カテゴリー 全て - flexibility - acceptance - culture - rules

によって Nga Ta 3年前.


Vietnamese Culture

In Vietnamese culture, there exists a significant tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity, as reflected by a low Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) score of 30. This cultural trait manifests in a relaxed attitude where practical actions are often valued over rigid ideas, and deviations from societal norms are more readily embraced.

Vietnamese Culture

Vietnamese Culture

Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI)

Uncertainty Avoidance : 30
Vietnam earns a 30 on the scale, showing a greater tolerance for avoiding ambiguity. Low UAI societies tend to have a more relaxed attitude, in which practice counts more than ideas and departures from the norm is more frequently accepted. Societies with low UAI cultures believe that there should be no more rules than what is needed and that if any of the rules are too vague or do not function properly than it should be removed. The schedules are flexible and hard work is done only when required and not for the pleasure of it, and creativity here is also not viewed as a threat.

My personal experience: I agree with this as my parents are more lenient and accepting to change , an example of this was when covid started the law forced everyone to stay at home and take work off as covid was starting to get serious and cases were rising. There was a strict stay at home order and during this time my parents were very accepting with this change as we were able to stay at home together and spend more time together as a family.

Masculinity vs. Femininity (MAS)

Masculinity: 40
Vietnam recieves a 40 on this scale which means they are classified as a feminine society. In feminine countries, the main goal is just to work in order to live and peoples focus on equality, solidarity and quality in their professions. They almost have almost no conflicts as they are often resolved through Agreement and discussions

My personal experience: I agree with this as well because at a very young age my parents told me stories about how they immigrated to Canada at a very young age (16) and when they got to Canada they had no money or food so they met someone at a vietnamese temple and got connections from there and worked at a factory, all they did was work and worked to get food and water.

Restraint vs Indulgence (IVR)

Indulgence : 35
With a low score of 35 on this category, Vietnam's culture may be described as Restrained.  unlike Indulgent civilizations, Restrained cultures place less importance on leisure time and exercise greater control over the fulfilment of their needs. Individuals with this viewpoint believe that their behaviours are constrained by social expectations, and that indulging oneself is unethical.

Personal Experience: From personal experiences I agree with the score and what it says. Growing up, my parents had certain expectations. Focus on school, good grades so that I can have a good future. they were very strict on these rules and so when it came to entertainment, it was very limited. Leisure time in there eyes was extra time to ":study" and do homework. They wanted me to have a good future and believed in order to do that i had to excel in my studies.

Individualism vs. Collectivism (IDV)

Individualism: 20
Vietnam is a collectivist society, with a score of 20.   In a collectivist culture, loyalty is fundamental and takes precedence over most other societal rules and regulations. A culture like this promotes deep bonds and Employer-employee interactions are viewed religiously as if they were a family.

Personal Experience: I agree with the score. I've noticed that the Vietnamese culture is very opening and loyalty is an important factor. As a child, I always noticed that it was really easy for my parents to bond with people. I remember going to the grocery store and my parents came across another Vietnamese family. They instantly became friends and started talking. My dad owns a contracting business and I remember one of his employees had just recently immigrated to Canada. My dad let him stay at our house for a couple months rent free until he was able to provide for himself. So I definitely agree with the score