Media Center Program 2011-2012

Library Development

End of Yr. Surveys

Cataloguing New Materials

Time Management Tracking

Displays in Back Commons


Self-Check Station (if Judy can fix)


Subversive Handouts for Students

OPAC Promotion



Website Development


Staff Directory

E-mail Links for Staff

Media/Technology Committee

Building Technology Skills



Staff Development

Professional Learning Course for Teachers

Class Websites

Web 2.0 Tools

Mac Tools taught on November 9th

Relay for Life

Fundraising Committees


Event Fundraising

Links for Life (November through December 12th, 2011)

Library Webinars

K12 Online Conference November 21- December 8, 2011

Rock Star Advocacy for Libraries November 7, 2011

Back to School Special: Savvy Starts to a New Year September 12, 2011

Twitter for Professional Learning

#tichat (Technology Integration Chat)

#digcit (Digital Citizenship Chat)

ISMF- International Student Media Festival workshops

Collaborating with other media specialists

S. Fuentes in Long County

Library Promotion

Subversive Handouts

Book Talks on Tiger TV

The Merry Media Center Blog (

Media Festival

School level

County level

State level


Edmodo Boosinator Group

Tiger TV

The School Library Link (bimonthly) sent home in October

Parent Learning Sessions

Reading Promotion

Book Talks on Tiger TV

2 Scholastic Book Fairs

Display in Back Commons Area

NFL Books

Career Books

Children's Book Week

Dr. Seuss Week

AR Program

Ice Cream Parties held on November 17th and 18th, 2011


Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl

Meet with Students

Practice Bowls Held on Nov. 4, 9, and 18th, 2011

Hall Display

Public Library Summer Reading Promotion on Tiger TV

Dot Day

Picture Book Month- posts on The Merry Media Center Blog each week

Collection Development

Easy Picture Books

Graphic Novels

Non-fiction to match Common Core Standards

E-books or TumbleBooks?