によって Tiago Fernandes 2年前.
I am good at orginising my time and paper but sometimes I still forget or lose things beacuse My working memory is not the greatest.
I often have quite a busy scedual with soccer and basketball among other things, i can allways make time for work and allways find time to do it. I am a more efficant worker at school so i often try to compleat as much work at school as i can because i am not as efficant of a worker at home. My house has very many distractions like cellphones, computers, games ect.
Public speeking
I am not good at talking to new people or teaches and speeking infront of a large group of people. I need to work on my public speeking
working memory
while im at home I often forget to do things of forgot somthing when going out, thats why I need to do things like packing early for a trip so I have time to rememer if I fortget thingsS ometimes I get stressed with dedlines so I try to do things early so I am not stressed.
After a long time of sitting down and working I need to get up and streach or get some fresh air. when I am frustrated I will just get up and leave the classroom.
sometimes when I am frustrated I am not good at asking for help. When I am frustrated I will run my hands trough my hair and stair blankly at my paper.
to keep my concentration during class I need to move my feet or tap out a rythem with my hands or feet to keep me focoused.
I prefer to wear my hat or somthing comfortable during class because I compleat work most efiicantly when I am comfortable. Somtimes I also need to have somthing to figet with or wear my scarf because feeling certin textures helps me stay calm and focoused.
-For math I need extra work to practice my skills in that math topic.
-I need the teacher to write things down a a chalk board or white board, I am better at understaning things writen out in steps rather than spoken.
-Sometimes I need things to be explained multipul times for me to understand
41%Visual (Looking and seeing)
31%Kinesthetic (hands on learning/touching and doing)
28%Auditory (Hearing and listening)
Emotional control
Sometime I get upset or frustrated when I spend to long on a question or I cant understand what I am suppos to do.
Task initation
Sometime's I start work late and procrationate when I need to get work done.
Quiet classroom
quiet classrooms help me concentrate, or let me listen to music durring work peroids.
Lots of learning stratieges
I need lots of learning stratiges to make it easier to learn
because sometimes certin ways dont make sence to me or I prefer a diffrent way to do things.
Comfortable seating
comfortable seating helps me concentrate and stay foucsed durring long work periods.
Lots of class time
I need lots of classs time to compleat work because often i dont have enough home time to do homework
Tools and plans
I need tools to help with learing and plans to keep me orginised
I need to have helpfull teammates to help me get work done
To help me understand and lean I need to underline or highlight key ideas in your notes, Use graphic organizers (i.e., mind map, Venn diagram, web),
Pause, and try to create a mental image in your mind, or pause, and draw a visual representation,
Turn concepts into charts and diagrams.
Participate in more hands-on tasks during learning, Use Flash cards to sort concepts, Study in short blocks of time and give yourself breaks, Construct a model or representation of concepts.
Talk with someone about the topic,
Repeat information with your eyes closed.
41%Visual (Looking and seeing)
31%Kinesthetic (hands on learning/touching and doing)
28%Auditory (Hearing and listening)
teach new learning strategies
while learning new subjects i need new and diffrent learing strategies to help me understand new topics because some stratiges i find confusing and would rather stick to my stratige until i find an alternative.
I need to have reminders so I can remember homework and due assighnments. I need to see work posted on d2l or have an adjenda so i can keep track of my work and due dates.
speaking slowly
sometimes it is hard to understand when techers are speeking fast and it helps me to understand if the teacher speeks slower and more clearly durring class.
I prefer to use technology durring writing assignments, it is faster and easier to use when writing.
technology must be easly avaliable so i can compleat my work quickly and efficantly. I can often do my assignhments in writen form but i prefer to type them.
Quiet during tests
I need it to be quiet durring tests so I can foucus and concentrate while working
I need dim lighting durring work and tests so a can concentrate and keep a clam mind durring a test
alternitive working place
I need alternitive working spaces because sometimes i can not concentrate in that class room and i need a diffrent working space
Sustain attention
Sustain attention, because sometimes I get easily distracted in a classroom setting
Time management
I need to manage my time wisely durring school and at home to compleat work more efficiency
and be caught up and never behind on school work
Use technology responsibly
I need to use technology responisble and efficiently to compleat work and not get off topic while using technology
Less procrastination
I need to procrastinate less to get work done faster and more efficiently
I need to take a drink of water and go outside for a breath of freash air, or take a walk around the school to reduce tension. when i find a new and comfortable chair to help me calm down, realax, and restore my energy. sometimes i dark room or dim lighting can help me reduce tension and stress so I can compleat my work.
I can move myself from survival to learning mode by taking deep breaths, tuning out distractions, and drinking water to calm myself down and be ready to learn. I can take a walk or going outside helps me calm down and get myself back and ready to learn. sometime when i am feeling frustraded i need to take a breath or fresh air and observe nature it calms me down and helps me feel comfortable and helps me concentrate and work efficantly. When I am frustrated I can also get up and streach to take my mind off of things and calm myself down.
Taking a walk or going outside helps me calm down and get myself back and ready to learn. sometime when i am feeling frustraded i need to take a breath or fresh air and observe nature it calms me down and helps me feel comfortable and helps me concentrate and work efficantly. When I am frustrated I can also get up and streach to take my mind off of things and calm myself down.
I get upset when I cannot understand what I am suppost to do or when I get stuck on a hard question or it takes me a long time.
I can sometimes get upset when I have to much work to do or assighnments to compleat, I feel overwhelmed and i cant foucous and concentrate because I am stressed.
sitting still too long, hard chairs, public speeking,being put on the spot,feeling unprepared
I can find more comfortable seating, can get up and streach after sitting too long.
when I feel cold I am not comfortable and when I am not comfortable I cant do my best work. being warm and comfortable makes me feel calm.
To never be stressed about being ubprepared I need to compleat work early and efficantly so I am ready and have time to pratcice and find my errors.
To feel more comfortable with public speeking I need to finish early and pratcice so I feel comfortable andprepared
I am a very flexibal person even though I often have a busy scedual. I can allways make time for work and asighnments, often i am not as productie at home so i oreffer to compleat as much work as i can at school before i go home.
I am a very orginised person. I like to have a orginised desk or locker because it takes a lot of stress away from not knowing where things are and not being prepared.
Teamwork Skills
I have great teamwork skills like, team communication. I prefer to work in small groups and i often take the lead in the group so i know whats happening and can stay orginised and focoused.
I am not often one to hold grudges and i find i am a very loving, care free and forgiving person.
-I am good at knowing when I am getting frustrated or just before I get frustrated and I then implement my stratiges to calm myself down like, takeing a walk, getting a brath of fresh air and getting up and streaching.
-I am good at identirying when i am frustrated and i am strating to implement all my stratiges and i am not much beter at controling my emotions.
-Taking a walk or going outside helps me calm down and get myself back and ready to learn. when i am feeling frustraded i take a breath or fresh air and observe nature it calms me down and helps me feel comfortable and helps me concentrate and work efficantly.
I am a very well rounded student with consistant 80s and 90s in marks I love school in general but my favourite subjects are math and science
my favourite subjects are math and science but i love it all. I love math because i love the challenge and learning new and intersting topics. I also love scinece because i love learning about the how things on our earth occour and leaning all about our world.i espicaly love to talk about cells and the smallestunits of life. I love microscopy because it allows me to see thing i would never be able to with the naked eye and observe the things that make up our earth.
I like to learn history espicaly achinent chinese history because I am chinese and my grandfather was born there. I thnk their way of life was very interestiong and very unique. I love to understand the anchient pratcices that took place in the anchent world, their traditions, clecbrations and overall what it was like to live in thse times. I even love learn about other countries in the modern day because i only know the way of life here in canda and i find it very interseting to see what other counties are like and what the people are like.
-Not fail a single class
I need to not fail a class because when I do, I get very stressed and woried and am not able to do my best work because of wories of failing.
-Work on my time management
I would like to work on my time mangament becuase I like to get things done early so i have time to check my work and dont feel stressed for dedlines.
-Procrastinate less
I am a HUGE procrastionator and I need to procrastinate less so I can compleat work early and not be stressed for deadlines
-Get all assignments handed in on time
I need to hand everything in on time beacuse once I have too many assighnmnets at a time i get stressed and I cant do my best work
-Make at least one high school sports team
-Take music class
-Improve my art and painting
-Get all above 80% in classes
My name is Tiago Fernandes
I have a dog and a cat
Love Sports
13 years old
I love drawing
4 family members
born March 23, 2009
I do not like speaking in front of the class
I am Chinese and Portuguese
I am athleti
INTJ (The Mastermind)
INTJs prefer to work independently and tend to feel more at ease when alone or in a small group. They also tend to be reflective and self-aware, and enjoy thinking about ideas. Although INTJs may have good social skills, they generally prefer to avoid the spotlight as well as small talk, and may prefer written communication over verbal. They’re also more likely to think before speaking and have good impulse control.
When faced with a decision, INTJs tend to be more concerned with being fair and impartial than with how a decision will affect others. They also tend to place emphasis on the final product and that, along with a preference for structure, makes them good at meeting deadlines. When working as part of a team, INTJs may be more concerned that everyone does their part to get the job done, rather than being concerned that everyone gets along. They also tend to see things as being “black and white” and are likely to be perceived as being opinionated.
i am a vary athletic person and i love to play all kinds of sports like soccer basketball volleyball and just abot anything eles. I love the challenge and i love being competitive so most sports come naturaly to me. sports are a big part of my life and I couldnt live with out them.
I am a very well rounded student and i love school. I love coming to school, seeing my friends and learning. my favourite subjects are math and science but i love it all. I love math because i love the challenge and learning new and intersting topics. I also love scinece because i love learning about the how things on our earth occour and leaning all about our world.i espicaly love to talk about cells and the smallestunits of life. I love microscopy because it allows me to see thing i would never be able to with the naked eye and observe the things that make up our earth.
I like to learn history espicaly achinent chinese history because I am chinese and my grandfather was born there. I thnk their way of life was very interestiong and very unique. I love to understand the anchient pratcices that took place in the anchent world, their traditions, clecbrations and overall what it was like to live in thse times. I even love learn about other countries in the modern day because i only know the way of life here in canda and i find it very interseting to see what other counties are like and what the people are like.
My favourite soccer team is portugal. me and my dad are portugese and i love to play soccer and so does my dad. he grew up playing soccer and so did i. I love portugal because my dad was born there and i feel very connected to it because of my portugese heiratige.
I love to watch the toronto blue jays because they are the closest team in canda to belleville and i often go there for soccer trip and to watch a jays game. I also grew up going to jays games so i feel very invested since I grew up watching them.
I like to be the leader of the group and voice my opinions. Because sometimes i find it hard to listen to others ideas instead of my own and i can also stay ontop of what work needs to be done and i feel more orginised when i am taking charge. i often like to work in small groups as oppose to large groups because it is easyer to work together and communicate.
I communicate oraly or trough emails. sometimes I will feel uncomfortable asking questions in front of the class so I will come and ask you later or I will use email.
sometimes when I spend too long and dont undersantd questions I get frustrated beacuse I dont know what to do but that is when I need to use my stratiges to calm down, like taking a walk to clear my head so I can compleat my best work
I can also get frustaded when I have to much work unfinished. I get stressed because I have to many asighnments and due dates that my head gets over crowded and i feel stressed and overwhelmed. to clam myself down i like to take a walk outside and distract my mind from my work unitl im ready so i can hopefully continue to get work done.
Comfortable seating/alternative working places
Comfortable chairs help me stay calm so I can be focoused and do my best work. I like chairs that are soft and comfortable to compleat my work in or durring a long lecture. I also like flexibal seating and alternative working places because sometimes i dont feel comfortable or dont feel focoused in the class room.
Taking a walk or going outside helps me calm down and get myself back and ready to learn. sometime when i am feeling frustraded i need to take a breath or fresh air and observe nature it calms me down and helps me feel comfortable and helps me concentrate and work efficantly
dim lighting
Dim lighting helps me calm down and relax when I am stressed. sometimes the dark calms me down and allows me to feel relaxed and ready to learn
I love my frineds, they bring me so much joy and i couldnt imagin a world woth out them. I dont see them much outside of school wich is why i love coming to school so much. I have such great frineds because most of us have known eachother since kindergarden and we have grown our friendship ever since then.
I love school because I get to learn and see my friends.
I love learning new math and doing science expierments and labs. I love math because i love the challenge and learning new and intersting topics and my whole family loves it as well it is in my genitics to love math. i espicaly love things like algebra and scintifc notation.
I am a vary athletic person and i love to play all kinds of sports like soccer basketball volleyball and just abot anything eles. I love the challenge and i love being competitive so most sports come naturaly to me. sports are a big part of my life and I couldnt live with out them. I love portugal because i love to play soccer and so does my dad. he grew up playing soccer and so did i. I love portugal because my dad was born there and i feel very connected to it because of my portugese heiratige. I love to watch the toronto blue jays because they are the closest team in canda to belleville and i often go there for soccer trip and to watch a jays game. I also grew up going to jays games so i feel very invested since I grew up watching them.