Ve Lesson 04 : Nuke Interface


How the VFX professional might be involved at early stages in ensuring that data and imagery is captured and formatted correctly, ready for later use. By the end of this lesson you should have a good body of knowledge of how to plan a VFX shot

2. AIMS : This lesson aims to :

Equip students with a background understanding of where
the imagery and data they will be dealing with
in their professional lives originates from.

Ingrain in the learner an understanding of the importance of
file formats, planning, and robust workflows.

3 .LEARNING OUTCOMES: On completion students will be able to demonstrate

That they can recognise key issues regarding creating
images and data and how VFX personnel might be involved
in the early stages of such creation.

A first hand experience of a shoot,

An understanding of techniques for shooting a correctly
exposed screen.

Practical elements that show the student has negotiated
issues of modifying, cleaning up or packaging imagery or
data professionally

4. OUTLINE CONTENT/TOPIC : outline the plan for that day's class, points to go over, important demos etc.

This Lesson will be an interactive practical decision. We will introduce key concepts on how to film for VFX.

We will discuss students previous experiences whilst obtaining footage for VFX shots

In groups you will be given a scenario on a flash card. Each group will then

5. LEARNING ACTIVITIES : Demos, playing with files, exercises in class, solve problematic shot or swap work with VFX students

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5


work files


What is Hdri

HDRI tips and tricks


The Foundry



Pre-load is given students days or a week prior to the lesson if possible so they can study it at home before they come to class so they wouldn't start with a blank slate in your class.


Watch and take notes on the colour management tutorial videos located on the foundry website


Requisite taken from different lessons




Digital Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014

Tutor notes