling ball, it would roll forever if friction, gravity, and air resistance were not pushing back on it. The same is true for an object at rest. An object at rest will not move unless a force acts upon it like a push or a pull. Let´s say you push a tire down a gravel road. This tire will not go very far because gravel has much more friction acting on it, making it stop. If you rolled the same tire down pavement, it would go father because there is less friction.
Objects in rest/motion remain in that state unless acted upon by an outside force.

Final answer: Newtons Laws impact us, at least in a small way, whenever there is a force exerted on anything.