Evaluation Question 6:
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
We used Final Cut Pro for all of our editing.
Before we started making our horror opening
we all had a basic knowledge on how to use
Final Cut Pro, but after editing our final product
we gained a much deeper understanding of how the
software works. We now know how to adjust the
gradient of shots, how to create idents using online
copyright free footage etc.

We have learnt about using Nikon cameras and
how they produce high quality images. We had
to learn how to securely put the camera onto the
tripod so we could get a still shot and also this allowed
us to pan across the whole location, meaning we could
have a steady establishing shot.

In our preliminary task we only used
the microphones on the camera to
record sound, we sound this produced
a 'tinny' which we didn't want in our
final product. So to get higher quality
sound for our final product we recorded
sound separately on Beth's Zoom H4N.
This produced much clearer, sharper
sound quality.
We used a variety of different media platforms and each was used for a different reason. Here are some
of the main platforms we used and why.
This is an online presentation tool that we
used to present our ideas in a visually appealing way.
Weebly is a wed-hosting service featuring a drag-and-drop website builder. This made it very easy for us to keep track of our improvement and progression.
This is an online platform that allows you to create
either an interactive slideshow or a video. We used this platform to mostly create videos that present information through animation.
This is another online platform that enables you to create
a presentation, but Prezi allows you to create presentations that captivates your audience by zooming through your presentation. We used this platform to create presentations that included a lot of information, which needed to be chunked to make it easier to understand.
This is an online platform that allows users to create
a multi-media poster with various layouts, shapes and
designs to choose from. We used this platform when
creating posters that included both text and pictures.
This online platform allows users to express their thoughts on a common topic easily. We used this platform to put forward our film pitch and gain feedback from our audience on what they liked and how we can improve.
This is an online presentation tool that enables users to upload their Powerpoint presentations that can then be embedded and shared online. We used this platform to analysis our research in an effective way, where we wouldn't just have to re-type everything on our blogs.
This online platform allows users to create an interactive, visually engaging timeline. Many of us used this to highlight the change evolution of horror as a genre.
ZooBurst is a digital storytelling tool that lets users create their own 3D pop-up books. This was used in our preliminary evaluation to explain how we could improve, but in a more interactive and engaging way.