カテゴリー 全て - egypt - canada - distance - individualism

によって Mohammad Al-Ajolouni - Rick Hansen SS (2542) 6年前.


Hofsted's Cultural Dimensions

The cultural dimensions of Egypt and Canada can be compared using Hofstede's framework. Egypt demonstrates a high power distance, suggesting a hierarchical social structure where authority and rank are respected and rarely questioned.

Hofsted's Cultural Dimensions

Hofsted's Cultural Dimensions

- A Masculine society is driven by competition, individuals with the objective of being the best. - A Feminine society is driven by moral values, caring for other members of the society, and quality of life.
The tolerance of a society towards uncertainty, referring to the concern of people in search of truth


Canada 36, Nigeria 13

Nigeria's very low score in orientation come from their strong religious and cultural beliefs and norms. They hold these aspects very close to them.

Canada 80, Nigeria 30

Nigeria's low score make them a collective community. They prefer to do things in groups, family, and as a community

Canada 52, Nigeria 60

Canada has a moderately masculine community, while Nigeria has a higher score. Making it a majority masculine community that live by "Live to Work"

Canada 48, Nigeria 55

Canada is more uncertainty accepting, They are open to new ideas and thoughts in contrast to Nigeria. Canada in a sense is more open minded.

Canada 37, Nigeria 80

Canada is ranked lower as class ism and overt status is almost none existent.

The way a society maintains its historical culture, while also recognizing and dealing with current and future challenges.
The inequality among people in a society as a consequence in The cultural approach equality and possession of power within institutions and organizations.


-The low score of 7 in regards to Orientation indicates that Egyptian culture is a highly normative. -Egyptians have a strong will to establish truth.

Canada's Score: 36 - Canada is also possesses a normative culture - There is a greater will to achieve quick results, as for in Egypt, establishing truth is the main focus regardless of any other aspect.

- Egypt scores 25 in Individualism, making it a collective society. - The society highly depends upon the strong relationships between people, and the responsibility of individuals on collaborating with fellow members.

Canada's Score: 80 - Canada has an individualist culture, unlike Egypt - Society and business highly consist of self-reliance and individual initiative.

Masculinity vs. Femininity
- Egypt scores 45, meaning, it is considered a fairly feminine society. - The objective is "working in order to live". - The people are concerned more about ensuring quality of life, as well as enjoyment, instead of competing to be the best.

Canada's Score: 52 - Canada is considered to have a moderately masculine culture. - Canada push and strive for high standards in matters such as sports and business. - However, Canadians are also hard-workers. - The Canadian focus moves more towards excellence alongside quality of life, not completely focusing on one aspect, which distinguishes it from feminine countries like Egypt.

Uncertainty Avoidance
-Egypt has a preference of avoiding uncertainty, with a score of 80. -The Egyptian culture creates an emotional need to maintain strict rules. -There is an urge for people to be busy and work hard, highly valuing time

Canada's Score: 48 - Acceptance of new ideas and innovation - Willingness to try something new - Obtain new cultural practices along with technological advancements

Power Distance
- Egypt scores high in terms of Power Distance, with a score of 70. - Egyptians are fairly accepting of a hierarchical order and ,requiring no further justification.

Canada's Score: 39 - There is a smaller gap in terms of power distance in Canada than in Egypt. - It is customary for individuals in a superior position of work to consult other members that may be below them in the power hierarchy at work.

Individualism vs. Collectivism

- A society that is built upon Individualism involves members of society that learn to be independent and look after themselves and direct family. - A collective society involved members who are part of a group, that take care of them, while giving their loyalty in return.