カテゴリー 全て - inequality - gender - health - communication

によって Xilena Martinez 1年前.


Gender Research: A How-To Guide Instraw (2017)

Gender-sensitive research emphasizes the importance of considering both biological and societal differences between sexes. Since the 1970s, the field of development has recognized the need to address inequalities and insecurities that disproportionately affect women, such as higher poverty rates and increased violence, including domestic and sexual abuse.

Gender Research: A How-To Guide
Instraw (2017)

Gender Research: A How-To Guide Instraw (2017)

1. Why gender-sensitive research?

Women, gender and research
The importance of taking both sex and gender differences into consideration

Health care and medicine development

Gender differences

Lung cancer mortality rate

Smoking is consider an atractive marker of masculinity

Societal standards

Married woman contracts HIV

Prevents women from insisting on condom use

Encourage men's promiscuity

Community norms

Prevent women from traveling alone to a clinic

Biological differences

Sex hormones



Menstrual cycle


1970: Field of development
Programme design and implementation
Policy formulation
Inequalities and insecurity



Feminisation of poverty

Women have a higher incidence of poverty than men

2. Top Ten Characteristics of Gendered Research

10. Research as political action
Create social change
Generate a concrete impact on policy and programme formulation
9. “Non-traditional” qualitative research methods
Include the voices of the research participants
Personal histories
Life stories
8. Analysis of power hierarchies
Taking action to address power inequalities
7. Inter-disciplinarity
Topics from multiple academic fields
6. Critique of standard science and social science research theories and methods
Questioning the concepts of objectivity and universality

Valuing experimental knowledge, emotions and self-reflexivity

5. Changing the research process
Doing research to empower women

'Doing research with people rather than on them'

4. Inclusion and diversity
Include all the target groups

Especial attention to the marginalized groups

3. Gender vs women
Understand the definitions

Women are not a single homogeneous group





2. Gender analysis
Examination of information

In order to




1. Gender roles and relations
Power relations

Tend to favour men at different levels





Socially-constructed roles

Implie different




Are the results of being born male or female

3. Gendering your research in five phases

Phase Five: Reflexivity and Lessons Learned
Refelct not only on the resear subject but also on the way of conducting reseach in general

How successful were you in getting the community involved?

Did you uncover any gender-related issues in your research that need further examination?

Researches can reflect, examine critically and analyse the process

The presentation

The solution

The outcomes

The project

The research

The methods

Phase Four: Communicating your results
The use of research for social change

Raise public awareness

Change public opinion on issues such as violence against women

These findings can be reported to general public or specific target groups

How will you present these messages and your findings in an accessible way?

What is the message that you would like to communicate?

Requiere more accessible mode of communication



Public meetings


Information campaigns

Creation of political will

Institutional commitment to address and resolve the problem


Transmission of HIV/AIDS

Violence against women

The communication of research results depends on the main audience

Teleconference including visual aids

Report on an organization's website

Written report

Phase Three: Analyzing the data
Examination of information on gender differences

Do women and men have differential access to water?

Who travels to collect the water – what role do gender relations play?

The findings must be used to shape the design of policies

Phase Two: Choosing your methods
Qualitative methods

Participant observer

The most time-consuming method

Attempt immersion in local life to identify



Internal relationships



Focus group discussions

Take into account men and women's experiences

Should be structured so the participants are both given the liberty to discuss the issues

Life histories

Discuss those issues that could be pertinent

Personal perspective and information related to different issues

Open-ended interviews

More detailed and personal informartion

Quantitative methods


Numerical methods

Laboratotry experiments

Surveys and questionnaires

Take into account the target group experiences

Sensitive questions to both gender

Choosing the method depends on the questions formulation process.

Documents specifically focusing on women and gender aspects?

Have women been involved in drafting these documents?

Data is collected from two sources

Primary research


Secondary research


Phase One: Choosing research topics and research objectives
Indicators design

What data will be needed in order to measure the impact of your research?

What is the end goal that the research hopes to achieve?

Meassure the effectiveness of the project

For example

Gender equity

Number of children

Household income

Level of education

Should be formulated in a participatory way

Always considering the perspective of women

Meassure the progress of a specific programme

Track changes in gendre relations





Research question formulation

Consider how men and women are affected by an issue

How does the issue affect men and women differently?

How will this research affect men and women differently?

Identify the stakeholders


How might these policies affect men and women differently?

Will the results as well as the process itself be empowering or disempowering for women?