2030 Canadian Social Change Predictions


LGBTQ Equality will increase dramatically. Acceptance of various sexual orientation has been on the rise in Canada. Millennials are much more accepting. Positive LGBTQ representation has been portrayed through media, education, as well as legally (specifically non-discriminative laws written in section 15 in the Charter). This positive acceptance will slowly make people become more and more accepting over time.

Women have a more equal place in the workforce. With Feminism being more prevalent in Canadian society it only makes sense that more women will begin to join male dominated professions such as engineering, doctor, lawyer, etc.

More Diverse government positions. The push for diversity in the government has been a major one. Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau has introduce his cabinet as 1:1 men to women ratio, a Muslim minister, and introduced the first aboriginal justice minister. Diversity is being pushed throughout government and this should in turn introduce more laws with more concerns of diversity.


Incoming Recession. Roughly every 10 years there is an economic recession. The last recession was back in 2008 so another recession should be coming sooner rather than later.

Rise of Unemployment. With the rise of technology businesses rely on it to perfom typical blue collard work. This will result an over negative sentiment towards technology from the working class.


Decrease in Catholic Schools. Catholic schools are will decrease in popularity as their will be a lower percentage of catholics. Atheism and Agnostic views are becoming increasingly popular. Immigration is brining in waves of non-catholic people that want to practice their own unique religion. The ere of catholic school is slowly fading as people are not as catholic as they used to be.

Education through Technology. The PDSB has endorsed technology as a new medium for education. They introduced the BYOD policy, google classroom/D2L, online research. As technology advances and the world revolves around it, it only makes sense to educate the youth in technology to prepare them for the real world.


Worsening of Climate Change: Climate Change has progressively gotten worse and worse as the temperature increases by 2 degrees celsius every year. With Trump pulling out of the Paris Agreement it will only worsen the conditions.

Social Issues

Gun Violence will rise. Recently there has been many more shootings throughout Canada. There is not one definitive answer as to why it is increasing so suddenly. Since we dont know why it is increasing we cant do anything about it which will only worsen the problem.

Slight change in beauty standards. Rarely has beauty standards have stayed identical throughout decades. Some sort of subtle changes should occur. With all of the body positive movements taking place that change can take place sooner rather than later.

Increase of Mental Illness Awareness. There is currently a lot of stigma around mental illnesses. With many movements from companies like RBC are raising awareness for mental illness.