Categories: All - tissues - systems - digestive - covid-19

by alyssa grace 3 years ago


Grade 10 Science

The text discusses various aspects of Grade 10 Science, focusing on Biology and specifically on Covid-19 and its effects on the human body. It starts by explaining that Covid-19 enters cells through ACE-2 receptors and highlights its severe impact, noting its high mortality rate and the extended period for symptoms to manifest.

Grade 10 Science

Grade 10 Science


The difference in the speed of light in different objects is called the Index of Refraction
It happens because the speed of light it different in different objects
When light bends after passing through an object at an angle

Light refracts towards a focal point

Makes light rays converge

() shape


Makes light rays diverge

)( shape


Makes image smaller

Diverges light rays

Bulges out


Makes image bigger

Converges light rays

Scoops in

Plane/Flat Mirrors

Angle of incidence is the same as the angle of reflection

Colour Theory

CMY mixed together makes black

Primary colours are CMY, Secondary colors are RGB

Taking away light to make colours


RGB mixed together makes white light

Primary Colours are RGB, Secondary colours are CMY

Adding light to make colours

Sources of light

Most things are not luminous

Objects that produce light are luminous

Triboluminescence (light is produced when an object is moved or scratched)

Electron Discharge (an electric current passes through the air or a gas)

Chemiluminescence (light produced by a chemical reaction)

Phosphorescence (chemicals create glow in the dark paint)

LED (electricity flows through a semiconductor which releases light)

Fluorescence (chemicals absorb UV energy and change it into light)

Incandescence (light from heat)

Each type of light has a different wavelength and belongs on the electromagnetic spectrum

Radiowaves, microwaves, infrared rays, human vision, UV rays, x-rays, gamma rays (radiowaves have the longest wavelength and gamma rays have the shortest)

Human vision is the only light that we can see Red, orange, yellow, green, blue indigo, violet

Can either refract, reflect, or absorb into a medium when it hits it
A wave of energy that can travel through different mediums (transparent, translucent, opaque)

Climate Change


Floods and other extreme weather events can cause injuries

Higher temperatures could lead to new diseases

Bad for mental health

Inhaling polluted air can cause respiratory issues


Can affect the availability of resources

Winter tourism will suffer

Effects of climate change damage things we use everyday (power, roads, buildings, etc)


Rising ocean levels

Increased temperatures

Ocean acidification

Melting glaciers and permafrost


Phenological mismatches

Habitat destruction

This is bad because it puts excess carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
Used in gasoline cars, furnaces, and stoves
A reaction that produces oxides
Sources and Sinks

Something that takes out a greenhouse gas from the atmosphere and stores it (ex. plant, ice, water)


Something that contains and releases a greenhouse gas into the atmosphere (ex. vehicles, factory, volcano)

Greenhouse Effect
Anthropogenic (caused by humans)

Humans are bad for the planet 👍

Earth naturally keeps greenhouse gases in check but humans are increasing the amount and it's hard for the Earth to keep up


Water vapour, caron dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxides are greenhouse gases.Greenhouse gases are good unless they're excessive

Earth's natural way to stay warm. The amount of gases in the atmosphere are usually just enough to regulate climate

Earth's Spheres (receive the sun’s energy, traps, stores, and moves it around until it all radiates back into space)
Biosphere - all plants, animals, bacteria, etc
Lithosphere - the Earth's crust (solid rock, soil, minerals)
Hydrosphere - liquid, water vapour, and ice
Atmosphere - gases surrounding the Earth
Weather vs Climate
Weather is more short term and specific to a town/city whereas Climate is more long term and encapsulates the Earth as a whole


Acids and Bases
Food items are usually Acids, Cleaners are usually Bases
Acids contain non-metals Bases contain metals
Corrosive, Conduct Electricity, Dissolve in Water
pH Scale

Determines how strong or the acid or base is

6 Hints: New colour, new odour, sound, emits light/flame/gas, difficult to reverse, forms precipitate
Synthesis, Decompostition, Single Displacement, Double Displacement, Combustion, Neutralization

Reactants combine to make a product

Law of Conservation of Mass

Balancing equations so both sides are equal

In a chemical reaction matter cannot be created or destroyed



ex. triphosphorus disulphide

Covalent Bond

Share electrons to become stable

Diatomic Molecules

All the 'gens' and the Halogens

Non-Metal and Non-Metal




Non-Metal and Metal


'ite' or 'ate'

Multiple elements join together to act like an ion


Charge is represented in Roman Numerals

More than one ionic charge

Anion or Cation

Positive or Negative charge


The reason I'm doing this assignment at home

Very contagious and contagious for a long time

Takes a while for symptoms to appear (2 weeks)

Very serious

Spreads easily

Kills a lot of people

Affects the lymphatic, respiratory, muscular, and digestive system

Vomiting or diarrhea (Digestive)

Muscle or body aches (Muscular)

Fever or chills (Lymphatic)

Cough, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing (Respiratory)

ACE-2 receptors are how it gets into cells
Organ Systems


In charge of transpiration

Above ground (stem, leaves, flowers, and fruit), pulls water through vascular tissue


Below ground, take up water and nutrients and send them to the stem


Can gives you a fever, or make you swell up as an immune response

White Blood Cells (Leukocytes)

Lymphocytes destroy bad things by creating antibodies

Phagocytes trigger a response by alerting lymphocytes

Makes sure you don't get sick


We need nutrients and energy from food to survive so this is important

4 Stages: Ingestion, Digestion, Absorption, Egestion

Esophagus, Stomach, Intestines, Rectum

In charge of digesting food and absorbing nutrients


Breathing is involuntary and controlled by the brain

Trachea, Lungs, Bronchi, Alveoli

Interacts with the circulatory system in the alveoli

In charge of gas exchange (breathing)



Provides stem support, stores food and water in the roots, helps with photosynthesis. Similar to Nervous Tissue


Unspecialized, found throughout the plant in charge of plant growth. Similar to Connective Tissue


Moves things from roots to leaves, and transports sugars from the leaves all around the plant. Similar to Muscle Tissue


Forms protective outer coating and helps with gas exchange. Similar to the Epithelial Tissue



Lines the inside and outside of the body, has glands that make sweat, hormones, and enzymes. Similar to Epidermal Tissue


Allows movement. Similar to Vascular Tissue


Supports and protects the body, forms blood, stores fat, fills up the empty space. Similar to Meristematic Tissue


Responds to stimuli, and transmits and stores information. Similar to Ground Tissue

Normal vs Cancer

Cancer cells don't stop reproducing, and can move to another location of the body, they are dangerous

Normal Cells self destruct when they're too old or damaged, and only reproduce for about 50-60 divisions


Organs but for cells

Nucleus, Mitochondria, Cell Membrane, Golgi Apparatus, etc

Cell Division

Mitosis is PMAT

Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Cytokinesis

They divide to help you grow, to repair wounds, to replace dead cells, and when a baby is being developed