American Government

Judicial Branch

Supreme Court

The Supreme Court's main job is to uphold the Constitution of the United States. They hear many cases a year that people think the lower courts got wrong. Whatever they decide is final, they are the highest court in the United States.

Legislative Branch

House of Representatives/Senate

These two sides are people who get elected by the people of the U.S. Their job is to listen to the people's voice and make laws and push legislation to the President and make this nation one that people enjoy living in.

Executive Branch

President of the United States

The President makes the laws of the land that are brought to his desk by the Legislative Branch. He has the right to veto but his veto can be tossed if the Legislative Branch passes it through again.

The Cabinet

The Cabinet includes 15 heads of different departments which include:

The Secretary of State

John Kerry

The Secretary of the Treasury

Jack Lew

The Secretary of Defense

Chuck Hagel

Attorney General

Eric H. Holder Jr.

The Secretary of the Interior

Sally Jewell

The Secretary of Agriculture

Thomas J. Vilsack

The Secretary of Commerce

Acting- Rebecca Blank

The Secretary of Labor

Acting- Seth D. Harris

The Secretary of Health and Human Services

Kathleen Sebelius

The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

Shaun L.S. Donovan

The Secretary of Transportation

Ray LaHood

The Secretary of Energy

Arne Duncan

The Secretary of Vetrans' Affairs

Eric K. Shinseki