Categories: All - education - awareness - feminism - equality

by asma idahouyen hamdaoui 4 years ago



The Orange Day is observed on the 25th of each month to raise awareness about the pervasive issue of violence against women and girls. This day emphasizes the importance of achieving gender equality and reducing the number of women and girls affected by such violence.



what is the objective of the day

make people know about this type of violence so they can learn more and in case they know if someone near them is passing trough it,so they can know how to react or what to do
the main objective of this day is to reach the equality between the genders and reduce the numbers of women and girls that are affected by the violence

the origin of the orange day

Acconrding to the ONU 1 of each 3 women in the world have suffered sexual or physical violence ,thats the reason why in 2008 they created this day to raise awwarnes and ask for the goverment to invest resources in this violence
The orange day is a incitive of the ONU and severeal feminist groups for coming up against the women and girls violence

what activities are done

In schools
watch documentals or a movie about women violencen to know better this type of violence
read books and afterwards represent the characters of this to feel what have happened to the main characters
make a mural with their hand marks painted in orange
In cities
talks provides by feminist/ONU association

when it is celebrated

It is celebrated the 25th of each month

what is the orange day

The colour orange was chosen because it represents a brilliant and optimist future without women and girls violence.
The orange day is an international day for the elimination of violence against women