Categories: All - biology - photosynthesis - mitochondria - glycolysis

by Diego Pimentel 6 years ago


Biology Photosynthesis Boricua

The biological processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration are essential for energy production in living organisms. Photosynthesis occurs in thylakoid membranes within chloroplasts, where light-dependent reactions generate ATP and NADPH using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide.

Biology Photosynthesis Boricua

Biology Photosynthesis Boricua


Light Independent
occur in stroma

chloraphyll molecules in thylakoids capture sun evergy and store in energy cariars



Light reactions
Occur in thylakoid membranes

requires constant supply of water and CO2

Leaves must open stomata to admit CO2 but close to prevent excess water loss from evaporation

6CO2 breaks down into 6 carbon sugar called glucose

Produce NADPH in photosystem II

Prouduce ATP in photosystem I

Cellular Respiration

Electron Transport Chain
Gain NADH and FADH2 from Kreb's Cycle

Produce 32 more ATP and water

Kreb's Citris Acid Cycle
Occurs in mitochondria

the pyruvate from the glycosis breaks down

Creates the followins




Occurs in cytoplasm

Uses 2 ATP, makes 4 ATP (gains 2 total)

Split glucose into pyruvate