によって Beth Powell 5年前.
EPSY 5463 Week 1
Tara Westover, raised in an isolated Mormon family with minimal formal education, experienced a transformative journey through self-education and college. Initially homeschooled with little academic rigor, she lacked awareness of significant historical and social issues.
WHEN: The summer before her
first year of college WHERE: Her family home BYU WHAT: Learned to seek knowledge
and understanding so that she would
not be influenced to be hurtful and/or
offensive to others. WHO: Tara Westover
white, educated,
mormon, BYU student She took a U.S. History
where she learned about
slavery and the Civil Rights
Movement. She went back home with
knowledge and understanding. WHO: Tara Westover
white, uneducated,
mormon, isolated. She was homeschooled
but hardly any schooling
occurred. She taught herself ACT
content, which does not
include a history section. She had no context for
African American
struggles in the U.S.
beyond a text book that
said colonial slaves had
it better than their
master's. WHEN: The summer after her
first year of college The summer before she laughed at
being called "nigger." She went to college, took a history
course, and learned about slavery
and the Civil RightsMovement She returned home and was offended
by the use of the word "nigger." "...never again would I allow myself
to be made a foot solider in a conflict
I did not understand." Educated by Tara Westover, page 181