カテゴリー 全て - politics - traditions - culture - language

によって Schneller Evan 4年前.


evs work

The text describes how the identity of Canada is perceived through various elements such as traditions, culture, history, politics, language, and symbols. It elaborates on the history of Mennonites in Canada, highlighting their arrival mainly in the 1920s and the religious persecution they faced from different religious groups.

evs work

Canada's Identity THEN (Grade 7) and NOW (Grade 6): It is how we and others perceive our traditions, culture, history, politics, language and symbols.

My culture's History in Canada:

my culture immagrated to canada in 1950-1970 we were italian,thou my grandfather imagrated in 1965,then my family left for italia,then we re-imagrated(moms side),my family was not dicriminated agenst becuse most italians imagrated much erlier.

Choose any Third World Country in Canada

iranian immagrants started to imagrate in 1882,they faced simaler discrimination to the blck communitys,but they were expesialy targeted for theyre religion,christion communitys found theyre religion so out there that they even called them devil worshipers in some communitys,they later faced discrimination after events like 9 11 and bombings,thay were the target of many peoples gref

Chinese History in Canada

the chinese immagrated in 1858 around the end of the gold rush,they were exploted alot for profite or lazyness.they were also discriminated agenst,the chinese struggled with being exploted and given bad pay for harsher work than white workers

Black History in Canada

black slaves came to canada in 17th centry and slavery was abolished in 1884,many stayed in canada and set up new lives,but as slaves they were mistreated and still are to some degree,they also faced being wrongly persacuted,i.e stoped for no reason,seen as the criminal if they were in a line up with mostly white people,ect.

Mennonite History in Canada

the memenites came to canada mainly in the 1920's but also came in small "packs" many yars elier,i can find frequint cases of political party members harrassing this culture,this is sad even for this progresive era,they face/faced religius prosicution from people who were cathlic/prodistint depending on if they were cathlic or prodistint missionarys

Japanese History in Canada

in 1877 japanese imagrants imagrate to B.c mostly,they faced confusion as many thought that the chinese and japanese were the same and were discriminated agenst as if they were chinese,they also wernt given jobs in some cases since "they looked weird" forcing many to take bad jobs,or being forced to do odd jobs,like dilivers,construction or requests like take this money and buy me a pizza.

Greek History in Canada

Grade 7 Example
Symbols: Greeks were even the targets of the racism. The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA)—one of the largest Hellenic heritage groups in the world—was founded in 1922 in direct response to the racism and bigotry Greeks experienced in the U.S. On October 28, 1928, AHEPA Supreme President George Philies started the first Canadian Chapter of AHEPA in Toronto. 10 years after that date, AHEPA was coast to coast in Canada and serving the members, society, and leaving an incredible impression in each community in which we were engaged. Montreal, Ottawa, Belleville, Windsor, Kitchener, London, Hamilton, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Regina, Vancouver, Burnaby, and Victoria.
Struggles: Anti Greek Riots 1918: The riots would also permanently alter the face of the city, driving the Greek community out of the neighbourhood they had carved out near Yonge and, eventually, into an eastern corridor named Danforth Avenue. And by the time it was all over—after then-mayor Tommy Church invoked the Riot Act and called in the military police—hundreds would be injured, many would be arrested, and damage to Greek property would total more than $1 million by today’s values.
Grade 6 Example
People : Canadians of Greek origin continue to remain proud of their heritage, keeping the culture alive in their new country, recent immigrants from Greece are rare. While in 2000, 362 newcomers from Greece were counted, by 2009, that number dropped to 205.

Souvaliotis, the marketer behind the Green Rewards program, bestselling author (Misfit: Autistic, Gay, Immigrant, Changemaker) and prolific speaker Andreas Souvaliotis is a leading Canadian advocate for innovative approaches to address public health, climate change, diversity and citizenship.


Symbols: The Business Improvement Area voted to change the name to GreekTown on the Danforth in 1993. GreekTown on the Danforth is the largest Hellenic business community in North America and indeed is the third largest in the world after Greece and Melbourne, Australia.