カテゴリー 全て - cost - shipping - adjustment - api

によって Endri Siswanto 6年前.


Combine Shipping

The project involves the development and refinement of various shipping and logistics APIs to enhance functionality and efficiency. Key tasks include splitting an existing API into two separate ones for better management, creating new APIs for package creation and pickup requests, and recalculating shipping costs without previous adjustments.

Combine Shipping

Combine Shipping

Phase 1

Mobile Apps

Remove "ubah" shipping per order item

Promotion Center

Shipping Adjustment

Remove Shipping Adjustment features


Get AirwayBill (existing API assignAirwayBill)

Split into two APIs

Create new API requestPickupTo3PL

Create new API getAirwayBillOnly

Shipping Center


Create new API getShippingAdjustment

Copy Shipping Adjustment features from X-Promotion

Create package

Return new shippingCost, adjustment, packageId

Recalculate shipping cost & adjustment

Generate new packageId

Create new API combineAndCalculateShippingCost

Create new API to recalculate shipping cost & adjustment


Order List

"New" Status

Bulk Print Shipping Label

"Buat Paket"

Create new API to createPackageAndPrintShippingLabel

Call X-Order printShippingLabel

Call X-Order createPackage


Create new filter "Paket terbuat", "Paket belum dibuat"


MTA Related

Pick Up (PU)

Create new API for PU

Call X-Logistic requestPickupTo3PL

Check if package is not yet created ?

Call createPackage service

Fraud Passed (FP)

Create new API createPackage

Call X-Logistic getAirwayBillOnly

Set timestamp package created

Add new status "PC" to order item history

Some packages selected ?

Call X-Shipping createPackage

Shipping cost recalculation

Remove shipping cost & adjustment recalculation


Payment Approved

Send initialPackageId to X-Order

Order Expired

Decrease logistic capacity counter by number of packageId

Pay Order

Increase logistic capacity counter by number of packageId


Call X-Shipping getShippingAdjustment

Call X-Shipping combineAndCalculateShippingCost

Return initialPackageId