does light travels in straight line-by young scientist LuoYouYi

5. Observations you want your students to make/Questions to answer

1. can you know does light travels in a straight line before the experiment?
2.predict whether lights travel in a straight line before the experiment
3.does light travels in a straight line?

6. Conclusion - (Cloze passage with the KEY CONCEPT like in your workbook)

light will alwys travel in a straight line we can see light spreading because it shines on the objiects and the objects shine the ligt back into our eyes.

Main topic


2. Aim

to find out if lights travel in a straight line

3. Materials

1. 4 pieces of blue tags
2. three pieces of black paper ( must be bigger then the torchlight)
3. a piece of cardboard
4. a pair of scissor
5. a torchlight

4. Procedure/Steps (+ Diagrams)

1. cut a hole in between the papers
2. stick the blue tacks at the end of the paper and the end of the cardboard
3. place the papers in a straight line
4. place the cardboard behind the third paper
5. off the lights
6. shine the torchlight on the hole

References (Where did I get my idea or any information in this mindmap from)

1. youtube
2. science class from outside